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Ex. 34. Speak on the some endocrine glands using obtained data. You may use the following expressions:

The endocrine system consists of _. The _ gland is one of the endocrine glands. It is located _. The _ glands secrete the following hormones _. These hormones play a key part in _.

Ex. 35. Read and translate the following text:

Thyroid gland

Thyroid Gland

The thyroid gland is one of the endocrine glands, which make hormones to regulate physiological functions in the human body. The thyroid gland manufactures thyroid hormone, which regulates the rate at which the body carries on its necessary functions.

The thyroid gland is located in the middle of the lower neck, below the larynx (voice box) and just above your clavicles (collarbones). It is shaped like a "bow tie," having two halves (lobes): a right lobe and a left lobe joined by an "isthmus".

The thyroid gland contains numerous follicles, which are small spheres with their walls composed of a single layer of cuboidal epithelial cells. The center, or lumen, of each thyroid follicle is filled with a protein called thyroglobulin to which thyroid hormones are bound. The thyroglobulin stores large amounts of thyroid hormone.

Between the follicles a delicate network of loose connective tissue contains numerous capillaries. Scattered parafollicular cells are found between the follicles and among the cells that comprise the wall of the follicle. Calcitonin is secreted from the parafollicular cells and plays a role in reducing the concentration of calcium in the body fluids when calcium levels become elevated.

Diseases of the thyroid gland are very common. The most common diseases are caused by an over- or under-active glands. These conditions are called hyperthyroidism (e.g., Grave's disease) and hypothyroidism. Sometimes the thyroid gland can become enlarged from over-activity (as in Grave's disease) or from under-activity (as in hypothyroidism). An enlarged thyroid gland is often called a "goiter."

Patients may develop "lumps" or "masses" in their thyroid gland. They may appear gradually or very rapidly. Patients who had radiation therapy to the head or neck are more prone to develop thyroid malignancy.

Ex. 36. Compose your own dialogue on the endocrine system.

Ex. 37. Read the definitions and fill in blanks with proper term elements given below:

1. Endo_ is the branch of medicine dealing with endocrine glands and internal secretion of the body. 2. Endo_ is abnormal condition when endocrine glands fail to perform their functions. 3. Endo_ is a method of treatment, which includes the using of some hormones. 4. Endo_ is inflammation of the endothelial membrane lining the cavities of the heart. 5. Endo_ is the use of a specific often flexible instruments in medical examination.

A. _scopy; B. _crinology; C. _carditis; D. _crinopathology; E. _crinotherapy.

Ex. 38. Skim through the following text and entitle it:

Although the stated differences between the endocrine and nervous systems are generally true, exceptions do exist (e.g., some endocrine responses are more rapid than some neural responses, and some endocrine responses have a shorter duration than some neural responses). The endocrine system was believed to be relatively independent and different from the nervous system, but a relationship between these systems is now recognized. In fact, the two systems cannot be separated completely either anatomically or functionally. Some neurons secrete into the circulatory system regulatory chemicals called neurohormones, which function like hormones. Other neurons directly innervate endocrine glands and influence their secretory activity. Conversely, some hormones secreted by endocrine glands affect the nervous system and markedly influence its activity.

Several types of chemicals are produced by cells and act as chemical messengers, but not all of them are hormones. Intercellular chemical messengers act as signals that allow one cell type to communicate with other cell types. The signals coordinate and regulate the activities of the many cells that comprise the body. Terms such as hormones, neurohormones, neuromodulators are used to classify these substances. Although many intercellular chemical messengers consistently fit one specific definition, others do not.

Ex. 39. Make up a plan of the text (ex. 38) supplying each item with key words and then narrate the information according to your plan.

Ex. 40. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Залози внутрішньої секреції виділяють гормони. 2. Вони надходять у кров і беруть участь у гуморальній регуляції функцій різних систем організму людини. 3. Залози, які мають протоки, називають залозами зовнішньої секреції, або екзокринними залозами. 4. Залози, які не мають вивідних проток – це залози внутрішньої секреції, або ендокринні залози. 5. Продукти їхньої діяльності потрапляють у серцево-судинну або лімфатичну систему. 6. Щитоподібна залоза – непарний орган масою 20-50 г. Залоза розташована в передній ділянці шиї. 7. Прищитоподібні залози парні. Загальна маса залоз становить у середньому близько 1 г. 8. Надниркова залоза – парний ендокринний орган. Маса залози 12-13 г, довжина 5 см, ширина 3 см. 9. Кора надниркових залоз (adrenal cortex) виробляє кортикостероїди. Мозкова речовина надниркової залози (adrenal medulla) виробляє адреналін і норадреналін. Ці гормони мобілізують захисні сили організму.

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