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21. What types of relation can there exist between an employee and a manager? What is collective bargaining?

There are following types of relations between an employee and a manager:

  • Less formal relations. In small businesses the “boss” will probably work alongside his workers. Anything which needs to be sorted out will be done face-to-face as soon as a problem arises. There may be no formal meetings or procedures.

  • Formal relations. The larger the business, the less direct contact there will be between employees and management. Special meetings have to be held and procedures set up, to say when, where, how and in what circumstances the employees can talk to the management.

  • Trade unions. Some companies have specially organized consultative committees for this purpose. In many countries of the world today, particularly in large firms, employees join a trade union and ask the union to represent them to the management. Through the union all categories of employees can pass on the complaints they have arid try to get things changed.

The process through which unions negotiate with management on behalf of their members is called “collective bargaining”. Instead of each employee trying to bargain alone with the company, the employees join together and collectively put forward their views.

22. What perks do efficient employees receive? What other kinds of motivation can you mention?

The perks may include:

  • Bonuses;

  • Medical insurance;

  • Pension payment;

  • Company car;

  • Free flat;

  • Free meals;

  • Free fitness program;

  • Cheap housing loans.

The other kinds of motivation include:

  • Opportunities for promotion;

  • Salary;

  • Opportunities for travel;

  • Working in teams;

  • Challenging work;

  • Friendly colleagues;

  • Company’s reputation;

  • Good working atmosphere;

  • Level of responsibility.

23. Why is it necessary to hold meetings? What types of meetings can you mention? What documents are specially drawn up for the meeting?

Here are some reasons to hold meetings:

  • Producing ideas;

  • Setting goals;

  • Negotiating price;

  • Discussing a contract;

  • Formal meeting of a company’s directors;

  • Discussing the company’s annual report;

  • Strategic planning;

  • And others.

Here are some types of meetings:

  • Chat (informal discussion with colleagues);

  • Brainstorming (where colleagues quickly produce as many ideas as possible; this ideas will be evaluated later);

  • Project meeting/team meeting (of employees involved in particularly activity);

  • Department meeting;

  • Meeting with suppliers;

  • Meeting with customers;

  • Board meeting (an official, formal meeting of company’s directors);

  • Annual General Meeting (where shareholders discuss the company’s annual report);

  • EGM – extraordinary general meeting (a shareholders’ meeting to discuss an important issue such as proposed merger).

Here are some documents that are specially drawn up for the meeting:

  • Agenda (the list of things to be discussed);

  • Timetable (the list of issue to be discussed with time);

  • A list of action points.

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