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Дисциплина «Иностранный язык (английский)»

Группы: 1 курс, бакалавр

Вариант 1


I. Вставьте глаголы to be или to have в Present Simple.

  1. My name ___ Shirley Frank.

  2. They ___ three children.

  3. This ___ your flat.

  4. ___ you a student?

  5. Helen ___ a big family.

  6. I ___ from Ekaterinburg.

  7. Tom and Peter ___ not at home now.

  8. Why ___ he sad?

  9. They ___ some English books.

II. Употребите глаголы в Past Simple.

10. He (to come) to school after the first lesson yesterday.

11. The weather (to be) cold last week.

12. When I was a little girl I (to spend) summer in the village.

13. He (to return) home so late yesterday.

14. I (to get) two good marks in English two days ago.

15. The children (not to study) English yesterday.

16. I (to work) at school 3 years ago.

17. My mother (not to like) milk in her childhood.

18. My friend (to live) in America 2 years ago.

III. Заполните предложения.

19. My name is _____ and I ___ ___ in 1990.

20. I’m a ______ student at ______ .

21. When I graduate from university, I’m going to ______.

22. My hobbies are _____.

23. Every day I _____ .

IV. Выберите верный вариант перевода приведенного предложения.

24. He visits his parents every weekend.

a) Он навещал родителей каждый выходной.

b) Он навещает родителей каждый выходной.

с) Он навестит родителей на следующей неделе.

25. He came in, took off his coat and sat down.

a) Он вошел, взял пальто и сел.

b) Он вошел, снял пальто и сел.

с) Он входит, снимает пальто и садится.

26. We enjoyed the concert tonight.

a) Нам нравится этот концерт.

b) Нам понравился сегодняшний концерт.

c) Нам понравился вчерашний концерт.

27. I go to the swimming-pool every day

a) Вчера я ходила в бассейн.

b) Я никогда не хожу в бассейн.

c) Я хожу в бассейн каждый день.

28. He came to see me late in the evening

a) Он придет навестить меня вечером.

b) Он часто навещал меня по вечерам.

c) Он пришел навестить меня поздно вечером.

V. Прочитайте текст и подберите заголовок к каждой из пронумерованных частей (один заголовок – лишний).


One story is not enough




Literary interests


Tolkien starts the legend


Life at university

    1. John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (3 January 1892 – 2 September 1973) was an English writer, poet, philologist, and university professor, best known as the author of the classicfantasyworksThe Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien's first job after World War I was at the Oxford English Dictionary, where he worked mainly on the history and etymology of words of Germanic origin. In 1920, he took up a post as Readerin English Language at theUniversity of Leeds, and became the youngest professor there. In 1925, Tolkien returned to Oxford as aProfessor of Anglo-SaxonLiterature with a fellowship at Pembroke College.

    2. Tolkien was much inspired by early Germanic, especiallyOld Englishliterature,poetry, andmythology, which were his chosen and much-loved areas of expertise. He also acknowledged several non-Germanic influences or sources for some of his stories and ideas. During his time atPembroke Collegehe wroteThe Hobbit and the first two volumes of The Lord of the Rings.

    3. The Lord of the Rings started as a sequel to J. R. R. Tolkien's earlier work, The Hobbit, published in 1937. The popularity of The Hobbit had led George Allen & Unwin, the publishers, to ask for a sequel. Tolkien warned them that he wrote quite slowly, and responded with several stories he had already developed. Allen & Unwin thought more stories about hobbits would be popular.

    4. So at the age of 45, Tolkien began writing the story that would become The Lord of the Rings. The story would not be finished until 12 years later, in 1949, and would not be fully published until 1955, when Tolkien was 63 years old.

VI. Определите, какие из утверждений являются верными (True), а какие нет – (False).



33. Tolkien was the youngest professor at Oxford.

34. At the Oxford English Dictionary Tolkien was responsible for Old English mythology.

35. Tolkien didn’t write quickly.

36. Tolkien’s publishers thought that stories about hobbits would be interesting for readers.

37. The Lord of the Rings was Tolkien’s first book.

38. The full version of The Lord of the Rings was not published until 1955.

VII. Напишите краткую биографию Джека Лондона, используя следующие подсказки (объем – 12 предложений).

Jack London

many novels and stories

to be born in San Francisco in 1876

first book in 1898

a great American writer

152 stories about the North

to get married in 1900

many jobs

a newspaper seller, a sailor, a factory worker, a journalist

to die in 1916

son of a farmer

stories about animals

to spend some years in Alaska

his best novel

«The Sea-Wolf»

Дисциплина«Иностранный язык (английский)»

Группы:1 курс, бакалавр

Вариант 1


  1. Восстановите порядок реплик в диалоге:

  1. a) Hello, Steve. Have you got a minute?

  2. b) Mm... no wonder. What's the problem?

  3. c) Yes...

  4. d) Ok.. It means that all the students live in hall… and what about the teaching staff?

  5. e) It's like this, you see... The programme is different. At a university it is much wider. Great attention is paid to scientific subjects... So, a residential college is a college with a hall of residence on the same grounds as the principal building.

  6. f) And you studied at university?

  7. g) I've read a number of books on the British system of Higher education but I can't make head or tail of it.

  8. h) Actually the majority of the teaching staff live there too. But there are also quite a lot of non-residential colleges.

  9. i) Quite a lot of problems. What I want to discuss is the difference between a university and a college. And what is a residential college is?

  10. j) Sure, yes. What can I do for you?

  1. Подберите верный перевод для следующих словосочетаний:

  1. to fail an exam

  2. timetable

  3. double-period

  4. to enter the university

  5. to pass an exam

  6. to attend classes

  7. group-mate

  8. canteen

  9. library

  10. extra-curricular activity

a) расписание

b) одногруппник

c)посещать занятия

d) библиотека

e) пара

f) провалить экзамен

g) внеучебнаядеятельность

h) сдавать экзамен

I) cтоловая

j) поступатьв университет

  1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

  1. I wish I could pass the exams.

  2. I’m going to enter the university.

  3. If I enter the university, I would be a first-year student.

  4. He is going to take the exam in winter.

  5. I wish I could understand German.

  1. Употребите глагол в скобках в правильной форме:

  1. I wish I (to consult) the teacher when I first felt that mathematics was too difficult for me.

  2. I wish I (not to have) to do my homework every day.

  3. I wish you (to take part) in sport competitions.

  4. I wish I (to know) Spanish

  5. I wish you (to read) more in the future.

  1. Определите, являются ли приведенные утверждения верными или ложными :

  1. Redbrick – a redbrick university is one of the American universities built in the late 19th or early 20th.

  2. In Britain a university, polytechnic and college of higher education has one meaning.

  3. Examinations are held at the end of each term in Russia.

  4. Residential college is a college with a hall of residence on the students live in hall.

  5. In Great Britain the first degree of Bachelor is given to students who pass examinations at the end of 3 or 4 years of study.

  1. Translate into English:

  1. Мои одногруппники всегда помогают мне на семинарах.

  2. Студентам очень нравится столовая в университете.

  3. В нашей библиотеке большой выбор литературы.

  4. Девиз нашего университета: «учить и учиться».

  5. В этом семестре у нас очень загруженное расписание

  1. Напишите 10 предложений о распорядке дня Майкла, используя следующую таблицу.

Model: Michael gets up at 7 o’clock.


get up


do morning exercises


have a shower


have breakfast


leave home


come home


have dinner


do homework


go for a walk


watch TV


go to bed

Дисциплина «Иностранный язык (английский)»

Группы: 1 курс, бакалавр

Вариант 1


  1. Посмотрите на карту, определите месторасположение зданий и заполните предложения:

1) The hotel is _______the bank and the bookstore.

2) The restaurant is ________ the bank.

3) There's a church _________ of First and Second Street.

4) The school is ____________ First Street.

5) The mall is ______________ the post office.

6) The museum is ___________ from the church.

  1. Подберите описания достопримечательностей (7-10) к их названиям (A-D):

7) It's a museum where the Crown Jewels are kept.

A. Big Ben

8) It's the official residence of the Queen and the Royal Family when they are in London.

B. Houses of Parliament

9) The English Parliament meets here.

C. Tower

10) Famous clock tower in London near the Houses of Parliament.

D. Buckingham Palace

  1. Найдите окончания следующих фраз (11-15):

11) The red double-decker buses are internationally...

A. is the busiest hub in the world for international traffic.

12) London Heathrow Airport…

B. famous.

13) The majority of journeys in central London are made…

C. is now commonly known as the Tube.

14) The London Underground…

D. which serves 270 station

15) The Tube is the oldest metro in the world…

E. by public transport.

Correct spelling mistakes in the sentences 18–23:

18) In London we still calculate distances in milis and we still drive on the left.

19) Though there is one roud in London, near the Savoy hotel, where you have to drive on the right.

20) In London we still have red double-decker busses and black cabs.

21) London cab driveres have to learn all the streets in London and pass “The knowledge”.

22) Traffic jams are common in London’s motoways, like the infamous M25 around London.

23) To improve the situation in transporte we invented toll motorways and congestion charges.

Write the words in the correct column:

Royal guard, London eye, Tower Bridge, Royal Observatory, Queen, Tube, Beefeater, Cab, Tram.




Match the words into pairs (38–43):

38) traffic

A. driving

39) dangerous

B. a train

40) to miss

C. jams

41) bus

D. a monument

42) to leave

E. ticket

43) to unveil

F. from Gatwick Airport

Complete the sentences using Past Continuous (45-48)

45) The cab_________ (catch up).

46) Jack _____ (go) on one of Britain’s steam railways in Wales.

47) They_______ (walk) through Hyde Park.

48) I _________ (read) my poems in Speaker’s Corner.

Write a/an, the or no article in the gaps (49-50):

49) ____ woman in this photo is the Queen of ____UK.

50) As a rule, ____ passengers elbow their way to ___ exit .

Дисциплина«Иностранный язык (английский)»

Группы:1 курс, бакалавр

Вариант 1


  1. Прочитайте текст и определите, являются ли приведенные ниже утверждения верными и ли ложными.


1. Scotland is a part of the United Kingdom. Its symbol is a thistle. The country is divided into Highlands and Lowlands. Most of the industry is concentrated in Lowlands. Glasgow is its largest and busiest town; Edinburgh is its capital. Glasgow and Edinburgh are two great centers of Scotland. There are only 45 miles between them, and it will take you an hour to get from Glasgow to Edinburgh by train but the cities are very different. Glasgow is the heart of industry. It is a centre of business and trade. It is very busy, prosperous, dirty in some parts and smart in others. Edinburgh is rather cold but attractive. Edinburgh is known as Athens of the North.

2. Scotland has its own parliament, legal system, educational system and its own international football team. Scotland's head of state is the monarch of the United Kingdom, currently Queen Elizabeth II .

3. The Romans never conquered Scotland. Between the years 120 and 140, they built Hadrian s Wall, a huge wall, 118 km long, to protect their empire. In the Middle Ages, Scotland became a united country. There were many wars between England and Scotland. In 1603, the Scottish king, James VI, became king of England and a century later Scotland and England were united.

Are the following sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1. Scotland is an independent country.

2. Scotland has not its own football team.

3. The Romans conquered Scotland.

4. Scotland has not its own parliament.

5. The country is divided into Highlands and Midlands.

6. Scotland s head of state is the monarch of the United Kingdom.

7. Scotland s symbol is a thistle.

II. Найдите к каждому слову в списке (9-10) его синоним (a-d). Один синоним лишний.

  1. a trip

  2. a café

  3. a stream

  1. a restaurant

  2. a journey

  3. a palace

  4. a river

  1. Подберите к приведенным словам (A-D) их определения (11-13). Одно слово лишнее.

  1. An assembly of the representatives of a political nation or people.

  2. A sovereign head of state, who rules usually by hereditary right.

  3. A particular armed conflict

  1. A war

  2. A parliament

  3. Politics

  4. A monarch

  1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple Passive. (YESTERDAY)

  1. The bags (to take) to the post office.

  2. The letters (to sort) into different towns.

  3. The mail (to load) into the train.

  4. The stamps (to postmark) at the post office.

  1. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple active или Past Simple Passive.

  1. Мы спросили – Нас спросили

  2. Я показал – Мне показали

  3. Она видела – Ее видели

  4. Я рассказал – Мне рассказали

  5. Мы забыли – Нас забыли

  1. Заполните пропуски в тексе артиклями, где необходимо.

There is no other country in 23)___ world whose nature is more varied than that of 24___ Russia. 25)___ western half of 26)___ country consists mainly of 27) ___ low plains. The country is divided into two parts by 28)___ Ural mountains 29)___ greater part of 30)___ eastern half is covered with vast plateaus and mountain chains. Here, on 31)___ Kamchatka Peninsula 32)___ biggest active volcanoes of 33)___ Old World are located. In 34)___ south 35)___ plains of 36)___ western half of 37)___ country are bounded by huge mountain ranges. Here are 38)___country's highest peaks.

  1. Завершите предложения.

Dutchmen live in Holland and speak 39)__________ .

40) ____________ live in Spain and speak Spanish.

Americans live in 41)___________ and speak English.

Canadians live in Canada and speak 42)________ and 43)_________.

Chinese live in 44)_________ and speak 45)__________ .

  1. Опишите любую страну (от 5-ти предложений), используя следующие слова.

is situated in



largest cities


Дисциплина«Иностранный язык (английский)»

Группы:1 курс, бакалавр

Вариант 1


  1. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1- 5 в нем, используя части предложений A- F.

Hogmanay, 31 December.

Scotland celebrates Hogmanay, the New Year,1_______________________, Scotland s traditional instrument, and 2____________________________. At midnight, there are fireworks and everyone sings “Auld Lang Syne», 3_______________________________________ . Soon after midnight, Scottish families go 4_________________________________, and visiting 5___________________________ and relations to continue the celebrations!

A. shops and museums

B. «first flooting»

C. with the music of bagpipes

D. dancing in the street throughout the night

E. a song by Robert Burns, a famous Scottich poet

F. the houses of friends

G. because everyone dances and drinks traditional beverages.

  1. How you will translate собор не был закончен до 1709 года:

  1. The Cathedral was not been finished until 1709

  2. The Cathedral had not been finished until 1709

  3. The Cathedral were not finished until 1709

  1. Find the sentence with a mistake:

  1. The Houses of Parliament were built in 1839

  2. The Houses of Parliament consists of several chambers.

  3. The Houses of Parliament is one of the most interesting buildings.

  1. Finish the sentence: If I had visited London last summer ….

  1. I would buy some souvenirs

  2. I would have bought some souvenirs

  3. I will buy some souvenirs

  1. Choose the correct translation of the following dialogue:

- ты видел новый дом?

-да, очень красивое здание. Напоминает здание парламента.

a) – Did you see new building?

-Yes, very beautiful. It resembles of Houses of Parliament.

b) –Have you seen the new building?

-Yes, a building is nice. It resembles of the Houses of Parliament.

c) –Have you seen a new building?

-Yes, the building is magnificent. It resembles of the Houses of Parliament.

  1. Complete the sentence: Mary! If it is raining….

  1. you take an umbrella

  2. take an umbrella

  3. would you take an umbrella

There are some names of the shops. Read them and then answer the following questions below:

  • butcher’s

  • chemist’s, pharmacy, department store

  • greengrocers’

  • bakery

  • paper’s stand

In which shops would you ask for the following item? 11. A pound of apples? _____________________________________________ 12. Half a pound of pork sausages?____________________________________ 13. Today’s newspaper?_____________________________________________ 14. A Tube of toothpaste?___________________________________________ 15. A loaf of bread?________________________________________________

16. The UK is made up of _____ parts.

a) two

b) four

c) three

d) five

17. The best way to start a conversation in England is to speak about _____ .

a) weather

b) politics

c) family

d) sport

18. The USA consists of _____ states.

b) fifty-five

c) fifteen

d) fifty-one

19. The capital of the Australia is _____ .

a) Perth

b) Canberra

c) Melbourne

d) Sidney

20. Australia has _____ states.

a) three

b) eight

c) six

d) five

21. New Zealand is an island country in the southwestern _____ .

a) Atlantic Ocean

b) Pacific Ocean

c) Indian Ocean

d) Caribbean Sea

Text A. Millions of years ago, water covered much of what is now North America. As creatures and plants in the water died, their remains settled to the bottom of the water and piled up, sometimes many feet thick. These thick piles have been dug up. Some of the piles in Alaska are made of plants that grow only in warm places. In this way we learn that parts of Alaska were warm, millions of years ago.