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Unit 6. Advertising

Слова и выражения для запоминания:

1 paragraph

to develop развивать

vehicle транспорт, средство

to sell продавать

consumption потребление

consumer потребитель

society общество

2 paragraph

to date back to датироваться, существовать с такого-то времени

merchant купец

wares товары

customer потребитель, клиент

sign знак, вывеска, надпись

to indicate показывать

to continue продолжать

ancient. древний

advertisements (ad, advert) реклама

wall стена

to excavate вести раскопки

poster плакат, афиша

to emerge появляться

movable type наборный шрифт

3 paragraph

to establish основать, учреждать

favorite любимый, предпочитаемый

to feature показывать, изображать

entire весь, целый

page страница

4 paragraph

credit честь

to be on his heels следовать за, догонять

to perceive понимать, осознавать

space пространство, место

5 paragraph

to join соединять,присоединяться

soap мыло

candle свеча

advertiser рекламодатель

early ранний, первый

to represent представлять

rather than а не

nation страна

6 paragraph

deceptive вводящий в заблуждение; обманный

to exaggerate преувеличивать

to claim утверждать

to cure лечить

cancer рак

baldness облысение

potion зелье, снадобье

relief облегчение

to deaden притуплять, ослаблять

pain боль

trade торговля, профессия

Упражнение 1.Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. What associations do you have when you come across the word “advertising”?

  2. What is the purpose of advertising?

  3. Name two recent advertising campaigns that have your attention. What in particular interested you?

Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Text 7.How advertising developed

1 Mass advertising as we know it today began in the 19th century and developed with industrialization and mass production. It became the vehicle to sell mass consumption to new consumer-oriented society.

2 But the concept of advertising dates back to early civilization. In 3000 BC Babylonian merchants hired barkers1 to hawk2 their wares to prospective customers. They also placed signs over their doorways to indicate what they sold. This practice continued in Ancient Greece and Rome.: Advertisements were found on walls in the streets of the excavated Roman city of Pompeii. The use of handbills, posters and newspapers advertisements emerged after Gutenberg developed movable type in the 15th century.

3 When Benjamin Franklin established the Philadelphia Gazette in 1729, it soon became the favorite medium for advertisers. In 1784 a daily newspaper featured an entire front page of advertisements for such things as dry goods3, food, wine and tobacco products.

4 Credit for organizing the first advertising agency goes to Volney Palmer, who in 1841 started an agency in Philadelphia. On his heels in this new business was another pioneer, John Hooper. These men perceived the need for someone to help publishers sell space to advertisers.

5 This new industry developed just four years after William Procter and James Gamble joined forces to make soap and candles. Their company - Procter & Gamble – is today one of the biggest advertisers in the world. These early agencies represented publishers rather than advertisers and worked quite differently than agencies today. By the1870s, however, N.W. Ayer - the nation’s oldest ad agency – began representing advertisers, helping them to get the best results for their advertising dollars.

6 A lot of early advertising was deceptive and exaggerated. This was the era of patent medicines4, that claimed to cure everything – from cancer to baldness. Some of the potions gave relief because their high alcohol content deadened pain. Some even contained pain-relieving cocaine and morphine. In 1906 Congress passed the Pure Food and Drug Act to control such advertising, and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) was formed in 1913 to regulate untruthful claims in advertising



1. barker - зазывала

to hawk - торговать вразнос

2. handbill - рекламный листок

3. dry goods – текстильные товары; бакалейные товары(

4, patent medicine - готовое лекарство (продающееся без рецепта врача)

Упражнение 2.Найдите синонимы:

  1. emerge

  1. connect , link , unite

  1. to join

  1. soften, weaken

  1. perceive

  1. buy, get, acquire

  1. deaden

  1. magnify, increase

  1. cure

  1. appear

  1. purchase

  1. understand, realize, see

  1. exaggerate

  1. heal, help

Упражнение 3..Подберите наиболее удачный эквивалент для выделенных слов:

  1. It became the vehicle to sell mass consumption to new consumer-oriented society.

a. means b. agent c. machine

  1. But the concept of advertising dates back to early civilization.

a. is made for b. have existed since c. goes out with

  1. The use of handbills, posters and newspapers advertisements emerged after Gutenberg developed movable type in the 15th century.

a. became visible b. became important c. appeared

  1. Credit for organizing the first advertising agency goes to Volney Palmer, who in 1841 started an agency in Philadelphia.

a. contribution b. public acknowledgement c. money

  1. These men perceived the need for someone to help publishers sell space to advertisers.

a. understood b. interpreted c. observed

  1. Some of the potions gave relief because their high alcohol content deadened pain.

a. liquids with healing properties b. parts c. ingredients

Упражнение 4 Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы:

  1. When did mass advertising as we know it today begin?

  2. Why did the Babylonian merchants hire barkers?

  3. In what form did advertising exist in Ancient Greece and Rome?

  4. What invention made possible the use of handbills, posters, newspaper advertisements?

  5. When did advertising in print media expand?

  6. Who organized the first advertising agency?

  7. Did early agencies represent publishers or advertisers?

  8. What is the American oldest ad agency?

  9. Was advertising in the 19thcentury US truthful?

Упражнение 5 Прочитайте текст, определите, какие утверждения соответствуют его содержанию

Case study

  1. WEAF radio station in New York began selling airtime for advertisers before 1920.

  2. Television appeared in 1926-27 with the formation of NBC and CBS.

  3. The daily serials became known as the soap opera because they advertized soap products.

Although radio first began to function as mass media communication medium in 1920, it was not until 1922 that station WEAF in New York began selling airtime for advertisers - $100 for 10 minutes. When the picture entered network broadcasting in 1926-27with the formation of NBC and CBS, the new medium potential to carry advertisements was fully realized. Ad agencies began producing programs for advertisers. The ad business had become show business. A New York ad agency, Blackett-Sample-Hummert, developed a new type of daytime drama for Procter & Gamble’s soap products. The daily serial became known as the soap opera.



Слова и выражения для запоминания: