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2.Where can you find the largest amount of Internet users?

3.What service of the Internet is the most popular?

4.What problem of the Internet is the most important?

How do the commercial users communicate with another part of the world?

V. Read and translate the text. Find in the text the Predicates in Passive and explain their usage. Put all types of questions to the underlined sentences Render the text in English.

Text B


A computer keyboard is an array of switches, each of which sends the PC a unique signal when pressed. Two types of switch are commonly used: mechanical and rubber membrane. Mechanical switches are simply springloaded "push to make" types, so when pressed down they complete the circuit and then break it again when released. These are the types used in clicky keyboards with plenty of tactile feedback.

Membranes are composed of three sheets: the first has conductive tracks printed on it, the second is a separator with holes in it and the third is a conductive layer with bumps on it. A rubber mat over this gives the springy feel. When a key is pressed, it pushes the two conductive layers together to complete the circuit. On top is a plastic housing which includes sliders to keep the keys aligned.

An important factor for keys is their force displacement curve, which shows how much force is needed to depress a key, and how this force varies during the key's downward travel. Research shows most people prefer 80g to 100g, but games consoles may go to 120g or higher while other keys could be as low as 50g.


The keys are connected up as a matrix, and their row and column signals feed into the keyboard's own microcontroller chip. This is mounted on a circuit board inside the keyboard, and interprets the signals with its built-in firmware program. A particular key press might signal as row 3, column B, so the controller might decode this as an A and send the appropriate code for A back to the PC. These "scan codes" are defined as standard in the PC's BIOS, though the row and column definitions are specific only to that particular keyboard.

Increasingly, keyboard firmware is becoming more complex as manufacturers make their keyboards more sophisticated. It is not uncommon for a programmable keyboard, in which some keys have switchable multiple functions, to need 8KB of ROM to store its firmware. Most programmable functions are executed through a driver running on the PC.

A keyboard's microcontroller is also responsible for negotiating with the keyboard controller in the PC, both to report its presence and to allow software on the PC to do things like toggling the status light on the keyboard. The two controllers communicate asynchronously over the keyboard cable.

Many "ergonomic" keyboards work according to one principle; angling the two halves of the main keypad to allow the elbows to rest in a more natural position. Apple's Adjustable Keyboard has a wide, gently sloping wrist rest, and splits down the middle, enabling the user to find the most comfortable typing angle. It has a detachable numeric keypad so the user can position the mouse closer to the alphabetic keys. Cherry Electrical sells a similar split keyboard for the PC. The keyboard which sells in the largest volumes (and is one of the cheapest) is the Microsoft Natural Keyboard. This also separates the keys into two halves and its undulating design is claimed to accommodate the natural curves of the hand.

VI. Complete the sentences.


1. Mechanical switches are simply ... 2. When a key is pressed, it pushes ... 3. An important factor for keys is their force displacement curve, which shows ...

4. The keys are connected up as a matrix, and their row and column signals ... 5. Most programmable functions are executed through ... 6. The two controllers communicate asynchronously over ... 7. Apple's Adjustable Keyboard has a wide, gently sloping wrist rest, and splits down the middle, enabling the user ...

VI. Translate the text into English.

Key words: totality, key, wording, to generate, to initiate, typewriter, clavicorn, accordion, mechanical, lever, push-button, spring, membrane, indirect, primary, rubber, capacitate, screen, tactile, to click, infrared radiation.

Text C


Клавіату́ра(keyboard) – сукупність розміщених у певному порядку клавіш пристрою, що використовується для введення і редагування даних, а також керування виконанням окремих операцій.

Клавіша тут виступає як елемент клавіатури, натисканням якого генерується код відповідного знака або ініціюється деяка дія.

Клавіатури використовуються в найрізноманітніших пристроях – друкарських машинах, калькуляторах, мобільних телефонах, а також є однією з комплектуючих комп'ютера. Вживані сьогодні комп'ютерні клавіатури містять 101 клавішу або більше. Також все частіше вбудовуються додаткові кнопки та контрольні елементи (світлодіоди) – частіше для обслуговування мультимедійних систем.


Особливого роду клавіатури використовуються в музичних інструментах – фортепіано, клавесині, акордеоні а також деяких електроінструментах.

Клавіатури можуть мати різні конструкції:

Механічні, історично найперші – рух клавіші за допомогою більш чи менш складної системи важелів тощо засобів безпосередньо виконує свою корисну функцію (напр. важелів в друкарській машині)

Кнопкова – рух клавіші безпосередньо з'єднує або роз'єднує електричні контакти.


oмембранна – натискання опосередковується мембраною, яка також повертає клавішу до вихідного положення.

oГумова – натиснення клавіші спричиняє натиск гуми


oЄмнісна – відносно рідко вживана – клавіша з'єднана з елементом, що змінює ємність конденсатора, частіше, шляхом його всуву між обкладками конденсатора.

oгерконова – натиснення клавіші спричиняє наближення магніту до геркону всередині якого відбувається замикання контактів


oдотикова – на екрані висвітлюється зображення кнопки, дотик до зазначеного місця на екрані є рівнозначним її натисненню. Для реалізації цього виду клавіатури необхідний спеціальний дотиковий монітор .


oкласична – на екрані висвітлюється зображення кнопки, по якому клацають мишкою. Цей вид клавіатури не вимагає спеціальних екранів. Перевагою екранних клавіатур над фізичними є можливість візуального відображення великої кількості наборів символів різних алфавітів.

На комп'ютерній клавіатурі будь-яке натиснення та відпускання клавіші спричинює посилання сигналу до комп'ютера. Кожній такій події відповідає свій власний цифровий код. В залежності від способу передачі сигналу клавіатури звуться дротові та бездротові. Останнім часом на комп'ютерному ринку стали доступними бездротові (WiFi) клавіатури, що контактують з комп'ютером за допомогою інфрачервоного випромінювання або радіохвиль. Відстань дії бездротових клавіатур залежить від принципу передачі сигналу і лежить в межах від кількох метрів до кількох десятків метрів для дорожчих пристроїв, наприклад, Bluetooth-клавіатури.

Unit 14

I. Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian. Say in what way this text is connected with the text A of a previous lesson.

Text A

The future of the Internet

Everywhere we go, we here about the Internet. It’s on television, in magazines, newspapers, and in educational establishments. One might think that this network of millions of computers around the globe is as fast and captivating as television, but with more and more users logging on everyday and staying on


longer, this information could be perhaps more correctly referred to as an express way of big city centre at rush hour.

It is estimated that thirty-five to forty million users currently are on the Internet.

According to a recent statistics, an average Internet call lasts five times as longer as the average regular telephone call. 10 per cent of Internet calls last 6 hours or longer. This can cause an overload and, in turn, cause telephone network to fail. The local network was designed for short calls which you make and then hang up, but Internet calls often occupy a line for hours. With so many users in the Internet and their number is growing by 200 percent annually, it certainly provides new challenges for the telephone companies. The Internet, up to the beginning of the 90th, was used only to read different texts. Then in the early 90th, a way was made to see pictures and listen to a sound on the Internet. This breakthrough made the Internet to be most demanded means of communication, data saving and transporting.

However, today’s net is much more than just pictures, text, and sound. The Internet is now filled with voice messages, video conferencing and video games. With voice messages, users can talk over the Internet for the price of the local phone call. Nowadays we no longer have to own a computer to access the Internet. Now, devices such as Web TV allow our television to browse the Web and use Electronic Mail. Cellular phones are now also dialing up the Internet to provide E-mail and answering machine services. The telephone network was not designed and built to handle these sorts of things. Many telephone companies are spending enormous sums of money to upgrade the telephone lines. K. Kao and G. Hockman were the first to come up with the idea of using fiber optic cables, as opposed to copper wire, to carry telephone signals. Fiber optics uses pulses of light to transmit binary code, such as that used in computers and other electronic devices. As a result the amount of bandwidth is increasingly raised.


Another solution for the problem is fast modems which satisfy the need for speed.

By accessing the Net through the coaxial cable that provides television to our homes, the speed can be increased. However, the cable system was built for sending information one way. In other words, they can send stuff to us, but we can’t send anything back, if there is no modem available. Yet, another way is being introduced to access the Internet, and that is through the use of a satellite dish like the TV dishes currently used to deliver television from satellites in space to your home. However, like cable connection, the information can only be sent one way.

Faster ways of connecting to the Internet may sound like a solution to the problem, but, just as new lanes on highways attract more cars, a faster Internet could attract many times more users, making it even slower than before. To help solve the problem of Internet clogs, the Internet providers are trying new ways of pricing for customers. So, in business time any connection to Net costs more than your connection at night.

II. Find proper Ukrainian equivalents to the proposed words.

Captivating, reasonable, to improve, cable, pricing, coaxial, satellite, superhighway, to oppose, binary code.

Чарівний, супутник, двійковий код, покращувати, супермагістраль, коаксіал, розумний, виступати проти, кабель, оцінка.

III. Look through the text and be ready to answer the questions.

1.What does the today’s network represent?

2.Why the connection to a network is more expensive in business time than at night?

3.What ways of granting of access to the Internet do you know?


4. What will be the speed of the Internet, at the reference to a network through coaxial cable?

IV. Complete the following sentences.

1.It is estimated that thirty-five to forty million users currently …

2.Today’s net is much more than …

3.The cable system was built for sending information …

4.Many telephone companies are spending enormous sums of money …

5.By accessing the Net through the coaxial cable that provides television to our homes, the speed …

V. Translate into English.

1. Всюди,де ми ходимо, чуємо про Інтернет. 2. На початку 90-х років був прокладений шлях для того, щоб бачити зображення і чути музику. 3. Це може викликати перевантаження, яке в свою чергу сприяє збою в роботі телефонної мережі. 4. Так, в робочий час будь-яке підключення до Інтернету коштує більше, ніж підключення вночі. 5. В результаті досвіду пропускну можливість було неймовірно піднято.

VI. Read and translate the text. Render it in English.

Text B

Laser Printers

In the 1980s, dot-matrix and laser printers were pre-dominant, with inkjet technology not emerging in any significant way until the 1990s. The laser printer was introduced by Hewlett-Packard in 1984, based on technology developed by Canon. It worked in a similar way to a photocopier, the difference being the light source. With a photocopier a page is scanned with a bright light, while with a laser printer the light source is, not surprisingly, a laser. After that


the process is much the same, with the light creating an electrostatic image of the page onto a charged photoreceptor, which in turn attracts toner in the shape of an electrostatic charge.

Laser printers quickly became popular due to the high quality of their print and their relatively low running costs. As the market for lasers has developed, competition between manufacturers has become increasingly fierce, especially in the production of budget models. Prices have gone down and down as manufacturers have found new ways of cutting costs. Output quality has improved, with 600dpi resolution becoming more standard, and build has become smaller, making them more suited to home use.

Laser printers have a number of advantages over the rival inkjet technology. They produce much better quality black text documents than inkjets, and they tend to be designed more for the long haul - that is, they turn out more pages per month at a lower cost per page than inkjets. So, if it's an office workhorse that's required, the laser printer may be the best option. Another factor of importance to both the home and business user is the handling of envelopes, card and other non-regular media, where lasers once again have the edge over inkjets.

Considering what goes into a laser printer, it is amazing they can be produced for so little money. In many ways, the components which make up a laser printer are far more sophisticated than those in a computer. The RIP (raster image processor) might use an advanced RISC processor; the engineering which goes into the bearings for the mirrors is very advanced; and the choice of chemicals for the drum and toner, while often environmentally unsound, is fascinating. Getting the image from the PC's screen to paper requires an interesting mix of coding, electronics, optics, mechanics and chemistry.

VII. Put the verbs in brackets in a proper tense form.


1. A laser printer (to need) to have all the information about a page in its memory before it can start printing. 2. How an image (to be communicated) from the PC's memory to a laser printer depends on the type of printer being used. 3. The crudest arrangement (to be) the transfer of a bitmap image. 4. In this case there is not much the computer can (to do) to improve on the quality, so sending a dot for a dot (to be) all it can do. 5. If the system (to know) more about the image than it can display on the screen there are better ways to communicate the data. 6. If the printer (to be told) to draw a line from one point to another, it can use the basic geometric principle that a line has length but not width, and draw that line one dot wide. 7. The idea (to be) that one single page description may be sent to any suitable device, which would subsequently print it to the best of its ability - hence the much-touted term, device independent.

VIII. Read and translate the text. Annotate it in Ukrainian.

Text C

Inkjet Printers

Although inkjets were available in the 1980s, it was only in the 1990s that prices dropped enough to bring the technology to the high street. Canon claims to have invented what it terms "bubble jet" technology in 1977, when a researcher accidentally touched an ink-filled syringe with a hot soldering iron. The heat forced a drop of ink out of the needle and so began the development of a new printing method.

Inkjet printers have made rapid technological advances in recent years. The three-colour printer has been around for several years now and has succeeded in making colour inkjet printing an affordable option; but as the superior four-


colour model became cheaper to produce, the swappable cartridge model was gradually phased out.

Traditionally, inkjets have had one massive attraction over laser printers; their ability to produce colour, and that is what makes them so popular with home users. Since the late 1990s, when the price of colour laser printers began to reach levels which made them viable for home users, this advantage has been less definitive. However, in that time the development of inkjets capable of photographic-quality output has done much to help them retain their advantage in the realm of colour.

The down side is that although inkjets are generally cheaper to buy than lasers, they are more expensive to maintain. Cartridges need to be changed more frequently and the special coated paper required to produce high-quality output is very expensive. When it comes to comparing the cost per page, inkjets work out about ten times more expensive than laser printers.

Since the invention of the inkjet, colour printing has become immensely popular. Research in inkjet technology is making continual advances, with each new product on the market showing improvements in performance, usability, and output quality. As the process of refinement continues, so the price of inkjet printers continues to fall.

IX. Write the verbs in brackets in a proper tense form.

1. Inkjet printing, like laser printing, (to be) a non-impact method. 2. Ink (to be emitted) from nozzles as they pass over a variety of possible media, and the operation of an inkjet printer (to be) easy to visualise: liquid ink in various colours being squirted at the paper to build up an image. 3. A print head (to scan) the page in horizontal strips, using a motor assembly to move it from left to right and back, as another motor assembly (to roll) the paper in vertical steps. 4. A strip of the image (to be printed0, then the paper (to move) on, ready for the


next strip. To speed things up, the print head doesn't print just a single row of pixels in each pass, but a vertical row of pixels at a time.

X.Ask questions to which the following sentences would be the answers.

1.The print head takes about half a second to print a strip across a page. 2. Since A4 paper is about 8.5in wide and inkjets operate at a minimum of 300dpi, this means there are at least 2,475 dots across the page. 3. The print head has about 1/5000th of a second to respond as to whether or not a dot needs printing. 4. Fabrication advances will allow bigger print-heads with more nozzles firing at faster frequencies, delivering native resolutions of up to 1200dpi and print speeds approaching those of current colour laser printers.

XI. Put the words into the right order.

Technology, the, type, most, inkjet, "drop on demand", common, is, of

The, the, is, amount, by, determined, software, of, ink, driver

The, are, nozzles, hair, used, in, fine, inkjet, printers

Be, changing, messy, cartridges, on, can, some, still, machines A, immediately, tendency, a, after, for, printing, problem, the, ink, to, smudge, is

XII. Translate the text into English.

Key words: printout, digitizer, storage unit, matrix, inkjet, sublimate, monochromatic, gradation, multicoloured, briefly coloured, continual, accounting section, unauthorized, width.

Text D


Комп'ютерний принтер (англ. printer – друкар) – пристрій для друку інформації на папір. Процес друку називається виходом на друк, а документ, що вийшов, – роздруківка або тверда копія. Принтери мають

перетворювач цифрової інформації (текст, фото, графіка), що


зберігається в запам'ятовувальних пристроях комп'ютера, фотоапарата й цифрової пам'яті, у спеціальну машинну мову.

За технологією друку принтери поділяють на матричні, струменеві, лазерні й сублімаційні. а по кольору друку – кольорові й монохромні.

Монохромні принтери мають кілька градацій, звичайно 2-5, наприклад: чорний – білий, одноколірний (або червоний, або синій, або зелений) – білий, багатобарвний (чорний, червоний, синій, зелений) – білий.

З розвитком комп'ютерних технологій монохромні принтери поступаються місцем повнобарвним або скорочено-кольоровим, які друкують “весь спектр кольорів", видимий людським оком.

Інші принтери – матричні та інші – це історія і вони використовуються як спеціалізовані для друку на безперервний рулон паперу в лабораторіях, банках, бухгалтеріях, для друку на багатошарові бланки (наприклад, паспорти, авіаквитки), а також, коли важливий сам факт друку ударом. Вважається, що факт удару утрудняє внесення несанкціонованих змін до фінансового документа.

Набули поширення багатофункціональні пристрої, в яких об'єднані принтер, сканер, копір і факс. Таке об'єднання раціональне технічно і зручно в роботі. Широкоформатні (А3, А2) принтери іноді невірно називають плоттерами.

Unit 15

I. You are going to read a newspaper article about shopping on the Internet. Choose the best heading from the list (A-G) for each part (1-4) of the text and


write its letter in the box. There are two extra headings that you do not need to use. There is one example at the beginning (0).

Text A

Shopping on the Internet

0•••••Shopping on the Internet, or shopping on line is becoming more and more popular. More and more people are using the Internet to buy things. Why do people use the Internet to shop?

1•••••Some people say it is more convenient. They don’t have to leave their homes to order something, and they can shop for anything they want at any time, day or night. Other people say they can find things for sale that they can’t find in the stores near their homes. Still other people say they can find better prices on the Internet.

2•••••If you want to buy something on the Internet, you need a credit card. You have to type your credit card number and some other information on the website and send it to the store over the Internet. You have to be sure that the store will not use your information in the wrong way. You don’t want someone to get your credit card number and charge something to your account. Of course, you always have to be careful with your credit card number, because people sometimes steal credit card numbers from stores and restaurants too.

3•••••For people who are too nervous to shop on-line, the Internet is a good place to go window-shopping. Window-shopping is when you go to a store and look at the things for sale, but don’t plan to buy anything. Window-shopping is easy on the Internet. You can see what kinds of products are available and how much they cost. You can visit stores with branches near you, or you can visit stores that are only on the Internet.

4•••••Some stores have a website for information about their stores, but not for shopping. Some stores have a website for information about their stores, and you can shop on-line there too. Some stores are only for on-line shopping.


A•••••A certain time for shopping on the Internet. B•••••Growing popularity of the Internet. C•••••Getting credit cards from other people.

D•••••Window-shopping as a way-out for people who are afraid to buy something.

E•••••The reasons of using the Internet for shopping. F•••••Websites for stores.

G•••••The necessity to have a credit card for buying something.











II. Read and translate the text. Put all types of questions to the underlined sentences. Annotate it in English.

Text B


Digital imaging has come of age. Equipment that was once reserved for the wealthiest bureaux is now commonplace on the desktop. The powerful PCs required to manipulate digital images are now considered entry level, so it comes as no surprise to learn that scanners, the devices used to get images into a PC, are one of the fastest growing markets today.

At its most basic level, a scanner is just another input device, much like a keyboard or mouse, except that it takes its input in graphical form. These images could be photographs for retouching, correction or use in DTP. They could be hand-drawn logos required for document letterheads. They could even be pages of text which suitable software could read and save as an editable text file.

The list of scanner applications is almost endless, and has resulted in products evolving to meet specialist requirements:


high-end drum scanners, capable of scanning both reflective art and transparencies, from 35mm slides to 16-foot x 20in material at high (10,000dpi+) resolutions

compact document scanners, designed exclusively for OCR and document management

dedicated photo scanners, which work by moving a photo over a stationary light source

slide/transparency scanners, which work by passing light through an image rather than reflecting light off it

handheld scanners, for the budget end of the market or for those with little desk space.

However, flatbed scanners are the most versatile and popular format. These are capable of capturing colour pictures, documents, pages from books and magazines, and, with the right attachments, even scan transparent photographic film.

III.Put the words in brackets in the correct tense form.

1.A scanner is a device which (to convert) light (which we see when we look at something) into 0s and 1s (a computer-readable format). 2. Scanners (to convert) analogue data into digital data. 3. All scanners (to work) on the same principle of reflectance or transmission. 4. The image (to be placed) before the carriage, consisting of a light source and sensor; in the case of a digital camera, the light source could (to be) the sun or artificial lights. 5. When desktop scanners were first introduced, many manufacturers (to use) fluorescent bulbs as light sources. 6. While good enough for many purposes, fluorescent bulbs have two distinct weaknesses: they rarely (to emit) consistent white light for long, and while they're on they (to emit) heat which can distort the other optical components. 7. For these reasons, most manufacturers (to move) to "cold-


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