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8. Materials are for preparation of students to the lecture.

After a theme that is expounded in a lecture.

  1. Дунаевский В.А., Шеломенцев Ю.А. Предопухолевые заболевания и злокачественные опухоли слизистых оболочек полости рта.- Moscow.:Медицина, 1986г.

  2. Колесов А.А., Воробьев Ю.И., Каспарова Н.Н. Новообразования мягких тканей ofиbonesofлицаinдетей и подростков.-Moscow: Medicine, 1989г.

  3. Машкилейсон А.Л. Предрак красной ofкаймыlipsofи слизистой оболочки полости рта.-Moscow: Medicine, 1970г.

  4. Пачес А.Г. Опухоли головы и шеи.- Moscow: Medicine, 1983г.

  5. Рибалов О. In., Одабашьян А.Л., Соколова Н.П., Саяпіна Л. М. Oncology of maxillufacial area and train aid for students and doctors-interns of stomatologies.

  6. Маланчук В.О., Копчак А.В. Of high quality tumours and tumular defeats of maxillufacial area and neck / are the Train aid. - К.: the Publishing house of «Асканія», 2008. are 320 p.s

  7. Рибалов О. In., Одабашьян А.Я. Oncology of maxillufacial area. it is Poltava: АСМІ, 1999. are 114 p.s

  8. Surgical stomatology and maxillufacial хірургія:підручник; in 2 т. - Т. 1 /В.О. Маланчук, О. С. Воловар, І.Ю.Гарляускайте and other - К.: ЛОГОС, 2011. - 672с. + 16 ст.кольор.вкл.

Question and task :

Structure of organization of oncostomatological help.

Principles of the health centre system of patients are with the tumours of chairman and neck.

Organization of oncostomatological help.

Medical documentation of surgeon-stomatology.

Classification of tumours of maxillufacial localization.

Methodology of inspection of patient is with oncological diseases.

Anatomy of maxillufacial area.

Ембріогенез and histological fabrics and organs of maxillufacial area.

Theories of origin of bear cysts and fistulas of face and neck.

Histological and clinical classifications of bear cysts and fistulas of face and neck.

Clinical presentation of bear cysts and fistulas of face and neck.

Diagnostics and differential diagnostics of bear cysts and fistulas of face and neck.

Methods of treatment of bear cysts and fistulas of face and neck.

Prognosis and complication under time and after treatment of bear cysts and fistulas of face and neck.

Enumerate factors that assist an origin and development of tumular formations of soft fabrics.

To point classifications.

To point a histological picture that answers the different forms of tumular formations of soft fabrics.

To enumerate the clinical displays of tumular formations of soft fabrics.

To conduct diagnostics of tumular formations of soft fabrics.

To enumerate the methods of treatment.

To point the clinical displays of malignizaton.

To point the chart of prophylactic measures.

Materials for test control:

Surgeon-stomatology of regional stomatological policlinic on a clinical account have patients with the tumours of maxillufacial area, that passed treatment in the separation of chairman and neck regional oncologic dispensary.

What must be documentation on these patients?

А. hospital of in-patient Chart.

В. the Ambulatory card of patient, check card clinical

To the supervision.

С. Extract from the medical card of patient.

D. Ambulatory card of patient, magazine of account of patients that directionally

from permanent establishment.

Е. Documentation of PT.

(Right answer: В)

After the combined radical treatment of crawfish of skin shocks of ІІ of clinical group a patient is under a clinical supervision.

How often must he pass an inspection?

А. 1 time on a half-year.

В. 1 one time in a year.

С. the First year - 1 one time per a quarter, second year 1 time on a half-year,

in future - 1 one time in a year.

D. First year - 1 time on a half-year, in future - 1 one time in a year.

Е. Quarterly during 5.

(Right answer: С)

For a patient a tumour, that is characterized by an invasion height, infiltration of surrounding fabrics, forms the perifocal hearths of inflammation, is 56 diagnosed, often metastasis in surrounding lymphatic knots and remote fabrics.

For that as tumours is there a characteristic mechanism of development?

А. For the unclassified tumours.

В. For of high quality tumours.

С. For tumular educations.

D. For malignant tumours.

Е. For nee pathology.

(Right answer: D)

What sources of origin of dermatoid cysts of person and bottom of cavity of mouth :

A. Tongue, thyroid channels malrelated salivary and mucous glands.

B. Area of ectoblast in the period of her normal immersion.

C. Malrelated salivary glands and bits and pieces of branchial vehicle.

D. Epithelium of variable tibus gland.

E. Not obliterated goitrous-oesophageal channels.

(Right answer: В)

What sources of origin of middle cysts and fistula :

A. Tongue, thyroid channels malrelated salivary and mucous glands.

B. Area of ectoblast in the period of her normal immersion.

C. Malrelated salivary glands and bits and pieces of branchial vehicle.

D. Epithelium of variable tibus gland.

E. Not obliterated goitrous-oesophageal channels.

(Right answer: А)

What source of origin of lateral cysts of parotid area and neck?

A. Tongue, thyroid channels malrelated salivary and mucous glands.

B. Area of ectoblast in the period of her normal immersion.

C. Malrelated salivary glands and bits and pieces of branchial vehicle.

D. Epithelium of variable tibus gland.

E. Not obliterated goitrous-oesophageal channels.

(Right answer: С)

After the theme of next lecture

  1. Classification of odontogenic tumors and cysts of jaws.

  2. Etiology of odontogenic tumors and cysts of jaws.

  3. Clinic, diagnostic and treatment of radicular cyst.

  4. Clinic, diagnostic and treatment of paradental cyst.

  5. Clinic, diagnostic and treatment of primary cyst.

  6. Clinic, diagnostic and treatment of follicular cyst.

  7. Clinic, diagnostic and treatment of gyngival cyst.

  8. Operation of cystotomy. Indications and contraindications.

  9. Operation of cystectomy. Indications and contraindications.

  10. Clinic, diagnostic and treatment of ameloblastoma.

  11. Clinic, diagnostic and treatment of odontoma.

  12. Clinic, diagnostic and treatment of cementoma.

  13. Clinic, diagnostic and treatment of odontogenic fibroma.

  14. Clinic, diagnostic and treatment of epulids.

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