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Раздел: Календарно-тематический план


Grammar: The Adjective. The Adverb.

Vocabulary: Culture and Traditions.

Содержание темы

1. Order.

2. Compound Adjectives of measurement.

3. Comparisons.

3.1. Equal comparisons.

3.2. The same.

3.3. Nouns Functioning as Adjectives.

4. Unequal comparisons.

5. Comparative and superlative adjectives.

5.1. Irregular comparatives and superlatives.

6. Illogical comparisons.

6.1. Multiple number comparatives.

6.2 Double comparatives.

6.3. No sooner; Hardly.

  1. Role, forms, types of Adverbs.

  2. Formation of Adverbs.

  3. Order of Adverbs.

  4. Comparissons of Adverbs.

Рекомендуемая литература

  1. English Grammat in Use, Raymond Murphy, Cambridge University Press, 1997 (pp 97-110, 194-232)

  2. Advanced Grammar in Use, Martin Hewings, Cambridge University Press, 2000 (рр 82-93, 180-207)

  3. Tests, Texts and Topics for your English Exams, Ю.Б. Кузьменкова, Издательство “Титул», 2002 (стр. 61-63, 24-26)

  4. The Heinemann English Grammar, Digby Beaumont and Colin Granger, Heintmann, 1992 (рр 195-502, 205-219)

  5. Revising, Reading and Reasoning for your English Exams, Ю.Б. Кузьменкова, А. Р. Жаворонкова, И. В. Извольская, Издательство “Титул», 2002 (стр. 14-22)


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Раздел: Учебно-методические материалы

Вспомогательные материалы

Grammar The Adjective

1. Order

When we use two or more adjectives together, 'opinion' adjectives (e.g. terrifying, expensive) normally go before 'fact' adjectives (e.g. new, red).

a terrifying new film an expensive red dress

When two or more fact adjectives come before a noun, they normally go in the following order:

Determiners+opinion adj+size + age + shape + colour + origin + material + application + NOUN

a beautiful tall young thin blonde Spanish woman (opinion adj+size + age + shape + colour + origin)

an expensive big old square wooden table (opinion adj+size + age + shape + material)

red leather running shoes (colour + material + purpose)

2. Compound Adjectives of measurement

We combine numbers with nouns in singular to form compound adjectives:

- Age: a four-year-old house

  • Volume: a three-litre van

  • Area: a fourty-acre farm

  • Duration: a five-month trip

  • Lenth: a ten-cantimeter pen

  • Depth: a two-meter hole

  • Weight: a rive-kilo bag

  • Price: a 40$ present (a 40-dollar present)

  • Time / Distance: a ten minute walk

3. Comparisons - indicate degrees of difference with adjectives and adverbs, and may be equal or unequal.

3.1. Equal comparisons: An equal comparison indicates that the two things are (or are not if negative) exactly the same. The following rule generally applies to this type of comparison.

Subj + verb + as + {adj \ adv} + as + {noun \ pronoun}

Sometimes you may see so instead of as before the adjective or adverb in negative comparisons.

He is not as tall as his father.

He is not so tall as his father.

Remember that the subject form of the pronoun will always be used after as in correct English.

My book is as interesting as yours. (adjective)

His car runs as fast as a race car. (adverb)

John sings as well as his sister. (adverb)

Their house is as big as that one. (adjective)

His job is not as difficult as mine. (adjective)

His job is not so difficult as mine. (adjective)

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