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New words:

1. to adopt - принимать

2. claim - иск

3. conduct - поведение

4. conscience ['konjsns] - совесть

5. controversial - противоре­чивый

6. Covenant - соглашение

7. deprivation - лишение

8. equality– равенство

9. fair [fes] - справедливый

10. freedom - свобода

11. integrity - неприкосновенность

12. intimately - (зд.) тесно

13. legal justice - правосудие

14. link - связь

15. notion - понятие

16. previous generations - предыдущие по­коления

17. prohibition - запрещение

18. to refer - относиться

19. relationship - отношение

20. satisfaction - удовлетворение

21. self-determination - самоопределение

22. servitude - служба

23. slavery - рабство

24. torture [- (зд.) пытка

25. treatment - обращение

7. The Constitutional Protection of Human Rights.

8. The Laymen and the Courts.

9. The Duties of a Juror.

10. The Duties of a Witness.

7. The Constitutional Protection of human Rights.

Together with the expansive process of human rights constitutional declarations, in addition to the writ of habeas corpus and of habeas data, Latin American constitutions created a specific judicial remedy for the protection of constitutional rights, known as the suit, action, recourse, or writ of amparo. After spreading throughout Latin America, it was incorporated in the American Convention of Human Rights. It is similar to the 'injunctions' and the other equitable remedies of the United States legal system. This book examines, with a comparative constitutional law approach, the most recent trends in the constitutional and legal regulations in all Latin American countries regarding the amparo proceeding. It is an up-to-date abridged version of the course of lectures the author gave at the Columbia Law School analyzing the regulations of the seventeen amparo statutes in force in Latin America, as well as the regulation on the amparo guarantee established in Article 25 of the American Convention on Human Rights.


Вместе с экспансивной процесс конституционных прав человека декларации, в дополнение к хабеас корпус и хабеас дата, латиноамериканских конституциях созданы конкретные средства судебной защиты для защиты конституционных прав, известный как костюм, действия, обращение или судебный приказ ампаро. После распространения по всей Латинской Америке, она была включена в Американской конвенции о правах человека.Это похоже на «запреты» и других справедливых средств системы США легально. В этой книге рассматриваются, с подхода, сравнительного конституционного права, самые последние тенденции в конституционных и правовых норм во всех странах Латинской Америки в отношении разбирательства ампаро. Это до современных сокращенная версия курса лекций автор дал в Школе права Колумбийского анализа положений из семнадцати уставы ампаро в силу в Латинской Америке, а также положения о гарантии ампаро установлены в статье 25 Американской конвенции о правах человека.

11. The System of Elections in Russia and the USA.

In November voters in each state give their votes for candidates. Before voting in November every citizen must register in accordance with the laws of his state. This gives him the right of participating in "primaries"2. The US constitution guarantees every citizen the right to vote but the states with the help of numerous qualifications deprive a lot of people of this right. The national presidential elections really consist of two separate campaigns: one is for the nomination of candidates at national party conventions3. The other is to win the actual election. The nominating race is a competition between members of the same party. They run in a succession of state primaries and caucuses4. The party convention then votes to select the party's official candidate for the presidency.

In November of the election year the voters across the nation go to the polls. If the majority of the popular votes in a state go to the Presidential (and vice-presidential) candidate of one party, then that person is supposed to get all of that state's "electoral votes." These electoral votes are equal to the number of Senators and Representatives each state has in Congress. The candidate with the largest number of these electoral votes wins the election. Each state's electoral votes are formally reported by the "Electoral College." In January of the following year, in a joint session of Congress, the new President and Vice-President are officially announced. And those who do vote can only make their choice practically between two sets of candidates — Democrats and Republicans whose political platforms are practically alike.

1. universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot — всеобщее, равное и прямое

избирательное право при тайном голосовании

2. "primaries" — первичные выборы

3. convention - съезд

4. caucus - партийное собрание

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