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Bank's reply to request for an overdraft.

Dear Mr. Thomas

I have given your letter careful consideration and agree to grant you an overdraft of £1,000

available till 1 August 19. . ., subject to the usual proviso that there is no change in the position

as at present existing. Will you please therefore let me have the securities mentioned in your letter;

it will be in order for you meanwhile to anticipate the overdraft. Interest will be charged at 11 % and

will be calculated on the daily balances. I rely on you to clear the outstanding balance by 1 August, and

I trust you will be successful in expanding your trade.

Yours sincerely



The Manager

Southland Bank plc

Harley St London Wl

Dear Sir

Re: your business trip to the USA

In answer to your inquiry, we will be pleased to supply you with 750 dollars/bucks

in cash for your forthcoming trip to America. The cost will be £486.

You may pay this either by a direct debit from your savings account or

by sending us a cheque drawn on your current account/checking account.

We are pleased to be able to help/assist you in this matter.

Yours faithfully


J.M. McDonald