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Вступник повинен продемонструвати знання в межах наступної тематики:

Англійська мова:

  1. What is the main task of food industry nowadays?

  2. Why is the development of food industry considered one of the major trends in modern economy?

  3. What difficulties does Ukrainian food industry undergo in the conditions of market economy?

  4. What is junk food?

  5. Fast food is not healthy but it is so popular with young people. Why?

  6. What do you know about genetically modified products (GMP)?

  7. What is the role of fats for the human body?

  8. What is the role of minerals for the human body?

  9. Are food additives healthy? Comment upon it.

  10. What is the role of functional food in the human diet?

  11. What nutrients provide energy for human body?

  12. What kind of food preservation do you know?

  13. What is ecological situation in Ukraine?

  14. What do you know about greenhouse effect?

  15. What can you say about global warming and its consequences?

  16. What do you know about Green Peace?

  17. What are the renewable sources of energy?

  18. What do you understand under the term biosphere?

  19. What are pros and cons of using the Internet?

  20. Why is the computer considered to be one of the greatest inventions of the mankind?

  21. What is the role of the internet in our life?

  22. What is e-mail? What is it used for?

  23. How has the Internet changed the way you live?

  24. What are some advantages and disadvantages of using e-mail?

  25. What famous Ukrainian scientists do you know? What is their contribution into the science (technology)?

  26. How has science influenced our lives?

  27. Which areas of science do you think are the most interesting? Why?

  28. Would you like to connect your life with science? Why?

  29. How can the quality of life benefit from the work of scientists? Give examples.

What do you think the development of science depend on?

Зразок білету (Англійська мова) частина 1 читання (reading)


Questions 1 –7

  • Read the article below about comparing of organic and conventional food.

  • Choose the best part of the sentence below to fill each of the gaps.

  • For each gap 1 – 7 mark one letter (A – G).

  • Do not use any letter more than once.

  • There is an example at the beginning (0).

  • (2 points for every correct answer)

A most of the chemicals can be removed

B implement genetic engineering techniques

C that’s up to you to decide

D pesticide residues than conventional food

E than for conventional farming

F your exposure to biological contaminants

G certified organic farmers

H must meet the same quality

Is Organic Food Better than Conventional Food?

Organic and conventional food (0) H and safety standards. Organic food differs from conventionally produced food simply in the way it is grown, handled and processed. There is no scientific evidence to suggest that it is more nutritious or safer than conventional food.

Organic food is less likely to contain (1)______. Yet, according to the National Research Council, the traces of pesticides left on conventionally grown products are unlikely to cause an increased cancer risk. Also, if fruits and vegetables are properly washed, (2)______.

As for taste, (3)______what you like best. In general, people tend to find that the fresher a food is, the better it tastes, regardless of how it was produced.

In addition to the higher price, there are two main criticisms of organic food. First, some people argue that eating such products increases (4)_____, putting you at greater risk for foodborn illness. In particular, concerns have been raised about:

Manure - While manure is a well known carrier of human pathogens, when properly treated it is both safe and efficient. Plus, (5)______are restricted from using untreated manure within 60 days before the harvest of a crop and are inspected to make sure these standards and restrictions are met.

The second criticism of organic agriculture is that organic farmers can't produce enough to feed everybody. Some experts contend that organic food production, and in particular the failure to (6)______, will condemn millions worldwide to hunger, malnutrition and starvation because:

  • Yield (total harvest per unit area) for organic farming is lower than (7)_____.

  • Organic farming is not economically or socially viable in poorer countries.


Questions 8 – 12

  • All paragraphs (8-12) in this story about historical background of patents are mixed.

  • Rearrange these paragraphs into the correct order.

  • (2 points for every correct answer)

Historical background of patents

(8) A. Patents are also granted to new chemical compounds, foods, and medicinal products, likewise to the processes for producing them. Patents can even be granted to new plant or animal forms developed through genetic engineering.

(9) B. Being first in the innovative field is not always primary as the business world is sometimes rather unfair and cruel to pioneers. In order to protect one’s innovation and introduce any invention one should take some measures to patent it.

(10) C. The first recorded patent for an industrial invention is the one granted in 1421 in Florence to the architect and engineer Filippo Brunelleschi. The patent gave him a three-year monopoly on the manufacture of a barge with hoisting gear used to transport marble.

(11) D. It appears that such privileged grants to inventors spread from Italy to other European nations over the next two centuries. In many cases such grants dealt with the importation and establishment of new industries, as in England at the time of Queen Elizabeth I. It soon became apparent that unlimited duration of exclusive rights created unfair monopolies, and in 1623 Parliament enacted the Statute of Monopolies. American Congress passed the first U.S. Patent Statute in 1790. France enacted its patent system the following year. By the end of the 19th century, many countries had patent laws, and today there exist approximately 100 separate jurisdictions regarding patents.

(12) E. Patent is a government grant of the exclusive right to make, use, or sell an invention, usually for a limited period. Patents are granted to new and useful machines, manufactured products, and industrial processes as well as to significant improvements of existing ones.


Questions 13 – 23

  • Read the article below about chocolate.

  • Choose the best word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D below.

  • For each question 13 – 23, mark one letter. .

  • There is an example at the beginning, (0)

  • (1 point for every correct answer)