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Lesson 3

Chapters 7-9

Chapter 7

  1. Explain the meaning of Hassan’s dream the chapter begins with.

How did Amir respond?

Point out important links with the dream throughout the chapter.

  1. Describe the kite tournament.

Why was it so important for Amir to win it?

  1. What ugly incident happened to Hassan right after Amir was announced the winner? Was it somehow foreshadowed earlier?

  2. What is the significance of the two memories and dream?

Why do you think the author breaks into the main narrative to present them?

What is the effect?

  1. How do you see Amir’s behaviour?

What would you have done if you were Amir?

Chapter 8

  1. Did Amir feel happier with Baba after the tournament? Did it really make them closer?

  2. Explain Amir’s idea to get new servants.

Can it be a means of dealing with his guilt?

What was Baba’s response?

  1. What was special about the pomegranate tree in the back yard?

What is symbolic in Amir’s try to pick a fight with Hassan in front of the tree?

How can you explain Amir’s and Hassan’s behaviour?

  1. How is the character of Assef further developed in the chapter?

  2. What is the significance of Rahim’s story about how he almost got married?

Chapter 9

  1. What presents did Amir get for his birthday from Baba? Ali and Hassan?

Was his reaction to all the presents the same? Why?

What did he do with Baba’s gift?

  1. Comment on Ali’s decision to leave and Baba’s seemingly strange reaction to it.

  2. What is symbolic about the weather on the day they left?

  3. Why can the end of the chapter be considered a turning point of the novel?

Lesson 4

Chapters 10-12

Chapter 10

  1. Speak about the memories Amir had during his ride in the tunk of a fuel truck.

  2. What does the episode with the Russian soldier reveal about Baba’s character?

Was he a morally ambiguous person?

  1. Comment on the scene about Kamal and his father.

How can this episode demonstrate that when power shifts occur, those who are the abusers may become the abused?

  1. Compare Kamal’s and Amir’s fathers’ compassion to the sons.

In what way can we set these two families in contrast?

Chapter 11

  1. Give the setting of the chapter.

What does the commentary about Reaganomics indicate?

How does this seemingly unnecessary detail make a connection between the USA and Afghanistan?

  1. Discuss the motif of gifts and giving revisited in the chapter explicitly and implicitly.

  2. Speak about Amir’s decision to study creative writing at college.

How did Baba feel about it?

  1. Comment on Amir’s thoughts: “I would stand my ground, I decided. I didn’t want to sacrifice for Baba anymore. The last time I had done that, I had damned myself”.

What did he sacrifice for Baba?

How did he damn himself?

  1. How did Amir and Baba feel about America?

What is implied in the idea that the USA acts as a place for Amir to bury his memories and for Baba to mourn his?

How can a place or moving bury memories?

  1. Speak about Amir and Baba’s weekends. How did they try to supplement their income?

  2. Baba observed that “it may be unfair, but what happens … in a sigle day can change the course of a whole life”. Whom did he speak about? Why?

What else might be significant about this quote?

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