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Recall the situations from the story suggested by the following sentences:

Beth kept on, with only slight relapses into idleness or grieving.

Every one had scarlet fever, and if rightly treated, nobody died.

Beth leaned her head against her sister with a contented look, which effectually settled that point.

…said Meg, feeling a little hurt, yet rather relieved on the whole.

Amy rebelled outright.

Meg reasoned, pleaded, and commanded, all in vain.

She told her story, expecting to be consoled.

But it's dull at Aunt March's, and she is so cross

Translate the underlined passages.

Dwell upon the atmosphere in the house after Mother’s departure and the way it was changing.

Represent the conversation between Laurie and Amy.

Translate the following passage into English. Compare it with the original.

Одна Бет не поддавалась общему настроению. Она по-пре­жнему трудилась не покладая рук, и музыка была единствен­ным развлечением, которое она себе позволяла. Теперь, когда сестры несколько успокоились и стали иногда забывать о сво­их обязанностях, Бет взвалила их на себя. Никто не спрашивал ее, как она со всем справляется, но она справлялась. Разделав­шись со своей работой, она принималась за все, что недодела­ли сестры, и жизнь в доме шла, как хорошо отлаженные часы.

При первом серьезном испытании Бет оказалась гораздо от­ветственнее своих старших сестер. Мег и Джо при первых же радостных известиях о здоровье отца настолько успокоились, что сочли испытание оконченным. Они были очень довольны собой, своим поведением и в общем-то были правы. Ошибка их заключалась в одном: они успокоились слишком рано.

И лишь крошка Бет, словно чувствуя, что впереди их ожи­дает еще немало тревог, старалась держать себя в руках и, на­сколько могла, не давала забыть старшим о неотложных, по ее мнению, делах.




Find in the text and translate into Russian the following words and expressions:

to do one’s best

to devote oneself to…

to feel very anxious

to keep house

to miss smb.


to keep the watch


as the winter night began to wane.

Recall the situations from the story suggested by the following sentences:

Meg stayed at home, lest she should infect the Kings.

… Beth was very patient, and bore her pain uncomplainingly as long as she could control herself.

…while the shadow of death hovered over the once happy home.

"Yes, my dears, I think the little girl will pull through this time. Keep the house quiet, let her sleep, and when she wakes, give her . . ."

Comment on the following meditations:

Then it was that Margaret, sitting alone with tears dropping often on her work, felt how rich she had been in things more precious than any luxuries money could buy - in love, protection, peace, and health, the real blessings of life. Then it was that Jo, living in the darkened room, with that suffering little sister always before her eyes and that pathetic voice sounding in her ears, learned to see the beauty and the sweetness of Beth's nature, to feel how deep and tender a place she filled in all hearts, and to acknowledge the worth of Beth's unselfish ambition to live for others, and make home happy by that exercise of those simple virtues which all may possess, and which all should love and value more than talent, wealth, or beauty. And Amy, in her exile, longed eagerly to be at home, that she might work for Beth, feeling now that no service would be hard or irksome, and remembering, with regretful grief, how many neglected tasks those willing hands had done for her. Laurie haunted the house like a restless ghost, and Mr. Laurence locked the grand piano, because he could not bear to be reminded of the young neighbor who used to make the twilight pleasant for him. Everyone missed Beth.

"If life is often as hard as this, I don't see how we ever shall get through it," added her sister despondently.

Study Chapters 17 and 18, and mark, how the character of Beth is revealed and developed. How is she seen through the eyes of her dearest and nearest?

Read and translate the following:

The girls never forgot that night, for no sleep came to them as they kept their watch, with that dreadful sense of powerlessness which comes to us in hours like those.

"If God spares Beth, I never will complain again," whispered Meg earnestly.

"If god spares Beth, I'll try to love and serve Him all my life," answered Jo, with equal fervor.

"I wish I had no heart, it aches so," sighed Meg, after a pause.

"If life is often as hard as this, I don't see how we ever shall get through it," added her sister despondently.

Pick up some more examples from Chapters 17 and 18 to prove that critical situations change us all out of recognition and help to distinguish between real and false values.

Comment on the symbols in this passage.

“But it (the rose) has blossomed in the night, and now I mean to put it in my vase here, so that when the darling wakes, the first thing she sees will be the little rose, and Mother's face."

Translate into English the following passages. Comment on the role of scenes Nature in the structure of the narration.

1) Весь день на улице бушевала метель. Но вот спустилась ночь, и сестры, сидевшие по разные стороны постели Бет, вслушивались в бой часов, доносившийся из гостиной,- с каждым ударом приближался миг возвращения матери. Зашел доктор и сказал, что к полуночи состояние больной должно или улучшиться, или, напротив, ухудшиться, и что к этому времени он обязательно вернется.

2) Еще ни разу в жизни рассвет не казался Джо и Мег столь прекрасным. Заря побеждала долгие часы тьмы, и девочки думали о Бет и о томительных днях ее болезни, длившихся как муки ада.




Find in the text and translate into Russian the following words and expressions:


she was beloved and petted at home

to approve of smth.

to pet

to mean to be (kind…)

to confess smth.



dismay /to carry dismay to…/

to roam


inward rebellion

intending to cry over her hard fate

to drive smb. distracted

to revenge


brotherly comforting gesture

Give the situations in which they are used.

Speech exercises

Comment on the following:

1). Some old people keep young at heart in spite of wrinkles and gray hairs, can sympathize with children's little cares and joys, make them feel at home, and can hide wise lessons under pleasant plays, giving and receiving friendship in the sweetest way. But Aunt March had not this gift

2). The old lady felt it her duty to try and counteract, as far as possible, the bad effects of home freedom and indulgence.

3)…a process which carried dismay to Amy's soul, and made her feel like a fly in the web of a very strict spider.

4). It cost her a pang even to think of giving up the little treasures which in her eyes were as precious as the old lady's jewels.

Represent the conversation between Esther and Amy (marked with *** - ***)

Answer the questions

  1. Describe the atmosphere in Aunt March’s house.

  2. Who and what helped Amy to endure her staying there?

  3. What can you say about Esther?

  4. What was Amy’s chief delight in the house?

  5. What prompted Amy to write her will?

  6. Did Amy prove to be a true pilgrim?

Pick up as many expressions as possible that: a) develop the character of Aunt March, b) show changes in the character of Amy.

Translate into Russian. Compare it with the original.

Эстер много лет прожила с тетушкой Марч, которая настолько привыкла к француженке, что не могла и часа обойтись без нее. Эстер умело пользовалась этой зависимостью и была единственным человеком в доме, имевшим влияние на деспотичную хозяйку. К Эми она привязалась сразу, и в те часы, когда девочка поступала в ее ведение, Эмми чувствовала себя лишь чуть-чуть менее счастливой, чем на прогулках с Лори. Приведя в порядок гардероб мадам, Эстер рассказывала Эмми, как жила во Франции, и Эмми с жадностью ловила каждое ее слово. Ведь в отличие от постных историй старой тетушки, рассказы Эстер изобиловали сценами из красивой жизни, и восхищению Эмми не было предела.



Give literary translation of the underlined passages

Find in the text and translate into Russian the following words and expressions:

to leave smth to the imagination of smb (the reader…)

to sit in smb’s lap

to tell the trials

to receive consolation

approving smiles and fond caresses

to nestle close in the loving arms about her

account of smb’s (Father's) state

Keep up your heart

Give the situations in which they are used

Essential Vocabulary

to vent – 1) давать выход; изливать (напр., чувство; on, upon - на кого-л.) I vented my soul in a line to Mr. P. — Я излил душу в письме к мистеру П. It's wrong to vent your anger on the children, they were not at fault. — Совершенно неправильно срывать зло на детях, они были не виноваты. This cheerfulness has vented itself in his playful poetry. — Эта жизнерадостность нашла выражение в его шутливой поэзии.

2) выражать, сообщать; The President vents the most bitter complaints. — Президент выражает самые глубокие соболезнования.

abroad - широко; повсюду; Stretched abroad on the seashore motionless lay his form. — Широко раскинувшись, неподвижно он лежал на морском берегу. to get abroad — распространяться (о слухах)

without - 1) вне, снаружи; наружу; на улице. There is a footman without with the horses. — На улице лакей с лошадьми. Syn: outside, out of

2) внешне, с виду

benignity - доброта; добрые дела Syn: kindness, goodness

испытание 1) test, trial; ordeal; выдерживать испытание временем — to withstand the test of time; пройти тяжкие испытания — to undergo many severe trials, to undergo a terrible ordeal; тяжелые испытания военных лет — the ordeals of the war years