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Exercise 13. Use the infinitive or participle I of the verb in brackets.

1. He watched McNeil (to cross) the room and (to go) out of the door. 2. She saw his teeth (to gleam) in what must be a smile. 3. "Some stairs here," said Calvin. Hunter saw him (to vanish) down a twist of stone stairs. 4. He lifted his head quickly and saw Annette (to stand) just outside the drawing-room windows. 5. This phrase made Jane (to sigh) deeply as she poured out the coffee. 6. The noise in the entrance hall continued, and more ve­hicles could be heard (to arrive) at the door. 7. "Hold the print with these tongs," said Calvin, "and move it in the solution as I told you. Soon you'll see the picture (to appear). It's like mag­ic. I never get tired of seeing the picture (to come)." 8. As Rosa watched Jan (to disappear) round a corner fifty yards away down the workroom, she jumped violently to see his face. 9. Calvin de­parted laughing, and could be heard (to laugh) and (to sneeze) all the way down the stairs. 10. Looking toward the door, he saw Lucy (to come in). 11. He walked through the drawing-room into the garden. In the last light he saw the flowers (to close up).

Exercise 14. Use participles I from the following list. Note its function. Translate the sentences into Russian.

going, rising, coming, standing, turning

1. Rosa's voice could be heard ... above the noise. 2. At the moment footsteps were heard ... across the hall and the draw­ing-room door was opened cautiously. 3. Upstairs Annette could be heard ... on her bath. 4. The outer door was open, and through the glass of the inner door two footmen could be seen ... in the hall. 5. Each day his short, stocky figure could be seen ... along the corridors.

Exercise 15. Translate into English using the complex subject with the participle I.

1. Видели, как он шел по Красной площади. 2. Видели, как такси ждало кого-то у подъезда. 3. Видели, как они под­нимались по лестнице. 4. Видели, как мальчики из нашей школы играли в крикет. 5. Эти пожилые люди живут внизу, и иногда слышно, как они о чем-то разговаривают. 6. Слы­шали, как Джейн открывала дверь. 7. Видели, как Джеймс стоял около письменного стола и просматривал какой-то журнал. 8. Слышали, как она пела в соседней комнате.


Exercise 1. State the function of participles II. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The answer to this was unexpected. 2. You didn't look so interested. 3. There was a stillness in the small intimate dining-room, broken only by the subdued ticking of a Dutch clock upon the wall. 4. He replaced used ash-trays on the table with fresh, and refilled Dodo's coffee cup, then the oth­ers. 5. He entered, puzzled but interested. 6. She always be­came impatient when asked to define a word of whose defini­tion she was not sure. 7. Puzzled by the dim light, Sanders turned his attention to the inshore areas. 8. "Tell you what," said Gideon, as if struck with a new idea. 9. You could have passed me by unnoticed. 10. Presently he came to a standstill, with his hands deep plunged into his pockets. 11. She had no photographs of herself taken since her marriage.

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