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4. Complete the sentences.

1. When thinking about motivation it is important to …

2. Classic work on motivation was …

3. The positive motivators identified by Herzberg are: …

4. The range of problems is so large, that …

5. Answer the following questions:

    1. What is the human factor?

    2. What are the positive motivators identified by Herzberg?

    3. What is necessary to effective motivation?

    4. What is setting the right target so important?

    5. Why should the work be challenging?

    6. What aspects does motivation include?

  1. Translate into English.

  1. Классическая работа над мотивацией была предпринята Ф. Херцбергом в 1950-х, когда он сформулировал теорию "Гигиены мотивации".

  2. Как менеджер, вы ставите цели, и в выборе этих целей у вас есть сильное влияние на смысл достижений вашей команды.

  3. Вы должны фактически рассмотреть, насколько интересны задачи, которые вы ставите, и как справляться со скучными.

  4. Диапазон проблем является настолько большим, что невозможно предложить больше, чем обобщения в виде советов.

  5. Смотрите внимательно на то, как вы ведете себя и является ли текущая ситуация следствием вашего предыдущего невнимания к человеческому фактору: вы могли бы быть и проблемой, и решением.

Module VIII Conversation as Communication


1. Read and remember the following words and word-combinations:

1. ambiguity – двусмысленность

2. to clarify – разъяснить, вносить ясность

3. conversation – переговоры (pl.), разговор, беседа

4. confirmation – подтверждение, утверждение

5. encounter – встреча, состязание

6. confidence – уверенность, доверие

7. tо assert – утверждать, заявлять, отстаивать, защищать

8. to lose control – терять контроль,

утрачивать, лишаться

9. outcome – результат

10. preparation – подготовка, приготовление

11. agenda – программа, повестка дня

12. summary – резюме, краткий отчет

13. divergence – расхождение, отклонение

14. goal – цель, финиш

2. Explain the meaning of the following word combinations:

Ambiguity avoidance, play back, give background for context, never lose control, let others speak, the purpose of an agenda, maintaining Communication, focus on stated goals.

Reading Conversation as Communication

3. Read the text and be ready to answer the questions.

Communication is best achieved through simple planning and control. In everything you say or hear, you must look out for possible misunderstanding and clarify the ambiguity. And here are some rules: Rule 1: PLAY BACK for confirmation. Rule 2: WRITE BACK for confidence. Rule 3: GIVE BACKground for context.

Assertiveness is highly important. The definition of to assert is: "to declare; state clearly". This is your aim.

When you have a difficult encounter, be professional, do not lose your self-control because, simply, it is of no use. Some managers believe that it is useful for "discipline" to keep staff a little nervous. Thus, these managers are slightly volatile and will be willing "to let them have it" when the situation demands. If you do this, you must be consistent and fair so that you staff know where they stand. If you deliberately lose your temper for effect, then that is your decision - however, you must never lose control. At the end of a conversation, you have to give people a clear understanding of the outcome.

A meeting is the ultimate form of managed conversation. And an agenda of any meeting is of high priority. The purpose of an agenda is to inform participants of the subject of the meeting in advance, and to structure the discussion at the meeting itself. In order to maintain communication you could use the most important tools:

  • Clarification – always clarify: the purpose of the meeting, the time allowed, the rules to be observed (if agreed) by everyone.

  • Summary – at each stage of the proceedings, you should summarize the current position and progress: this is what we have achieved/agreed, this is where we have reached.

  • Focus on stated goals – at each divergence or pause, re-focus the proceedings on the original goals.

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