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Words to remember

advance [әd'va:ns] – успех, прогресс, улучшение;

antiquity [æn'tikwәti] – классическая древность, античность;

to deal with [tә di:l wið] – иметь дело с чем-либо (кем-либо);

environment [in'vairәnmәnt] – окружение, окружающая среда;

generation [dƺenә'reiʃn] – поколение;

majority [mә'dƺɔrәti] – большинство;

measurement [meƺәmәnt] – измерение;

rate [reit] – степень, процент, скорость;

to relate with [tә ri'leit wið] – устанавливать связь, определять соотношение между чем-либо);

renaissance [rә'neisns] – эпоха Возрождения, Ренессанс;

speculation [spekju'lei ʃn] – размышление, предположение;

to utilize [tә ju:tilaiz] – использовать;

X-ray [eks'rei] – рентгеновы лучи


1. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following phrases.

  1. Возрастающая степень;

  2. играть не малую роль;

  3. изменять условия;

  4. тесно связаны;

  5. эффективно использовать;

  6. основной фундамент;

  7. достижения физики;

  8. большинство отраслей инженерии;

  9. век научного прогресса;

  10. великие мыслители античности;

  11. законы природы;

  12. очевидный (быстрый) прогресс;

  13. разделы физики;

  14. преобразовывать природу;

  15. решать проблемы;

  16. на благо человечества.

2. Answer the following questions.

  1. What is the story of civilization connected with?

  2. When has the development of science become more rapid?

  3. Can you name any great philosophers of antiquity?

  4. How can you characterize the development of science in the epoch of the Renaissance?

  5. What role do science and technology play in our life?

  6. What does the physics deal with?

  7. Who are engineers?

  8. What branches of engineering are related with physics?

  9. Why is mathematics usually called one of the tools common to physics and engineering?

  10. What problems do people face as technologies advance?

3. What do you think? Give a reason for your opinion.

  1. There were no scientific achievements in the Stone Age.

  2. The actual birth of science took place when the Greek civilization began to flourish.

  3. Physics has changed the conditions under which man lives more than any other science.

  4. Modern engineering is closely connected with physics.

  5. One can easily imagine the life today without scientific achievements.

  6. The effective use of the principles and measurements of physical science needs a good knowledge of mathematics.

  7. The development of science brings only progress.

  8. Science and technology should be used only in peaceful purposes.

4. Ask an outstanding scientist, a Nobel Prize winner questions about his/her research work.

5. List all the problems touched upon in the text «From the history of science».

6. Comment on the following quotations.

  1. «Science is wonderfully equipped to answer the question «how? » but it gets terribly confused when you ask the question «why? ». Erwin Chardaff.

  2. «Science is no illusion. But it would be an illusion to suppose that we could get anywhere else what it cannot give us». Sigmund Freud.

  3. «Science has radically changed the conditions of human life on earth. It has expanded our Knowledge and our power but not our capacity to use them with wisdom». J. William Fulbright.

  4. «The work of science is to substitute facts for appearances and demonstrations for impressions». John Ruskin.

  5. «Science is organized knowledge». Herbert Spencer.