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Particular Ways of Combining of the Utterance

Exercise 3.14. Analyse the cases of polysyndeton and asyndeton in bold type and speak about their function:

1. She had the feeling that they were making contact across an immense gulf of space and time and destiny. /Dean Koontz The Eyes of Darkness/ 2. They were allowed to scatter throughout the Quarter. They stopped at outdoor markers; stroled with the tourists through Jackson Square; gawked at naked bodies in cheap dives on Bourbon; bought T-shirts and other souvenirs. Some rested on benches along the Riverwalk. /John Grisham The Runaway Jury/ 3. She was hungry and tired and emotionally exhausted. /Dean Koontz The Vision/ 4. He had once been enormously excited when he’d seen a movie about angels. The premise of the film was that the guardian angels aren’t permitted to know romantic love or other strong feelings; they must remain strictly intellectual beings in order to serve humanity without becoming too emotionally involved. /Dean Koontz False Memory/ 5. Harry has been through a terrible ordeal tonight. He has just had to relive it for me. What he needs now is sleep, and peace, and quiet. /J.K. Rowling Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire/ 6. She turned and looked at me, and it was as if she were seeing me for the very first time. She seemed almost giddy with contempt and sadness and anger. /Tony Parsons Man and Boy/ 7. She wanted to throw herself onto the ground and cling to it so that nothing could part her from her country. Klara was there, her father was there, the sticky-bud trees were there, the snow was there. /Judy James Supermodel/ 8. It was a waste of time and money and privacy. /John Grisham The Brethren/

Exercise 3.15. Find the cases of polysyndeton and asyndeton in the fragments below and speak about their function:

1. The man’s mouth and chin and cheeks were smeared with blood. /Stephen King The Shining/ 2. Dr. Ahriman entered the waiting room behind Martie, smiling paternally, and maybe Dusty smiled a little more prettily when he saw the psychiatrist, because the man virtually radiated competence and compassion and confidence and all sorts of good stuff. /Dean Koontz False Memory/ 3. He plunged his hands into It ripping, tearing, parting seeking for source of the sound; rupturing organs, his slimed fingers opening and closing, his locked chest seeming to swell from lack of air. /Stephen King It/ 4. The Martie caught a glimpse of herself in the glass panel that covered a wall niche containing an emergency fire hose. Immediately, she turned away, rattled by the razor-sharp anxiety in her face; her features appeared jagged, with deep slashes for laugh lines, a mouth like a scar; her eyes were wounds. /Dean Koontz False Memory/ 5. The air lightened considerably, then, in unison, the lawyers and the jury consultants and Carl and everybody else glanced at their watches. /John Grisham Runaway Jury/ 6. It shrieked but now it was voiceless and it was only screaming panic and doom and damnation in its own ear, dissolving, losing thought and will, the webbing falling apart, searching, not finding, going out, going out to, fleeing, going out to emptiness, notness, crumbling. /Stephen King The Shining/ 7. “You’re overreacting.” I know, she thought. And I don’t know why. I don’t want to hurt you. I need you. But all she said was, “Listening to you, I’d think I was never right about anything. I’m always overreacting or mistaken or misled or confused.” /Dean Koontz The Vision/ 8. The Cat was a very private person – something of an enigma in a business where the innermost secrets of one’s are usually laid as bare as one’s breasts. No boyfriends, no nightlife, no spreads in Hello! No shots, apart from work. /Judy James Supermodel/