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English for Art Students.doc
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  1. to be an easy thing to do – легко сделать

  2. to take a lot of time- занимать много времени

  3. outlook – кругозор

  4. аpproximately – примерно

  5. a mother tongue – родной язык

  6. the first language – первый язык

  7. to borrow – заимствовать

  1. sense – разум

  2. in spite of – несмотря на

  3. to eliminate- исключать

  4. official language – официальный язык

  5. recent advances – последние достижения

  6. field – поле (область)

  7. to affect- действовать на

  8. to keep up - не отставать

Ответьте на вопросы

  1. What process is learning foreign languages?

  2. Is it important to learn foreign languages?

  3. What are three main reason for learning foreign languages?

  4. What opportunities does knowledge of foreign languages give?

  5. Why people should learn English?

Составьте диалог на одну из заданных тем:

1. Your friend doesn't want to learn English and he (she) thinks that it's just a waste of time. You are the best student in your Academy and you are absolutely sure that this language will be very useful for your future career. You friend doesn't care about this. So, try to find another reason to convince him to learn English.

Ваш друг не хочет учить английский язык, и считает, что это пустая трата времени. Вы – один из лучших студентов Академии и уверены, что знание языка будет полезно для Вашей будущей карьеры. Ваш друг не придает этому значение. Постарайтесь найти доводы, чтобы переубедить его выучить английский язык.

2. Two teachers are discussing the problem of learning foreign languages in kindergartens. The first thinks that it is very early to master any foreign language. The second believes that every kid should start learning foreign language as early as possible.

Двое учителей обсуждают проблему преподавания иностранных языков в детских садах. Один считает, что не следует начинать обучать иностранному языку с такого раннего возраста. Второй уверен, что каждый ребенок должен начинать учить иностранный язык как можно раньше.

3. Do you think that the use of English words is dangerous for the purity of our native Russian language?

Как Вы думаете опасно ли использование английских слов для чистоты русского языка?

4.Use your own experience: "Computers help us to learn foreign language."

Выскажите свое мнение на тему “Использование компьютера в изучении иностранного языка”.

1. Послушайте шесть мнений об отношении к изучению английского языка, сделайте для себя заметки. Чье мнение совпадает с Вашим?

2. Послушайте еще раз и заполните пропуски в предложениях

1. Learning English isn’t my idea __________ fun.

2. I want to get ___________ in my career.

3. English is the language _________ the media.

4. It’certainly not __________ beautiful a language as … Italian.

5. I think it’s more difficult ___________ you get older.

6. I’ll always think ____________ Italian.

7. With native English speakers, I do feel _____________ a disadvantage.

8. That’s the thing __________ English – it’s easy to speak a little quickly.

Speaker 1

Well, to be honest, learning English isn’t my idea of fun. I mean, rock concerts are fun. Моtorbikes are fun. Snowboarding is fun. Learning English isn’t fun. It’s hard work. But it’s worth it. I don't need English every day in my job right now. But if I want to get on my career, I know I’m going to need it more and more. English is where the money is, so I just think of it as an investment in my future. We Swiss are very practical like that.

Speaker 2

Hm, well, I accept that English is the language of the media, but I’m not so sure about business. Реrsonallу, I know a lot of business people who speak almost no English at all. Twenty-five per cent of the world speaks English. OK, but that means 75 % don’t. The way I see it, if I'm trying to sell you something, I should speak уour language. But if you come to Ecuador to sell me something, then you should speak Spanish.

Speaker 3

Coming from a tiny country like the Netherlands means we’ve always had to speak foreign languages. So it’s nothing new for us. The same goes for people from Luxemburg, Belgium, Scandinavia. Eighty per cent of Dutch people speak English. Most of us speak some German too, or French. We certainly don't expect anybody to speak Dutch! In fact, the firm I work for recently introduced English as the official company language. So now I speak English all day – to other Dutch people!

Speaker 4

I’m afraid I really don't like English that much. I find the pronunciation difficult. It’s certainly not as beautiful a language as my language, which is Italian. And, anyway, I think it’s more difficult as you get older to learn foreign languages. But my company wants me to learn English, so I don’t really have much choice. If a quarter of the world speaks it, I suppose I must to. But I’ll always think in Italian. My brain works in Italian.

Speaker 5

I don't know why people who speak European languages complain about learning English. Try learning it when your native language is Korean! Actually, I find I can speak English OК, if I’m doing business with other non-native speakers, like Argentinians or Japanese. But with native English speaker, I do feel at a disadvantage. I've heard that 66% of British people don’t speak a foreign language at all. Hardly, surprising when so many of us have tо learn English.

Speaker 6

Well, actually, I love English. It's true the pronunciation is quite hard to get right, but the grammar is much simpler than my language, Hungarian – at least at the beginning. That’s the thing about English – it’s easy to speak a little quite quickly. It gets harder later, of course. Frankly, I don’t know why some French and Germans are against using English words. It seems to me that English is full of foreign words – especially French and German!


Essay Writing (Написание эссе)

Essay is a short piece of writing on a particular subject (as part of a course of study).

Essay is a short piece of literature in which a writer gives his/her thoughts on a particular subject usually in a graceful and pleasing style.

An essay is a series of paragraphs written on one theme.

STEPS IN THE PROCESS OF WRITING (Этапы написания эссе)

Процесс написания состоит из следующих этапов:

1) getting ideas (обдумывание темы)

2) focusing on choosing a main idea (выделение главной мысли)

3) supporting that idea (подбор аргументов)

4) making a conclusion (вывод)

5) writing the first draft (написание черновика)

6) revising (проверка)

7) drafting again (написание чистовика)

8) proof reading (итоговое чтение)

Виды эссе.

В зависимости от целей написания, существуют следующие виды эссе: повествовательное эссе, описательное эссе, аналитическое эссе и т.д.

Напишите эссе на тему: “Почему важно изучать иностранный язык?”


Введение (Introduction)

Основное содержание (Main body)

Вывод (Conclusion)

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