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the other dimension stresses the signifying process and concentrates on analyzing their generative processes and interrelations with other texts. Armed with this theory, the 'text regime' holds their battleground rather strongly.

Here the process of interpretation seems to end satisfactorily, yet the last step is indispensable, the involvement of the reader. Text ought not be treated as a closed formal network. Without the reader the meaning is not communicated. And if communication fails what follows naturally is the failure of translation.

The Reader

This aspect does not attract attention until quite recently. Owing to the above schools the interpretation of a certain work used to be looked on as fixed and established by authority who have done thorough research about the author and the detailed analysis of the text at hand. So any different interpretation tends to be strongly attacked, denying the fact that naturally different readers may well have different interpretations. To argue with persuasiveness, reception theory is introduced in translation theory which is defined as the "approach to literature that concerns itself first and foremost with one or more readers' actualization of the text." (Lernout, 1994) The most significant figure concerning this theory is Hans Robert Jauss and he is heavily quoted. The 'reader regime' comes into prominence.

Jauss's work in the late seventies, gathered in his Asthetische Erfahrung und Literarische Hermeneutik in 1982 (the first part was issued in 1977 and translated into English as Aesthetic Experience and Literary Hermeneutics in 1982), moved toward a more hermeneutical interest in the aesthetic experience itself. Jauss distinguishes three basic experiences: a productive aesthetic praxis (poiesis), a receptive praxis (aisthesis), and a communicative praxis (katharsis), and he claims that a detailed study of these three elements can help literary history steer a course between an exclusively aesthetic and an exclusively sociological perspective. Central in this new phase of Jauss's thinking is the third, communicative aesthetic praxis, which is defined as "the enjoyment of the affects as stirred by speech or poetry which can bring about both a change in belief and the liberation of his mind in the listener or the spectator". Important here is both the active part of the recipient of the aesthetic object and the two opposites this definition avoids: the unmediated losing oneself in the object and the sentimental self-indulgence by the subject in itself. The aesthetic experience can have three functions in society: it can create norms, simply pass on existing norms, or refuse to conform to the existing norms. With this as a point of departure, Chinese translation circles, especially those of the middle-age generation, set out a campaign of retranslation of the classical works which used to be considered too steep and high a mountain to climb.

Re-translation of the same work is now being done by quite a few translators, who boldly do the translation in accordance with their own interpretation and with originality and creativity without fear of being ferociously attacked by the so-called authority. In addition, literary translation itself I firmly believe is more an artistic endeavor than a mechanic linguistic conversion as art is always individual and immune to the so-called 'scientific deconstruction'.

The three factors each have its followers and advocates in the Chinese translation circles today and the disputes and arguments still go on. I, a Taoist philosophical follower, believe the 'oneness' which in this present case means the organic combination of the three aspects, complementary to one another.


From the above discussion, it is hoped to manifest that proper understanding of a literary discourse is the first and foremost step of any translation and to understand it correctly the three factors, namely, the author, the text and the reader must all be counted in so that meaning is best determined and a perfect piece of translation is produced.


Notes: As I am blind to German, I am not sure if my quotations are correctly spelt. I apologize for any mistakes, though the German terms are but copied exactly from the sources I have cited.

2. Перевод текстов официально-делового стиля

Официально-деловой стиль составляет макросреду речевого общения в сфере сугубо официальных человеческих взаимоотношений, а именно в сфере правовых отношений и управления людьми. Эта сфера охватывает правительственную деятельность, международные отношения, юриспруденцию, торговлю, экономику, военную жизнь, рекламное дело, общение в официальных учреждениях.

Инвариантную основу официально-делового функционального стиля составляет социальная (прагматическая) функция долженствования и формальная

(стилистическая) функция официальности. Диапазон функции долженствования довольно широк: от императивности до рекомендательности. Императивная функция также имеет такие ступени дифференциации как директивная функция, директивно-

нормативная и нормативно-оценочная.

Управление людьми в обществе осуществляется разными путями. Директивное управление – это прямое воздействие на поведение людей посредством законов, приказов, инструкций и т.п. Директивно-нормативное управление базируется на целях, стоящих перед обществом, коллективом, группами людей и регулирующих их поведение. К директивно-нормативной функции текста весьма близка нормативная функция, реализуемая в нормативных документах, например, в правовых нормах. В нормативных документах императивность имеет характер предписаний и оценок.

Рекомендательная функция – это смягченный вариант функции долженствования. В реализации она допускает эмоционально-экспрессивную окраску, что не характерно для императивных документов, поэтому образует пограничную зону, где может происходить смешение разных функциональных стилей, например, официального и научно-технического. Эта прагматическая функция характерна для дипломатии, рекламной деятельности, судопроизводства, торжественных мероприятий и т.п.

Официально-деловое общение, где нормы поведения четко определены, как правило, канонизировано. Эти нормы выражаются такими формальными особенностями стиля, как официальность, имперсональность (неличностный характер), объективность,

безэмоциональность. Адресантом текста в деловой сфере может являться государство, учреждение, должностное лицо и т.д., адресат также имперсонален. Для текстов этого стиля характерно стандартизированное построение, исключающее всякую двусмысленность, стереотипизация и традиция. Более четкому восприятию текстов служат такие графические приемы, как выделение абзацев, нумерация отдельных частей, введение названий глав и т. д.

2.1. Речевые жанры в функциональной системе официально-делового стиля

Вофициально-деловом стиле функционируют следующие речевые жанры:

-правительственные постановления, парламентские указы, законы и т.д. в сфере правительственной деятельности;

-дипломатические договоры, меморандумы, ноты, протоколы и т.д. в сфере международных отношений;

-уложения, кодексы, судебно-процессуальные документы в области юриспруденции;


-торгово-коммерческие соглашения, коммерческая корреспонденция и т.д. в торговле и экономике;

-военные уставы, приказы, распоряжения, донесения и т.д. в сфере военной жизни;

-деловая переписка, акты, протоколы собраний и заседаний, приказы, распоряжения, объявления, телеграммы и т.д. в официальных учреждениях и организациях;

-официальные письменные заявления, докладные, объяснительные записки, доверенности, расписки, завещания и т.д. в деловой жизни отдельного человека.

Во всех перечисленных речевых жанрах представлены директивная и директивнонормативная разновидности императивной функции официально-делового стиля. Они различаются степенью категоричности. За каждым речевым жанром стоит конкретная цель. Таким образом, социальная (прагматическая) функция реализуется в текстовой жанровой функции.

Рекомендательный вариант функции долженствования наиболее часто реализуется

вразличных видах рекламы, патентах, инструкциях и т.п.

Патент – это юридический документ, удостоверяющий право его обладателя на монопольное использование того или иного изобретения. В патенте дается лишь наименование изобретения, его описание и характеристики прилагаются к патенту. Для патентных описаний характерна объективность, логическая последовательность, точность изложения при емкости формы, использование терминов, аббревиатур – то есть все особенности научно-технического стиля.

К текстам промышленной рекламы относятся рекламные проспекты, листки или брошюры с описанием и изображением изделия, указанием места и условий его приобретения, рекламные каталоги на промышленное оборудование, пристендовые листки и т.д. Задача рекламы вообще, включая и промышленную, – привлечь внимание потребителя, вызвать интерес к изделию, дать аргументы в его пользу, побудить потребителя к его приобрести. Эффективность жанрово-прагматической функции рекламы во многом зависит от языковой специфики оформления текста. В промышленной рекламе сочетаются строгое изложение технического содержания с собственно рекламным изложением, определяемым коммерческим назначением рекламных изданий. Поэтому в рекламном тексте присутствуют, с одной стороны, характерные черты научно-технического стиля – насыщенность терминами, неличный характер высказываний, логичность, точность, последовательность изложения, завершенность, отсутствие модально-оценочных слов, широкое использование иллюстративных и графических средств, а с другой стороны, – доходчивость, простота изложения, броское, запоминающееся художественно-графическое оформление, использование сравнений, «рекламных лозунгов», «ударной концовки», то есть эмоционально-экспрессивных средств.

В бытовой рекламе используются все лингвистические и рекламные средства, особенно возможности устно-разговорной речи и весь изобразительно-выразительный потенциал языка.

Техническая инструкция в широком смысле является одним из актов органов государственного управления. В этом случае она содержит нормативы общего порядка, способы и методы осуществления мероприятий в пределах разных ведомств.

Инструкция представляет собой также описание пользования различными приборами, продуктами и т.п. В зависимости от области применения и, соответственно, предполагаемого адресата лексика может быть общеупотребительной или специальной.


Типовое синтаксическое оформление соответствует официально-деловому стилю. Используются языковые средства с модальным оттенком долженствования.

2.2. Характеристики устной формы официально-делового стиля

Личные контакты в сфере официально-делового общения реализуются как в монологической, так и, преимущественно, в диалогической формах. Устная речь хотя и носит деловой, обработанный характер, но это уже не книжная, а литературно-устная речь. Типичные черты делового стиля в ней сохраняются, однако синтаксис менее усложнен: простые распространенные предложения короче, главный элемент внутренней структуры – словосочетания – проще, усиливается черта устной речи – глагольность.

Среди устных типов текста официально-делового стиля особое положение занимают судебно-деловые жанры. Их функция – выяснить, доказать, убедить. Это определяет особенности их внутренней структуры их речевого оформления: убедительность, точность, ясность, логичность, краткость, эмоциональность, соблюдение правил судебного этикета, соблюдение норм литературного языка.

Для диалогов в официально-деловом общении типичны основные признаки диалогической речи вообще: синтаксическая неполнота, обусловленная ситуацией (эллипсы), вопросно-ответная форма диалога, восклицательные предложения, повторы и т.п.

Задание 1. Ознакомьтесь с образцами таможенной декларации и инструкциями по ее заполнению. 1) Определите, какие языковые средства характерны для каждого из текстов и на наличие какого вида информации они указывают. 2) Кто является источником и реципиентом? 3) Определите коммуникативное задание каждого из текстов и его влияние на выбор языковых средств. Подтвердите ваши ответы примерами из текста.

Sample Customs Declaration Form

U.S. Customs and Border Protection Declaration Form 6059B - Instructions

Welcome to the United States!

Each individual arriving into the United States must complete the CBP Declaration Form 6059B. If you are traveling with other immediate family members, complete one form per family unit. Please contact your nearest port of entry to order the form.

Explanations for information fields are explained below the sample image.


U.S. Customs and Border Protection Declaration Form - Front

1.Print your last (family) name. Print your first (given) name. Print the first letter of your middle name.

2.Print your date of birth in the appropriate day/month/year boxes.

3.Print the number of family members traveling with you (do not include yourself).

4.Print your current street address in the United States. If you are staying at a hotel, include the hotel's name and street address. Print the city and the state in the appropriate boxes.

5.Print the name of the country that issued your passport.


6.Print your passport number.

7.Print the name of the country where you currently live.

8.Print the name of the country(ies) that you visited on your trip prior to arriving to the United States.

9.If traveling by airline, print the airline's name and flight number. If traveling by vessel (ship), print the vessel's name.

10.Mark an X in the Yes or No box. Are you traveling on a business (work-related) trip?

11.Mark an X in the Yes or No box. Are you bringing with you:

a.fruits, plants, food, or insects?

b.meats, animals, or animal/wildlife products?

c.disease agents, cell cultures, or snails?

d.soil or have you visited a farm/ranch/pasture outside the United States?

12.Mark an X in the Yes or No box. Have you or any family members traveling with you been in close proximity of (such as touching or handling) livestock outside the United States?

13.Mark an X in the Yes or No box. Are you or any family members traveling with you bringing $10,000 or more in U.S. dollars or foreign equivalent in any form into the United States?

Read definition of monetary instruments on the reverse side of the form.

Examples: coins, cash, personal or cashier's check, traveler's checks, money orders, stocks, bonds.

If yes, your must complete the Customs Form 4790.

14.Mark an X in the Yes or No box. Are you or any family members traveling with you bringing commercial merchandise into the United States?

Examples: all articles intended to be sold or left in the United States, samples used for soliciting orders, or goods that are not considered personal effects.

15.If you are a U.S. resident, print the total value of all goods (including commercial merchandise) you or any family members traveling with you have purchased or acquired abroad (including gifts for someone else, but not items mailed to the United States) and are bringing into the United States.

Note: U.S. residents are normally entitled to a duty-free exemption of $800 on items accompanying them.

If you are a visitor (non-U.S. Resident), print the total value of all goods (including commercial merchandise) you or any family members traveling with you are bringing into the United States and will remain in the United States.

Note: Visitors (non-U.S. Residents) are normally entitled to an exemption of $100.

Declare all articles on this form. For gifts, please indicate the retail value. Use the reverse side of this form if additional space is needed to list the items you will declare.

The U.S. Customs officer will determine duty. Duty will be assessed at the current rate on the first $1,000 above the exemption.

Read the notice on the reverse side of the form. Sign the form and print the date.

Keep the complete form with you and hand it to the CBP inspector when you approach the Customs and Border Protection area.

Controlled substances, obscene articles, and toxic substances are generally prohibited entry. Thank you, and Welcome to the United States.


The Submission of “Declaration of Personal effects and Unaccompanied articles” card for Customs declaration on the entry of Japan

From February 1st 2008, all people entering Japan must present a “Declaration of personal effects and Unaccompanied articles” card to the customs inspector upon their arrival. This declaration card aims to help prevent terrorism and smuggling by various international criminal organizations, and also allows passengers to clear Japanese customs inspections smoothly.

One declaration card per family is permitted.

Задание 2. Прочитайте Устав Международного союза железных дорог. 1) Найдите лексические и грамматические средства, характерные для данного стиля и делающие язык текста стандартизованным. 2) Предложите для них русские соответствия.


UIC Statutes

Title 1 - Purpose, membership and resources of the UIC Article 1 - Name. Head Office. Purpose

1.1 The International Union of Railways (UIC) is a world trade association for railways, which has its Head Office in Paris, France, 16 rue Jean Rey, 75015.

1.2The aims of the UIC shall be to:

enable international railway cooperation at world level, reinforce rail transport's global competitiveness and development, represent and promote the interests of rail transport at world level, foster synergy between different world bodies for the development of rail transport.

1.3In pursuit of these aims, the UIC shall:

-promote technical cooperation and the exchange of information, knowledge and experience between its members,

-assist members in addressing specific technical and operational issues,

-draw up common positions and recommendations intended for its members,

-develop the overall coherence of the railway system at world level, with a continued emphasis

at pan-European level, by consolidating its interoperability,

– develop strategies


initiatives to improve business performance, and to increase rail transport investment


business opportunities,



-execute and manage projects/activities, including research, development and economic questions as far as necessary for the topic concerned,

-support processes for establishing standards and specifications including by providing its own input and services notably in Europe for European Union representative bodies,

-develop agreements and cooperation at world level with intergovernmental organisations, other trade organisations and other modes of transport,

-develop centres of excellence for leadership, innovation and other business needs, - develop a comprehensive railway data bank, and identify industry trends.

1.4The UIC may entrust certain specialised tasks to subsidiary companies it has created.

1.5To meet specific needs such as capitalisation of intellectual property and concepts/ideas, the UIC may create new special purpose vehicles (SPVs) to promote development of rail transport.

Article 2 - Membership

2.1 The UIC shall comprise Members belonging to the following categories:

1)Active Members,

2)Associate Members,

3)Affiliate Members.

2.2. "Active Members" shall be companies or entities, public or private, meeting both following conditions:

1)they shall be a (passenger and/or freight) Railway Undertaking ensuring traction and/or a railway Infrastructure Manager;

2)they should have a volume of railway business in excess of an amount fixed by Internal Regulation R1 approved by the General Assembly.

2.3"Associate Members" shall be companies or entities, public or private, covered by Article 2.2, which do not fulfil the prerequisite set out in paragraph 2 of this article.

2.4"Affiliate Members" shall be companies or entities, public or private, including institutes and associations, whose railway activities relate to urban, suburban or regional services or which conduct activities linked to the rail business.



The admission of a new Member shall be decided by

the General



General Assembly may derogate from the rules



categories, if this is of particular interest to the rail system.



Membership may be provisionally granted by the Regional Assemblies or Executive Board; it must in this case be approved by the next General Assembly.

2.6 The exclusion of a Member may be decided upon by the General Assembly at the request of the Regional Assembly or Executive Board on serious grounds.

Article 3 - Resources

3.1The UIC shall organise its resources to meet the following associated costs:

a.UIC HQ operational cost comprising the cost of personnel, common services including accounting, administration, communication, documentation and other services which are essential for a global organisation, including the running costs of working bodies,

b.costs associated with the work of Regional Assemblies, including projects and activities approved by the Regional Assemblies through Forums/Platforms and regional units,

c.development costs for inter-regional activities/projects,

d.development of activities/projects addressing the global agenda of UIC.

3.2The UIC shall principally cover the above costs through

a.a core fee: to meet UIC HQ's operational cost including operational costs of working bodies, paid by all UIC members.

b.a development fee: to meet UIC HQ costs towards the development of UIC's global dimension, to be paid by all active members of UIC.

c.a regional fee to carry out the tasks associated with the work of the Regional Assembly, to be paid by all the members in each Regional Assembly.

d.a project and activity contribution at global level: to meet operational cost toward











proposal from the UIC Executive Board as

activities and

projects of


interest at global level, to be paid by all UIC members.







a project and activity contribution at regional level designed to cover the operational

costs connected with projects and activities approved by the Regional Assembly as projects and activities of common interest at regional level.

At regional level, resources shall be organised by the respective Regional Assembly. Regional Assemblies can also organise additional resources from governments, organisations, institutions engaged in development of rail transport.

3.3 The UIC's resources shall also be comprised of income from management of its assets, income received in exchange for sales and services for the benefit of Members or third parties.

Internal Regulation R1 approved by the General Assembly provides the basic rules for application of the various articles under Title 1.

Title 2 - Organisation of the UIC Article 4 — General organisation 4.1 The UIC bodies are:

the General Assembly,

the Regional Assemblies for Africa, North and South America, Asia, Europe and Middle East,

the Executive Board,

the Chair and Vice-Chair,


the Chief Executive and the Deputy Chief Executive,

Working bodies: Forums, Platforms, Working Parties and their Steering Committees,

the Special Groups,

the Audit and Budget Committee.

4.2 UIC governance shall be structured around its General Assembly, Regional Assemblies and the Executive Board, with a view to ensuring the smooth progress of work and the involvement of Members. The General Assembly, which is the highest authority of the UIC, shall be the principal place where Members express their views and take decisions regarding the life, policy and initiatives of the UIC.

Article 5 - General Assembly


The General Assembly shall comprise all members of the Association.


The powers of the General Assembly shall be exercised either directly by it or by automatic delegation by virtue of these Statutes.

The General Assembly may also delegate its authority in all other cases as it sees fit. The General Assembly shall directly exercise the following powers in addition to those mentioned elsewhere in these Statutes:

1.it shall approve general UIC policy,

2.it may address all issues, in particular those that the Regional Assemblies, the Executive Board, a Member, or an organisation linked by an agreement with the UIC may wish to refer to it,



shall approve


UIC core



well as






the latter shall be consolidated with the budget of the Regional Assemblies,






it shall approve the UIC accounts,

















approve the annual amount of









proposed by the Executive Board,

















approve the projects and/or activities at global














activities and



relevant contributions,



















it shall appoint the UIC Chair and Vice-Chair,





























































trade associations










agreements made by Regional Assemblies,













10. it shall decide on the admission and exclusion of Members,








11. it






amendments to




the Statutes



the Executive Board,

12.it shall grant financial autonomy to special groups if required,

13.it shall decide to launch projects and activities of common interest at global level involving a cost of over one million euro,

14.it may decide the dissolution of the Association,


it shall also approve the location and functioning of regional units in

consultation with the Regional Assemblies,


it shall appoint the statutory auditors of the Association.


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