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LESSON TWO Pharmaceutical education.doc
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Time for fun

Student: But I don’t think I deserve an absolute zero.

Professor: Neither do I, but it is the lowest mark that I’m allowed to give.

* * * *

Voice on the phone: John Smith is sick and can’t attend classes today. He requested me to notify (уведомлять) you.

Professor: All right. Who is this speaking?

Voice: This is my room-mate.

* * * *

Professor: What do you know about the great philosophers of the eighteenth century?

Student: They are all dead, sir

* * * *

Cliff’s marks were poor. Father said, “I’ll give you my car if you do better.”

“All right,” Cliff said, “I’ll learn better.”

A month later his father said, “Again no progress? What did you do all this time?”

“I was learning to drive a car,” was the answer.

* * * *

No Use Trying

Uncle James: Well, Bobby, have you gained any prizes at school?

Bobby: No, sir, the other boys have got them all.

Uncle James: But you’ll keep on trying, my boy, won’t you?

Bobby: What’s the use of trying when the other boys keep on doing the same!

* * * *

At the end of his university studies when he was leaving for his first job at a boys’ school, John went to say good-bye to his favourite teacher and to ask for his advice.

“I can give you no theoretical advice,” the old man said, “but I’ll tell you one thing from experience. It will often happen when you are teaching, that some boy will disagree with you. He will probably shake his head to show it, and you will probably want to make him stop shaking his head because you will be angry that a pupil disagrees with his teacher. Well, don’t be angry with him because he’s the only one in the class who is listening to you.”

Part iI

Vocabulary Learning

Exercise 1. Read the words, then match the suffixes and prefixes with their meanings from the list below:

  1. native of -an, having the nature of -al;

  2. later than or after something -post; before someone or something -pre.

Russian, precede, postsecondary, precursor, posterior, prehistoric, premedical, pharmaceutical, Hungarian, medical, postoperative, American, toxicological, Belarusian, prediction, botanical, physiological, postscript, precedent, Afghan, postnatal, chemical, preliminary, Slovenian, preschool, practical, African, analytical, national, precondition, Armenian, previous, post-graduate, post-war.

Exercise 2. Learn the following words and expressions:

abroad n.


за границей;

applicant n.



assignment n.



compulsory a.



compulsory a.



conduct v. (classes,

seminars, etc)


проводить (занятия,

семинары и т.п.);

course n.



credit-test n.

['kredɪt ′test]


curriculum n.


учебный план;

essential a.



establishment n.



extra-mural a.



fail (at) v.

~ in maths


провалить(ся) на


graduate v.


окончить (любое)

учебное заведение;

internship n.



master v.



medicine n.


медицина, лекарство;

miss v.


пропускать (занятия и


optional course

[ɔpʃәnl kɔ:s]


post-graduate n.

[′pәust' grәdjuıt]


property n.



standard n.


уровень, стандарт;

enter v.



last v.



Exercise 3. Guess the meaning of the following words.

Institution [,ɪnstɪ'tju:ʃən], academy [ә′kædәmı], examination [ıg,zæmı′neıʃən], subject [′sʌbdʒıkt], physiology [,fızı′ɔlәdʒı], chemistry [′kemıstrı], physic [′fızık], laboratory [lә′bɔrәtәrı], qualified [′kwɔlıfaıd], specialize [′speʃәlaız], perfumery [pә′fju:mәrı], cosmetic [kɔz′metık], assistant [ә′sıstәnt], faculty [′fækәltı], specialist [′speʃәlıst], problem [′prɔblәm], train [treın], professional [prә′feʃәnl], pharmacognosy [,fɑ:mə′kɔgnəsɪ], pharmacokinetics [,fɑ:mə′kɔkaı´netıks], organize [ɔ:gәnaız], doctor [′dɔktә], professor [prә′fesә], qualified [′kwɔlıfaıd], biology [baı:ɔlәdʒı], botany [′bɔtәnı], pharmacology [,fɑ:mə′kɔləʤɪ], organic [ɔ:′gænɪk], toxicological [,tɔksı′kɔlәdʒıkl], analytical [,ænə′lɪtɪk(əl)], special ['speʃəl], technology [tekı′nɔlәdʒı], pharmacy [ı′fα:məsı], management [´mænıdʒmənt], marketing [ı′mα:kıtıŋ], department [dı′pα:tmənt], period [′pıərıəd], pathology [pəı′θɔlәdʒı], mechanism [ı′mekənızm], molecular [məuı′lekjulə], radiation [,reıdı´eıʃәn], clinic [´klınık].

Exercise 4. Match the words with the definitions.


  1. to continue for a particular length of time;


  1. to start working in a particular field or organization or to start studying at a school or university;


  1. the level that is considered acceptable, or the level that someone or something has achieved;

to last

  1. an organization or institution, especially a business, shop, etc.

to enter

  1. someone who is studying at a university to get a Mas­ter’s Degree or a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) Degree;


  1. someone who has formally asked, usually in writing, for a job, university place, etc.


  1. a job that someone, who has almost finished training as a doctor, does in a hospital;


  1. a period of study in a particular subject, especially at university;


  1. in or to a foreign country.

Exercise 5. Find the synonyms.

  1. to acquire

  1. task

  1. to complete

  1. to edit

  1. participate

  1. institution

  1. to master

  1. a drugstore

  1. to do

  1. to obtain a degree

  1. to enter

  1. annually

  1. to found

  1. to major

  1. correspondence

  1. to make

  1. to work as

  1. voluntary

  1. to be engaged in

  1. extra-mural

  1. every year

  1. to finish (graduate from)

  1. to publish

  1. to act as

  1. to specialize

  1. to establish

  1. to get a degree

  1. to get

  1. assignment

  1. to take part in

  1. establishment

  1. to be involved in

  1. a chemist’s shop

  1. to be admitted to

  1. optional

  1. to learn

Exercise 6. Translate the following word combinations.

to acquire practical skills, to do research, to take exams, to pass credit-tests, to have practical classes, to defend a graduation thesis, to be engaged in social activities, scientific research work, after graduation, extra-mural department, to attend lectures (classes) to participate in seminars, to fail at exam(s), to fail in Chemistry (Biology), to conduct exams, to give advice, to master English.

Exercise 7. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

  1. The committee is assessing the standard of care in local hospitals.

  2. She often goes abroad on business.

  3. People know many herbs with healing properties.

  4. Each lesson lasts for 45 minutes.

  5. To enter a university applicants take entrance tests.

  6. He was one of 30 applicants for the manager’s job.

  7. The course of study at the pharmaceutical faculty lasts for 5 years.

  8. The course of compulsory education in Belarus makes 9 years.

  9. People keep medicines out of the reach of children.

  10. He takes this medicine twice a day.

  11. Postgraduate students do research for their theses.

  12. Teachers help students in their research.

  13. There is an extramural department at our university.

  14. Languages are an essential part of a school curriculum.

Part III

speech patterns

Using “shall” to ask someone’s opinion, to make an offer or a suggestion:

Shall I take a message?

Shall I open the window?

Shall we consult a dictionary?

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