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8. Materials are for preparation of students to the lecture.

After a theme which is expounded in a lecture.

1. Surgical stomatology and maxillufacial surgery: textbook; In 2т. – T.2/v.O.Malanchuk, I.P.Logvinenko, T.O.Malanchuk, O.L.Cilenko – K.: LOGOS, 2011. – С. 3-4, 9-12.

2. Ruzin g.P. Kratkiy course of лекций for хирургической стоматологии и челюстно-лицевой хирургии / Gennadiy Peter Ruzin – Kiev: A «book is a plus», 2006 – С. 88-89.

3. Stomatology of extraordinary situations is with the course of military stomatology: [підруч. For the students of VMNZ III-IV levels of accreditation] / G.P.Ruzin, V.P.Golik, O.V.Ribalov, S.G.Demyanik. it is Kharkov: Tornado, 2006. – S.90-98.

4. Complication of traumatic damages of maxillufacial area: навч.-метод. посіб. for студ. стомат. факульт. more high honey. навч. establishments of the IV levels of accreditation and інтернів-stomatologies / Ribalov o.V., Akhmerov v.D. – Poltava: LTD. is «Firm «Tekhservis»», 2011. – S.6-9.

Question and task:

What is trauma?

Statistician of traumatic damages MFA in a peace-time.

Classification of damages of bones of person.

Classification of damages of soft fabrics of person.

Basic methods of inspection suffering are in ambulatory terms.

Additional methods inspections sufferings.

To give determination of concept «Dislocation of tooth».

Classification of dislocations of tooth.

Clinical picture of dislocation of tooth.

Methods of treatment of dislocation of tooth.

Classification of breaks of tooth.

Clinical picture of breaks of teeth.

Methods of treatment of breaks of teeth.

Methods of treatment of dislocations of tooth.

Clinic and diagnostics of break of alveolar sprout.

Methods of treatment of break of alveolar sprout.

Materials are for test control:

1. What from the resulted damages is it possible to attribute to the isolated trauma?

A. Watched over a person and necks.

B. Break of overhead and lower jaw.

C. Break of lower jaw.

D. Cut wounds of cheek and submandibular area.

E. Break of bones of nose and concussion of the head brain.

(Right answer: С)

2. What from the resulted damages is the combined trauma?

A. Sword-cut of cheek.

B. Hammered in the wound of chin.

C. Break of bones of nose and concussion of the head brain.

D. Break of overhead and lower jaw.

E. Break of lower jaw and thermal burn of person.

(Right answer: Е)

3. What from the resulted damages is caused an injuring factor which is not physical?

A. Thermal burn.

B. Barotravma.

C. Wound of soft fabrics.

D. Radiation burn.

E. It was a guardian acid.

(Right answer: Е)

4. Whatever type of accretion of tooth and small hole meets:

A. paradontal

B. periodontally fibrotic

C. chondral

D. osteoidal

E. fybro-paradontal

(Right answer: С)

5. Than nearer line of break to the apex of root, that tooth:

And. more mobile

In. less mobile

S. Rukhlivist' and percussion does not depend on the level of break of root

D. sensible to percussion and pain

Е. less sensible to percussion and pain

(Right answer: B)

6. At a break a tooth is subject a delete, if the line of break passes:

And. higher than neck of tooth

In. below than neck of tooth

С. at the level of neck of tooth

D. near the apex of root

E. level of line of break not important

(Right answer: B)

Question for next lecture.

  1. Classification of damages of soft and hard tissues.

  2. Anatomo-topographic features of maxillofacial area.

  3. Features of gunshot damages of soft and hard tissues of maxillofacial area.

  4. Features of primary surgical treatment of gunshot and non-gunshot damages of soft tissues of maxillofacial area.

  5. Medical aid for patients with gunshot and non-gunshot damages of soft tissues of maxillofacial area.

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