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Unit VIII. Airport building materials text I. General characteristics of airport building materials

1. Passenger and cargo flow constantly increasing, it requires the raising of speeds in airport construction. In most cases airports are complex engineering structures. They are of great importance for developing new industrial country regions, cities and districts. The significance of well-equipped airports in the national economy is growing with every coming year. Being connected with transportation of a large volume of building materials the airport building activities are rather labour-consuming.

2. Building materials can be natural and man-made. They are subdivided іnto: 1) natural stone materials; 2) man-made stone materials; 3) organic binding materials; 4) mineral binding materials; 5) aerial hardening materials; 6) hydraulic hardening materials. We'll consider each of the types mentioned.

While being used in airport operation all the materials are subjected to mechanical effects to say nothing of the influence of the environment.

Therefore, they gradually lower their strength and at last are destroyed. Natural stone materials include different rocks, the latter being divided into igneous, sedimentary and metamorphical.

3. Igneous rocks. The specific characteristics of this rock type is a full-crystalline and uniform granular structure. They are cracked, crushed and polished quite well. The igneous rocks include granite, diorite, syenite, gabbro and others. All materials mentioned are frost-resistant, this fact being very important for airport winter operation and maintenance.

These building materials have increased stickiness, strength and stability against weathering. Syenite is often used as a building material for airport construction, gabbro being used mainly as a decoration material.

Sedimentary rocks. This group includes sandstones, limestones and dolomites. As compared to limestones, dolomites are stronger and more resistant to weathering. Metamorphical rocks include marble and different schists, the latter being used mainly for making crushed rocks.

Вправа 13. Перевірте, чи засвоїли Ви значення нових слів і словосполучень:

aerial hardening materials ― матеріали, що тужавіють / твердіють на повітрі

binding materials ― вяжучі матеріали

crushed rooks ― щебінь

decoration material ― матеріал декору

environment ― навколишнє cередовище

frost-resistant ― морозстійкий

granular ― гранульований

hardness ― твердість

hydraulic hardening materials ― матеріали гідравлічного затвердіння

igneous ― вулканічого походження

labour-consuming ― трудомісткий

the latter ― останній (із зазначених)

limestone ― вапняк

marble ― мармур

national economy ― гоподарство, економіка країни

rock ― гірська порода

sandstone ― піщаник

to say nothing of ― не кажучи про ...

schist ― сланець

sedimentary rock ― осадова порода

significance ― значення

stability ― стійкість, стабільність

stickiness ― в’язкість

stone materials ― камяні матеріали

strength ― міцність

weathering ― вивітрювання.

Вправа 15. Підберіть із запропонованих списків слів

а) синоніми:

speed, building, significance, rather, work, influence, quite, complicated, artificial, velocity, importance, operation, effect, reduce, construction, man-made, lower, complex.

б) антоніми:

frost-resistant, uniform, natura, lower, complex, large, destroy, small, easy, disadvantage, create, the same, heat-resistant, various, different, advantage, man-made, increase.

Вправа 16. Перекладіть, користуючись словником:

resist, resistive, resistible, resistance, resistivity, resistor.

Вправа 17. Перекладіть сполучення «іменник + іменник»:

stone materials, mineral materials, airport building, cargo flow, rock type, airport maintenance, decoration material, country region, passenger flow, airport building activity, airport operation, airport winter maintenance.

Вправа 18. Дайте коротку анотацію тексту I українською та англійською мовами.

Вправа 19. Виберіть вірну відповідь.

А. Знайдіть речення з перфектною формою дієприкметника.

1. Не has been reading since this morning.

2. Reading much on the problem he decided to make a report.

3. Having read much on the problem, he made an interesting report.

Б. Використaйте потрібну форму дієприкметникa у реченнi:

… English she began to study French – Вивчивши англійську мову, вона почала вивчати французьку.

1) having learned;

2) being learned;

3) learning;

4) having been learned.

В. Яке англійське речення відповідає українському:

«Студенти багато працювали, допомагаючи фермерам»?

1. The students worked hard helping the farmers.

2. The students worked hard and they helped the farmers.

Г. Яке з наступних англійських речень відповідає українському:

«Застосувавши мінеральні вяжучі матеріали, ми досягли найвищої якості покриття»?

1. Applying mineral binding materials we reach the best quality of pavement.

2. Having applied mineral binding materials we reached the best quality of pavement.

3. Applying mineral binding materials we shall reach the best quality of pavement.

4. Applying mineral binding materials we reached the best quality of pavement.

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