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Завдання для підсумкового тесту

9 Семестр

Task 1: Listening comprehension

Listen to three people talking about their experiences in education. Which speaker’s feelings does each of the following statements summaries? Write M (for Mark), J (for Jim) or C (for Claire)

1. When a teacher tries to help a student understand the world, the teacher’s own understanding is enhanced. ………….

2. Whatever subject we study, education can teach us to learn from life. …………..

3. Having an education is important, even in careers which do not normally require academic qualifications. …………..

Task 2: Reading comprehension

For questions 1-16, answer by choosing from paragraphs A-D. Some choices may be required more than once.

Which person

believes in the educational value of the outside world?

has two children, one of whom is rather more sociable than the other?

Believes in letting young children take responsibility for their own learning?

Concedes that in one area of the curriculum her children might be lagging behind their peers?

Is able to educate her children at home because of the nature of her occupation?

Decided to educated her children at home partly out of financial necessity?

Socialises with other like-minded people?

Believes home education means children relate better to other people?

Believes that educating one’s children is a fundamental part of parenting?

Suggests that, in her opinion, schools can be restrictive and oppressive?

Has learned not to be too strict about her children’s studies?

Becomes concerned when children are faced with challenging ideas?

Rations the time her children can devote to their favourite hobbies?

Says that decisions about her children’s lifestyle are not always fully accepted by both the children?

Has a structured plan of work which the children follow?

Thinks that home education saves children a lot of time?

















My children don’t go to school Four parents tell us why they choose to educate their children at home, rather than send them to school

  1. Margaret

I knew very early on that my children, Caroline, 13, and Edwin, 9, were gifted, but no-one seemed to recognize it at school. For various reasons we didn’t want our children to go to state schools, and the private ones weren’t worth the deprivation I’d have to go through to afford them.

Because my two are so motivated, it’s really quite easy. I buy books and the materials they need for the syllabuses and basically just let them get on with it, though obviously I keep an eye on them. From the outset, I left them to choose which bits to study from the syllabuses – I don’t want things to get too regimental. Why make children unhappy by forcing them to do things they don’t want do if they learn as much doing what they like? I’m rather bitter about my own school education; frankly, with some of the lessons I feel I’d have learnt more by just going to the school library.

The children’s number one thing at the moment is computers, though I restrict the Internet to the evenings, as I don’t want them staring at screens for too long. I hope, I’m not too pushy with them, though. Sometimes you do worry because they are often wrestling with adult questions of ethics and philosophy before they’re really old enough, but to be honest I don’t mind if their personalities are rather adult – that’s better than being too children. Edwin sees his friends regularly and while Caroline’s more self-contained, she’s adamant she’s not lonely.

Because I’m freelance I’ve always been able to work from home and be with the children. I think a lot more people would do this if they didn’t have to go out to work.

  1. JANE

When we started teaching Helen, we got together with other home educators to share our problems, and would meet every Thursday in the village community centre taking turns to prepare a topic. These meetings developed into a kind of mini co-operative, almost an alternative school, if you like. But when Helen started exam work at the age of 15, she started to take the initiative in her learning. For instance, she would draw up her own timetable, which was marvellous.

I think the fact that we’ve never had a television has been a big factor o their being so interested in everything and so articulate. My son grumbles about it occasionally, but when you are not at school there isn’t peer pressure to watch it. That’s not to say my children haven’t got friends –they have! They’re certainly not missing out socially – indeed I think home-educated kids are actually more socially skilled, because they spend so much time watching adults.

Helen is now 16 and has just started at St. Mary’s Music School in Edinburgh. We were never seriously tempted to change to mainstream schooling until Helen decided she wanted to take her music seriously. I was a bit nervous – who wouldn’t be, sending their child 400 miles away at 15 – but when children are old enough to make a reasoned decision you have to trust their judgment.

  1. DIANE

Ben was at school for a year but off sick a lot – I think he was too young at 4 and got exhausted – and I found he learned more at home. When we moved to another part of the country, I used the move as an opportunity to keep him out of school, and it was such a success that I did the same thing for Tabitha. At first I was very formal about it and had fixed hours, but I soon relaxed.

We’ve got books for Maths and English that tie in to the National Curriculum, which children follow at school, but we also do a lot of topic work on things that interest them. Tabitha follows a curriculum called Primary Maths, and Ben follows the Bobby Moore of Football Maths Book, which makes the subject fun.

Now we might start off with a bit of Maths and then write to a pen friend and then go to the shops. I don’t consciously turn a shopping trip into a lesson but when we get back, I’ll realize they have learned things like Maths, geography and even issues such as fair trading.

We meet up with other home educators though a parent’s group. We go on outings or just get together in our free time to relax together. Other people I’ve talked to say home-educated children are less likely to be stroppy teenagers, perhaps because they’re isn’t the same peer pressure. Certainly, my two are at ease in adult company and seem to be well-balanced people. Mind you, if they really wanted to go to school, I wouldn’t stop them.

  1. SARAH

We made a conscious decision, long before they were due to start, not to send the twins to school. We realised that would be sent away for their education, that we would say goodbye to them at half past seven and not see them again till something like half past four, just like business people. It just didn’t seem right for us to be passing the responsibility of bringing up our children on to somebody else. Maybe we’re just different from other people, but it seem perfectly and healthy to have our family all together at home until they’ll grown up. I actually used to work as a teacher, so educating my own children is second nature to me.

Even as a former teacher I’m inclined to think that some of what children do at school, from a strictly learning point of view, is unnecessary. Like groupwork, for example. Cut that out by teaching at home and we can give our children the individual attention they need, and take short cuts towards they really need to know.

The kids are happy, pleasant individuals, with plenty of friends. I couldn’t if they’re more or less sociable than other kids, because I’m biased! It’s difficult to say how they’d match up with their friends if they took a school test. I think they’re OK as far as reading and writing and concerned, but they might not to do so well in Maths. My husband and I feel that the kids are still to young, at 6 and 8 grapple with mathematical concepts. So we do tried and ration this old favourite, for the moment. At the moment there’s still plenty of time, and above all, plenty of time still to play and enjoy life.

Task III: Language in Use

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