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Тексты для работы по теме «социальная работа»

Тема 1. Social Work abroad

There are many variants, approaches typical for this or that country, lots of definitions of the essence, functions, contents and methods of social work.

In the USA, social work has a rich tradition. It is the profession that advocates for the poor, and the oppressed. Social work is the profession that serves as the nation's conscience. The profession historically was established to serve the poor and the disadvantaged. It's domain has expanded, and today social workers serve in different organizations such as governmental agencies, schools, health care centers, family and child welfare agencies, mental health centers, business and industry, correctional centers, private practice and so on.

The National Association of Social Workers (professional organization of social workers in the USA) defines social work as a professional activity on giving assistance to individuals, groups or collectives in improvement or rehabilitation their ability to social function and also in creating favorable social situation in their purposes (NASW, 1973).

In recent years in many countries of the world the contents of professional training of a social worker equals the training of a social pedagogue. For example, in Germany the nomination of a single profession "diplomaed social pedagogue and social worker" has been legalized. More than that, in many lands of Germany social pedagogue is a single and general nomination of the profession for all who graduate from special departments of social work.

In Japan, modern social pedagogue is directed to man "production". In France, a personality, capable to self-realization and to active "social entry" into society is formed.

hi Norway, one thousand inhabitants have nine social workers. In Germany two thousand inhabitants have one social worker.

The National Institute of Social Work (Great Britain, London) gives the information about six types of social workers. These types depend on the level of professional qualification: two classes of preprofessional level and four classes of professional level. Alongside with social workers a part of the staff consists of paraprofessionals. They don't get special education at the professional school. They are specialists of initial levels. They are trained to do invalids, families and groups direct services.

In Israel social work is defined as the profession devoted to the study and improvement of quality of life. And it is also defined as Social Welfare that means society wide policies to further such improvement. Social workers are specialists who want to improve the quality of their clients' life. In Israel the main purpose of social work is to help the poor and the underprivileged.


1. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

The oppressed; to advocate for: the disadvantaged; the nation's conscience; to serve; the poor; governmental agencies and schools; health care centers; family and child welfare agencies; mental health centers; business and industry, correctional centers; private practice; to give assistance to smb.; improvement; rehabilitation; ability to social function; favorable social situation; "diplomaed social pedagogue and social worker"; personality, capable to self-realization and to active "social entry" into society; Norway; the level of professional qualification; preprofessional level; paraprofessionals; specialists of initial levels; to do invalids, families and groups direct services; Israel; quality of life; Social Welfare; the underprivileged.

2. Translate the following words and word combinations from Russian into English.

Наряду с; более того; содержание; защищать бедных и угнетенных; обслуживать бедных и неимущих; государственные учреждения; центры охраны здоровья; частная практика; исправительные центры; деловые и промышленные центры; центры здоровья для людей с задержкой умственного развития; учреждения по защите благосостояния семьи и ребенка; способствовать улучшению; помогать бедным и лишенным прав; ши­рокая политика общества; социальное обеспечение (благосостояние); повышать качест­во жизни клиентов; Национальный институт социальной работы; (до)предпрофессиональный уровень; парапрофессионалы; специалисты начальных уровней; оказать инва­лидам, семьям и группам непосредственные услуги; личность, способная к самореали­зации и активному "социальному вхождению" в общество; "дипломированный социаль­ный педагог и социальный работник"; приравнивать; закончить специальные отделения социальной работы; Национальная ассоциация социальных работников; оказывать по­мощь отдельным людям, группам и коллективам; создание благоприятной обществен­ной ситуации; способность к социальному функционированию; реабилитация; повышение.

Additional text

Please, read the text, translate, ask all sorts of questions and render it.

The Hirsh Early Childhood Development Center is located in the heart of the Ajiami neighborhood in Jaffa (Israel). This neighborhood is populated by the lowest classes and known for the poorest and most trouble area of Jaffa. The Center is a unique project that combines community welfare educational and health services. For example:

- Enrichment and cultural activities for kindergartens, pre-kindergarten and daycare centers.

- A family health station, providing medical services: a physician, nurses and psychological services, treatment and follow-ups. Infants receive medication and vaccination as well as periodical development check-ups.

- A social worker, specializing in early childhood and family treatment.

- General programs: a play-therapy center, which stimulates enrichment, pre-school teachers and care-givers education, mothers and babies Jamboree and so on

Religious and secular volunteers work in the Center. The volunteers are trained through sessions of private tutoring and group coaching. Throughout the training process questions of multi-cultural community and values are raised, such as different attitudes toward family planning or divorce. A lot of energy is put on subjects such as empathy, acceptance and misjudgment. These values are emphasized throughout the program and considered to be its motto. The training process is based upon issues raised by the volunteers which come from day to day work with the family.

The "Ken program" is unique by creating special bonding between each volunteer, the family and among the volunteers themselves. Also the special surrounding and the composition of the population Muslim, Christians and Jews, living together allowed special relations between people of different origins and perspectives. They cooperate and work together so they know and respect each other. This build better understanding, tolerance and cooperation, thus improving their lives.

The Hirsh Center provides a special ground for families from different ethnic and religious background to meet and learn more about themselves and their children’s needs. Thus providing a better future for our children.

The programs in Hong Kong are focused on the concept of using student units in "pioneering" areas such as HIV and domestic violence. In addition, to support development in China the University of Hong Kong developed several pioneering student placements.

In Iran social services were professionalized to the mentally ill, orphans, and prostitutes, birth control was brought to women. It was fulfilled through the opening of a school and the development of field placements for students.

A special program in New York was build around family and group intervention. Government funded, and run by Adelphi University School of Social Work tin's program involved up to 10 masters level students every year who delivered social services to Southeast-Asian refugees. In the process, students learned about refugees, and generic social work practice within a multi-cultural perspective.

South Africa requires dedication from social workers who must include approaches for bridging cultural and racial barriers in every health, mental health and family prevention program in order to build a modern nation-state. Undergraduate social work students, representing all tribal, racial and ethnic groups in South Africa conduct groups for adolescent boys and girls focused on violence, rape, and HIV, and teach conflict management to ease tribal and racial tension.