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Ректорська контрольна робота

за перше півріччя

для студентів II курсу

факультету економіки

I варіант

1. Give an Ukrainian equivalent to the following word:

available resources

a) недостатня кількість ресурсів c) доступні ресурси

b) людські ресурси d) обмежені ресурси

2. Give an English equivalent to the following word:

виробничі можливості

a) opportunity costs c) factors of production

b) production possibilities d) consumption activities

3. Fill in the blank with an appropriate word:

Factors of production are the … - land, labour and capital we use to produce final goods and


  1. available resources c) final goods

  2. inputs d) output

4. Fill in the blank with an appropriate word:

Unfortunately, the quantity of … is limited.

a) market prices c) available resources

b) market mechanism d) inputs

5. Give the definition to the following:

Opportunity costs are … .

a) an increase in output.

b) the study of how to allocate scarce resources.

c) an abstraction that refers to the sum of all out individual production and

consumption activities.

d) all situations where available resources are not abundant enough to satisfy all our


6. Fill in the necessary form of the verb, using the Active or Passive Voice:

My question (to answer) yesterday.

a) answers c) is answered

b) answered d) was answered

7. Change from direct into indirect speech:

Our manager said: “We produced everything in the quantities we desired”.

8. Ask questions as in the model:

Model: Ask your manager if the quantity of resources available for production had


Had the quantity of resources available for production increased?

Ask your manager if quality of labour and capital resources had improved.

9. Translate the following sentence into English:

Економіка завжди є одною з наших передових (головних) турбот.

10. Translate the following sentence into English:

Обмеженість ресурсів ставить нас перед вибором.

Ректорська контрольна робота

за перше півріччя

для студентів II курсу

факультету економіки

II варіант

1. Give an Ukrainian equivalent to the following word:


a) поліпшення c) риса

b) безробіття d) розширення

2. Give an English equivalent to the following word:


a) to allocate c) to exist

b) to improve d) to define

3. Fill in the blank with an appropriate word:

Production possibilities are the alternative combinations of … and services.

a) market prices c) final goods

b) capital d) inputs

4. Fill in the blank with an appropriate word:

Over time the quantity of resources available for … has also increased.

a) production c) wealth

b) output d) the law

5. Give the definition to the following:

Production possibilities are … .

  1. an abstraction that refers to the sum of all out individual production and consumption activities.

  2. the alternative combinations of final goods and services that could be produced in a given time period with all available resources and technology.

  3. an increase in output.

  4. the use of market prices and sales to signal desired outputs.

6. Fill in the necessary form of the verb, using the Active or Passive Voice:

I (to finish) this work tomorrow.

a) finish c) will finish

b) will be finished d) was finished

7. Change from direct into indirect speech:

The vise-president of marketing said: “We did much to advertise our product”.

8. Ask questions as in the model:

Model: Ask your manager if the quantity of resources available for production had


Had the quantity of resources available for production increased?

Ask your manager if total sales of that product had risen.

9. Translate the following sentence into English:

Економічна наука вивчає виробництво та споживання.

10. Translate the following sentence into English:

Ми зробили багато, щоб розрекламувати наш товар.

Ректорська контрольна робота

за перше півріччя

для студентів II курсу

факультету економіки

III варіант

1. Give an Ukrainian equivalent to the following word:

the quantity

a) якість c) риса

b) кількість d) ріст

2. Give an English equivalent to the following word:

розміри безробіття

a) the price of tuition c) trade deficit

b) job prospects d) unemployment rates

3. Fill in the blank with an appropriate word:

Market mechanism is the use of … and sales to signal desired outputs.

  1. scarcity c) supply

  2. capital d) system

4. Fill in the blank with an appropriate word:

The need to choose is imposed on us by our income, … and ability to borrow.

a) economic growth c) available resources

b) opportunity costs d) market prices

5. Give the definition to the following:

Market mechanism is … .

a) the study of how to allocate scarce resources.

b) an abstraction that refers to the sum of all our individual production and consumption activities.

c) the use of market prices and sales to signal desired outputs (or resource allocations).

d) land, labour, and capital.

6. Fill in the necessary form of the verb, using the Active or Passive Voice:

Hockey (to play) in winter.

a) plays c) is play

b) playing d) is played

7. Change from direct into indirect speech:

The vise-president of production said: “We made the best use of our resources”.

8. Ask questions as in the model:

Model: Ask your manager if the quantity of resources available for production had


Had the quantity of resources available for production increased?

Ask your manager if the enterprise had increased the production of agricultural machinery.

9. Translate the following sentence into English:

Людей турбує кохання, погода та економіка.

10. Translate the following sentence into English:

Для того, щоб виробити щось, нам потрібні ресурси, або чинники виробництва.

Ректорська контрольна робота

за перше півріччя

для студентів III курсу

факультету економіки

I варіант

1. Name in one word:

Money paid monthly by an employer

a) wages c) commission

b) salary d) overtime

2. Name in one word:

Money spent on everyday needs such as food, clothes and public transport

a) rent c) living expenses

b) bills d) health insurance