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английский учебник ав.Антонов.doc
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Active Vocabulary To have excellent references –иметь прекрасные отзывы

Supportive environment - хорошая рабочая обстановка

Officer – должностное лицо

Connections - связи

To discharge - уволить

Red tape – канцелярская работа

Deadline – конечный срок

Legal contract – трудовое соглашение

to pay interest on smth—выплачивать проценты по ч-л

to stop interest payment—приостановить выплату про­центов

outstanding loan—неоплаченный заем

Eurodollar loan—заем, полученный на рынке евродол­ларов

non-income-producing loan — заем, не приносящий до­ход

dubious (doubtful) loan—заем, погашение которого вызы­вает сомнение

had loan — просроченный заем

to repay a loan — выплатить заем

to lake over the chair-—взять па себя обязанности пред­седателя

to do smth via—делать ч-л посредством ч-л

to he mindful of smth—помнить о ч-л

to stand for smthi—поддерживать ч-л

to have one's say—изложить свою точку зрения

to run a hank—руководить банком

to accuse smh of mismanagement and fraud—обвинить к-л в некомпетентности и мошенничестве

to do smthi in a preemtive strike—нанести предупреждаю­щий удар

to have smthi on a (short-term. medium, long, overnight)

deposit—держать в банке к-л сумму на к-л депозите

to brew (fig)—назревать

Comprehension Questions

Look at these typical ‘difficult questions’. How would you answer them.

  1. Perhaps you`d like to start by telling us about yourself?

  2. So what have you learn from your previous job?

  3. What would you say are your strong points?

  4. And your weak points?

Exercise 1.

Interviewers need to see evidence of the following skills and personal qualities. Give examples from your previous experience.

Business skills Ability to make money

Ability to save money

Ability to save time

Ability to follow procedures

Professional skills Honesty Pride in your work

Ability to work in teams

Analytical skills Reliability (you can be trusted)

Personal qualities Communicational skills

Listening skills


Motivation and determination

Friendliness and openness

Right for the department

Right for the company image

Exercise 2. Answer the questions.

  1. Can you work under pressure - time pressure?

  2. How do you take direction and criticism?

  3. It sounds like you enjoy your work. Why do you want to leave yur current job?

  4. So what sort of challengers are you looking for?

  5. And what are your career objectives?

  6. Are you willing to go where the company sends you?

Grammar Exercises Exercise 1. Make the sentences negative.

Model: They have held a meeting.

They haven't held a meeting.

1. The stockholders have elected the Board of Directors.

2. This corporation has issued the stock.

3. The Board of Directors has chosen i' company officers.

4. This company has greatly expanded.

5. We have already applied for a corporate charter.

Exercise 2. Translate into English.

  1. На собеседовании мне задавали много вопросов.

  2. Я собираюсь отправить свое резюме в расширяющуюся и преуспевающую компанию.

  3. Я слышал от своих знакомых, что есть вакансия в вашем отделе продаж.

  4. Я привык работать на себя.

  5. Я с удовольствием принимаю ваше предложение.

  6. С тех пор как я покинул свое прежнее место работы, я не могу найти себе подходящую должность.

  7. Я надеюсь найти здесь хорошую рабочую обстановку.