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I. Translate into Russian:

1. That's fine. Smoking or non-smoking?

- Non-smoking, please!

2. A company representative on the ground will explain the delay and arrange any necessary transportation.

3. We would like to make the turn wide and gradual.

4. A spokesman said yesterday that the flight had 17 passengers and 8 crew on board.

5. Formal inquires have been launched into two general aviation crashes.

6. Compared with the airline pilot, his flying assignments are far from routine.

7. At present up to 490 passengers can ride in the Boeing 747.

8. If you have excess baggage, it can be expensive.

9. Burst tires can cause a crash.

10. When we finally arrived, I had to rush to the reservation desk to pay for my ticket.

11. The goal of airplane design and construction is to obtain maximum efficiency, combined with adequate strength.

12. Airport still closed due to snow and drifts on all runways.

13. Flight engineers are members of flight crews who make sure the mechanical and electrical devices aboard airplanes work properly.

14. Flights are usually of short duration.

15. Your heavy luggage is put on a conveyor belt and carried away.

16. The emergency services can lay a carpet of foam on the runway.

17. I found my seat and discovered that I was sitting next to a four-year-old boy, who had a cold.

18. An airplane is not expected to be subjected to the excessive strains of the aerobatics maneuvers.

19. The pilots and vehicle drivers involved in collisions with the aircraft hull suffered minor injuries.

20. The pilot was aborting take off.

21. A yaw to the right developed into spiral turn that ended in the crash.

22. If you want, you can buy some cheap duty free goods here.

23. Yes, I've just arrived at the airport.

24. If you go through the Green Channel, you may be stopped and asked to open your luggage for inspection.

25. I looked out of the window and there was smoke coming out of the wing.

26. Otherwise, he says he'll kill Milly first and then blow up the plane.

27. The first runway was built on the flat land near the village of Staines.

28. The Tel-Aviv-bound aircraft crashed on a block of flats in the Amsterdam suburbs as its crew attempted to return to Schipol.

29. When all passengers are on board and when the captain and his crew are ready in the cockpit, the plane begins to taxi.

30. I shall fetch a trolley.

31. We hope we have had a pleasant and enjoyable flight.

32. The radioman was already at work, calling the New Orleans tower.

33. The wing must support not only the weight of the airplane but also the additional loads.

34. He tried to turn around and go back to the airport.

35. The jets could now climb above most of the turbulent weather.

36. Finally permission is received from the control tower.

37. Special trucks continuously check the runways and pick up any loose pieces of


38. There is a choice of two channels, Green and Red.

39. He says further instructions will be given when we're on the ground.

40. They are attempting to clear obstructions before you arrive.

41. A light aircraft suffered loss of power during the early climb after a touch-and-go landing.

42. Like other members of the crew, flight attendants are responsible to the captain.

43. I like listening to music through the headphones available to all passengers.

44. There is a police station near the centre of the airport.

45. On the way to the airport, the taxi-driver told me he was lost.

46. The money in an overnight bag, nothing smaller than fifties, nothing bigger than hundreds; in the 25 thousand dollar bundles.

47. Crossing the world nowadays is as easy as getting from one side of the city to another.

48. The load imposed upon the wings depends upon the type of flight in which the

airplane is engaged.

49. The incident is to be investigated by the Joint Air Miss Working Group.

50. I couldn't hear. I think it was 4.

51. If you are not British or a citizen of the European Community, you must fill out a special form before your passport is examined.

52. We will have to return to the airport.

53. Until informed otherwise, they will prepare for an emergency landing.

54. There were thunderstorms in the area.

55. After engine No3 separated, it hit engine No4 (out bound), which also separated

from the wing.

56. This was followed by a dropping of the right wing and a jaw to the right.

57. Can I see your passport, please?

- Yes, of course. Here you are.

58. We would like to remind passengers that smoking is not permitted until you are in the airport building.

59. We have more than enough fuel for Cuba.

60. It is the second time in three years that a British Airways Concorde has narrowly missed disaster above Woodley.

61. TWA Flight 843 to San Francisco began its take off roll shortly after 5:30 p.m.

62. Air taxi or charter pilot flies passengers and cargo as service demands, but normally in daylight hours if he pilots a single-engine airplane.

63. In 30 years, international travel has completely changed.

64. Oh... Can I have a seat next to window?

65. As passengers come abroad flight attendants greet them, check their tickets and assist them their coasts and small luggage.

66. The pilot radioed the control tower, reporting a fire in the jet’s engine.

67. The captain was told to turn left away from the Argentine jumbo.

68. There is a great risk in an incident like this because the two planes would have been only seconds from hitting each other.

69. The passengers received a smoother flight and also a shorter ride due to a higher cruising altitude and increased speeds.

70. Aircraft landed at 06.30 local time in heavy rain.

71. Passengers are reminded to keep their luggage with them at all times.

72. It is most likely that the sequence started in the right fuse pin and spread from there, leading to the separation of the mount from the wing.

73. Air Traffic Controllers also warn pilots about nearly airplanes and other possible hazards.

74. It was Britain that led the world in the development of jet propulsion after the end of World War II.

75. In less than two minutes, all aboard the blazing Tristar were safely on the tarmac.

76. For landing Lincoln International offered the best chance of safety.

77. The captain leaned over and pressed a button.

78. Airport director is involved in such activities as the following: making and enforcing airport rules and regulations and many others.

79. There is a reason to wonder how this principle was not applied and does not

apply today to 747 aircraft.

80. The near-catastrophe left 67 people with minor injuries.

81. Aircraft departing generally stays at 6.000 ft or less until they have left the approach area.

82. Harris pushed the control yoke hard forward.

83. I remember thinking at the time that flying wouldn't always be like this.

84. I am sorry to announce a slight delay.

85. Good-bye. Don't forget to write.

86. Would passengers please make sure that their seat belts are fastened and extinguish all smoking material.

87. It is alive with all the citizens of this Strange World, rich and poor., honest and dishonest.

88. EL AL has attacked Dutch air traffic control for making the attempt to land the damaged aircraft more difficult than it need have been.

89. After an airplane takes off, airport controllers notify air route controllers to take charge.

90. I was the last person to get to the plane.

91. The required structural strength is based on the airplane's use.

92. The company pilot flies aircraft owned by business and industrial firms, transporting company executives to branch plants and business conference.

93. From 1956 France and Britain had a dream of a supersonic passenger plane and then they started work together on the project.

94. Seconds later the passengers and crew felt the aircraft lurch violently to one side.

95. This pattern may however, have been broken because of the thunderstorms on Friday evening.

96. Turbulence also imposes additional loads.

97. After passing through passport Control, follow the signs to the Baggage Reclaim Area.

98. Police station has a huge picture board of known world terrorists.

99. Around 54.000 people work at Heathrow, roughly the population of a country town.

100. The flight attendants were really calm and told us not to worry.

101. These airports, which are almost jammed with the number of arrivals and departures.

102. The Tupolev TU-104 was in wide use, and American Boeing 707 and Douglas DC-8 airplanes soon were transporting passengers across Atlantic.

103. Most flying is done during the early hours of the morning and again in early evening when air is still.

104. After take off, flight engineers watch instruments and operate controls to regulate the performance of the engines.

105. Airplane strength is measured basically by the total load.

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