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Present Perfect

  1. Что-то произошло недавно ( не указывается когда) и имеет влияние на настоящую ситуацию обсуждается в настоящий момент

I have lost the key. Can you help me to look for it?

I washed my hands so I can help you with the cooking

  1. Для сообщение о новой информации, о каком то событии

Do you know about Jim? He’s gone to Canada.

  1. Когда что-то произошло только что со словом “ just

Would you like something to eat ? No thanks I’ve just had lunch ( перфект от выражения have lunch)

Hello, have you just arrived?

  1. Со словом “ already” уже

Don’t forget to post the letter will you? I’ve already posted it.

When is Tom going to start hid new job? He has already started.

I have been tried for many days already.

НО: They thanked me already several minutes ago.

  1. Обратите внимание на разницу в значении выражений:

Ann is on holiday. She has gone to Italy. значит уехала и находиться там

Tom is back in England now. He has been to Italy. значит, съездил и уже вернулся обратно

  1. Опыт за всю жизнь по настоящий момент “ ever, never

Have you read Hamlet? No I haven’t read any of Shakespeare’s plays.

Have you seen this movie?

Have you ever eaten caviar?

We have never had a car.

He has never driven before.

  1. С указанием периода времени

Sam has lived in Belfast all his life

Sam have always lived in Belfast

  1. С выражениями

This is the first (second third)time …

It is the first time….

This is the only time …..

How may times ….?

………..eight times

This is the first time he has driven a car.

It is the second time John has lost his passport.

Is this the first time he has been in the hospital?

Susan really loves that film . She ‘s seen it eight times

How many times have you been to the United states.

  1. С превосходными степенями прилагательных ( потому что они как раз предполагают сравнения опыта по настоящий момент)

It’s the most boring film I have ( ever) seen.

  1. Используется когда вы хотите сказать что чего-то не делали никогда или период времени которые продолжается до настоящего момента.

I have never smoked

I haven’t smoked for three years.

I haven’t smoked since September.

  1. Со словами so far, recently, lately

I haven’t seem gorge recently Have you?

I have recently signed a contract to write a book

Have you seen Robert lately

He hasn’t had time lately

  1. This morning / this evening / today / this week / this month / this term / this year / this century

I have smoked 10 cigarettes today

Has an had a holiday this year.

I haven’t seen Tom this morning have you?

Ron hasn’t studied very much this term

Bill is phoning his girl friend again . that’s the third time he has phoned her this evening

  1. Со словом yet для отрицательных и утвердительных предложений

Has it stopped raining yet?

I haven’t told him about the accident yet?

  1. Кода какaя то ситуация существует долгий период ( особенно если есть слово always) и ситуация существует сейчас

My father has always worked hard

His lectures have always been interesting

John has always lived in London

Но: John has been living in London since January

  1. со словом Since / since then

I haven’t met him since he came back from London

The have changed design of the flat considerable since then

He has changed 3 jobs since 1990

16. С глаголами которые не используются в длительном времени для обозначения действия которое происходило в период времени до настоящего момента ( и возможно происходит и в настоящем) know, be, have

How long have Bob and Alice have been married?

Tom has had a cold this week () for the past week?

I’ve owned this house for years

How long have you had your car?

She has been a professional tennis player since 1994 ( for several years)

Martina’s mother has been her coach for many years.

How long have Tom and Alice known each other?

Tom and I have known each other since we were at school

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