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VIII. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions from the box.

with at at in to by on at to to

  1. The elements of graphic design should not be confused … principles of design, such as balance and white space, but rather components such as color, type and images.

  2. Shapes are … the root of design.

  3. … the most basic level, straight lines are found … layouts to separate content, such as in magazine, newspaper, and website designs.

  4. Color is an interesting element of graphic design because it can be applied … any other element, changing it dramatically.

  5. Type can be taken further … using it to create shapes and images.

  6. Graphic designers can create this work … their own, commission an artist or photographer, or purchase it … all price levels on many websites.

  7. Texture can refer … the actual surface of a design or … the visual appearance of a design.

IX. Find the English equivalents in Text I:

Створювати графічні роботи; пробільний символ; давня піктографія; біля витоків дизайну; пунктирна лінія; створювати зразки; змусити зображення виділятися; вражаюче зображення; давати замовлення художнику; дизайн упаковки.

X. Answer the following questions:

        1. What for are the elements of graphic design used?

        2. What for are shapes used?

        3. What is the function of lines?

        4. What role does color play in graphic design?

        5. What goal does type have in graphic design?

        6. What can affect actual texture in design?

  1. Read and translate Text II.



There are several tools that are essential to graphic design. Below is a list of what is absolutely necessary to work in graphic design, as well as some things that are recommended.

In today's design world, a computer is essential. It will be both your design tool and your business tool. Using graphics software, you will create illustrations, work with type, touch-up photos and complete layouts. The major decision here is what computer to get, and this generally starts with deciding between a Mac and PC.

Graphics and business-related software are also a key to your success. Some products, such as Photoshop and Illustrator, focus on the creative end of design. Other packages, such as project management or time tracking software, will help you stay organized and manage the business end of design.

It's very helpful to build up your own small library of graphic design books. Some should be for inspiration, some for technical help, and others to assist you on the business side of design.

While you're most likely to use a computer to complete a design, you don't have to start with one. Sketching out ideas is a great way to begin a project and brainstorm, and can be much quicker than mocking something up on a computer. It's also important to always keep a small sketchpad or notepad handy, as you can forget a great idea as fast as you thought of it.

Other Creative Professionals

While you may not think of them as a “tool”, knowing other designers, illustrators, web developers, photographers and other creatives is extremely important for three reasons:

  1. It's not easy to critique yourself. Get opinions on your work and encourage constructive criticism to push your work to a higher level.

  2. Having others around to brainstorm with can bring about the best ideas.

  3. As you get projects that are more involved, you will need people to collaborate with. Find a group of people you can trust with different skillsets than your own so you can work on projects together.

These essential tools will help you get started, and grow, in a career in graphic design. All you need to do now is to combine them with your creativity!

  1. Read the English words and word combinations in one column and match them with their Ukrainian equivalents in other one:

  1. touch-up photo

  2. the business side of design

  3. sketching out ideas

  4. to bring about

  5. a skillset

  6. project management

  7. time tracking software

  8. technical help

a) ретушувати фотографію

b) технічна підтримка

c) комерційна сторона дизайну

d) програмне забезпечення, що контролюєчас

e) управління проектом

f) змалювати ідеї в загальних рисах

g) спровокувати, викликати

h) набір навичок

  1. Decide whether these statements are true or false:

  1. Using graphics software, you will create illustrations, work with type, touch-up photos and complete layouts.

  2. Some products, such as CAD and GIS, focus on the creative end of design.

  3. Some of graphic design books should be for inspiration, some for technical help, and others to assist you on the business side of design.

  4. Sketching out ideas is wasting time when you begin a project and brainstorm.

  5. It's also important to always keep a small sketchpad or notepad handy, as you can forget a great idea as fast as you thought of it.

  6. It's easy to critique yourself.

  7. Having others around to brainstorm with cannot bring about the best ideas.

  8. All you need to do is to combine the tools with your creativity

  1. Read the text below and complete it using the words from the box.

Software countless functions file create tool Photoshop file a blemish filters

Adobe Photoshop has long been considered essential 1… for graphic design. It is sold on its own, or as part of Adobe’s Creative Suite, which also includes Illustrator, InDesign, Flash, Dreamweaver, Acrobat Pro and several other tools. Photoshop’s primary 2… include photo editing, website design, and the creation of elements for any type of project. It is also commonly used to 3… layouts for design, such as posters and business cards, although Illustrator or InDesign are often better for those tasks.

Photoshop is called Photoshop for a reason that it is an excellent 4… for editing photos. If a designer is preparing a digital or scanned photograph for use in a project, whether it is a website, brochure, book design or packaging, the first step is often to bring it into 5…. Using a variety of tools within the software, a designer can:

  • Crop photos.

  • Resize photos.

  • Adjust and correct colors.

  • Touch-up photos, such as “erasing” 6… or removing a tear or fold.

  • Apply a large selection of 7… such as “watercolor” for special effects and styles.

  • Optimize photos for the web by choosing 8… formats and reducing 9… size.

  • Save photos in a variety of formats for use in print projects.

  • Use their creativity to perform 10… tasks.

  1. Read Text III, be ready with the annotation.

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