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Vocabulary List

mental depression - подавление сознания recumbency - прострация

somnolence - сонливость arching of back - выгибание спины

dummy syndrome - временный ( преходящий) синдром ascites - асцит

survive(v)- выживатьbiliary(a)желчный, печеночный

shedding(n)- зд. выпадение (волос)constipation- запор

Exercise 4. Read and translate the text “Hepatitis” into Russian.

Exercise 5. Render the contents of the text following the plan:

1. Основные симптомы гепатита.

2. Симптомы у животных во второй стадии заболевания.

3. Состояние, сопутствующее анорексии.

4. Присутствие желтухи и отека.

Lesson15 Отглагольное существительное

(Verbal Noun)

Отглагольное существительное совпадает по форме с при­частием и герундием, но имеет только одну ing-форму (treating, examining). Оно обладает только свойствами существительного: вместо прямого дополнения требует после себя существитель­ного с предлогом of, употребляется с артиклем (a, the), может иметь форму множественного числа и может определяться при­лагательным.

The reading of this scientific work required much time.

- Чтение этого научного труда потребовало много времени.

Quick walking tires me. - Быстрая ходьба утомляет меня.

A. Atony of the Forestomachs

The stomachs of ruminants are closely associated anatomically and functionally and disease of one usually affects the others.

Simple Indigestion. Simple indigestion is caused by atony of the forestomachs and is characterized clinically by anorexia, lack of ruminal movement and constipation.

The disease is common in dairy cattle because of the variability in quality and the large amounts of the food consumed. The common causes are dietary abnormalities of minor degree including indigestible roughage. Cases occur under excellent feeding regimes and are usually ascribed to over-feeding with grain.

Primary atony caused by dietary abnormality is difficult to explain. Changes is the pH of its contents markedly affect the motility of the rumen and in cases caused by overeating of grain an increase in acidity is probably of importance. High protein diets including the feeding of excessively large quantities of urea, also depress motility because of the sharp increase in alkalinity which results. Atony which occurs after feeding on damaged feeds may have the same basis or due to other unidentified agents in the food.

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions to the text A in Russian:

  1. What is the cause of simple indigestion?

  2. Why the disease is common in dairy cattle?

  3. What is the cause of primary atony?

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions to the text A in Russian and then in English:

  1. Why the disease of one stomach of ruminants usually affects the others?

  1. Is simple indigestion caused by atony of the forestomachs?

  2. What are the symptoms of simple indigestion?

  3. Why does the disease often occur in dairy cattle?

  1. Can simple indigestion be caused by overfeeding with grain?

6. What is the explanation of primary atony? Exercise 3. Translate the text A into Russian, determine the verb forms and their function.

B. Atony of the Forestomachs

Affected animals usually show a pronounced fall in milk yield caused probably by the sharp fall in volatile fatty acid pro­duction in the atonic rumen. Rumen contractions appear to play the same role as hunger contractions in simple stomachs and the decreased food intake is probably due to the ruminal atony.

Clinical Findings. A reduction in appetite is the first sign and is followed clo­sely in milking cows by a slight drop in milk production. Both occur suddenly, the anorexia may be partial or complete but the fall in milk yield is relatively slight. The animal's posture is unaffected but there is mild depression and dullness. Rumi­nation ceases and there is constipation with scanty, firm feces in most cases although diarrhea may occur on damaged feeds. Ruminal movements are depressed in frequency and force or are absent. There may be moderate tympany, especially with frozen and damaged feeds or in allergy but the usual finding is a firm doughy rumen without obvious distension.

There is no systemic reaction and the pulse, temperature and respiration rates are unaffected. Pain cannot be elicited by percussion of the abdominal wall. Most cases recover spontaneously or with simple treatments in about 48 hours. The disease is not a fatal one.

Secondary ruminal atony occurs in many diseases especially when septicemia or toxemia is present but there are usually additional clinical signs to indicate their presence.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the text B, determine the verb forms and their function and retell in English according next questions:

  1. Какова причина резкого снижения молочной продуктивности­ у больных животных?

  2. Какие симптомы характерны для атонии преджелудков?

  3. Наблюдаются ли изменения в пульсе и температуре при этом заболевании?

  4. Часто ли заболевание приводит к смерти животного?

  5. В каких случаях развивается вторичная атония рубца?

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