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health здоровье

tobogganing санныйспорт

opportunity возможность

establish установить

in favour польза

cycling велоспорт

indulge привлекать

track and field events легкаяатлетика

calisthenics художественная гимнастика


keepfit поддерживать форму

fencing фехтование

chess шахматы

wrestling борьба

jogging бегтрусцой


1. State the type of the questions and answer them correctly.

a) It was a bad day, wasn’t it?

b) Are you married or single?

c) How many boys are there in your group?

d) Did Julia phone you earlier?

e) Do you like hot or cold tea?

f) Can I give you a lift?

g) When did you go to bed last night?

h) Will you go to Paris next summer?

i) Could she speak when she was two?

j) Will you tell them about our plans?

2. Put the questions to the italicized words.

1. The children are planting trees. 2. They are working in the garden. 3. The girl is trying on a dress. 4. Nick is talking with his friend. 5. The students are reading. 6. The man is sitting in the arm-chair. 7. The girl is drawing. 8. The woman is wearing a blue dress. 9. Peter’s brother is riding a bicycle. 10. They are talking about the film. 11. He is speaking over the telephone. 12. The boy is running fast because it is raining.

3. Make up questions using the following words.

1. As, he, teacher, work, there, an, English, did ?

2. Your, what, aunt’s, is, occupation ?

3. Only, she, adapted, reads, books, French ?

4. You, read, to, next, are, what, going ?

5. Spheres, are, computers, in, of, human, all, activity ?

6. Twice, in, the, celebrated, Ukraine, New Year, is ?

7. Visit, museums, you, what, would, to, like, in, Kiev ?

4. Add tags to the following.

1. It’s a lovely morning, __________ .

2. It’s nicer than yesterday, __________ .

3. It isn’t very warm, ___________ .

4. We could go for a walk, __________ .

5. It was a fantastic concert, __________ .