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Summary on the topic:


United States »


Pupil groups OS-12

Bulava Victoria Oleksiivna


1 History of Hollywood film

1.1 The emergence of`

1.2 Formation

1.3 The flowering

1.4 Post-War Years

1.5 The modern period

2 The output of Hollywood film

3 star Hollywood movie

3.1 Institute of stars

3.2 Famous directors

3.3 Famous Actors

4 Festivals

5 See. also

6 Links

Cinema United States

Cinema United States - the term denoting the U.S. film industry, the largest in the world, and focused mainly around the town of Hollywood (near Los Angeles, California), which are offices and major film companies shooting pavilions USA. Often the term "American cinema" and "Hollywood" unite, but it's wrong. American cinema is not only a huge film industry of Hollywood, but also developed a system of independent cinema. Independent cinema is not supported by major film companies. On the one hand, this means smaller budgets, on the other - less pressure on the directors. Major film companies first organized film production as a commercial activity, so the differences between business interests and the interests of producers of the film director for the movie end sometimes sad. The most common requirement: the cutting of certain scenes to film in the cinema did not get too "adult" rating. Sometimes full (director) version released on DVD a separate edition. Independent Film USA heterogeneous: it's a cult "carefree fare" and creative experiments of Andy Warhol, and trash for a narrow range of audience.

The history of Hollywood cinema The emergence

By the beginning of XX century there were dozens of small studios, mostly in New York. Road lease of premises, regular lawsuits, many gloomy and rainy days hindered film production. And the lighting in the pavilions because of poorly developed lighting and low-sensitivity film directly depended on sunlight.

The village of Hollywood, known from the huge ranch that was in its place in the late XIX century, located in the vicinity of deaf Los Angeles, had exceptional climatic and geographic features: more than 300 sunny days a year, near the mountains (including the famous Grand Canyon), vast expanses of prairie and Pacific coast. City near by could supply construction materials and operating resources, and eventually become a center of production and kinoustatkuvannya kinomaterialiv (that happened later).

Sensitively responded to political events company "Vaytohraf." On the coast of Havana in 1898 was an event that served as a pretext for beginning the Spanish-American War. By mysterious circumstances was blown American cruiser "Maine." On the first day of the conflict C. Blekton shot and produced a film called "The Spanish flag was frustrated." Hundreds of copies of the film with great success went for several days. Thus, even at the early stage of development, the U.S. film industry openly showed their attitude to political events.

Land for building got practically nothing, and Hollywood began an unprecedented building boom.

In 1907 Film production began in Los Angeles.

in 1913 in Hollywood

The first film, which began with the history of Hollywood western was Cecil B. de Mill "Indian man".

By 1920, due to rapidly increasing number of large studies and the emergence of movie stars here filming took place about 800 films annually, and the name became a symbol of luxury, sweet life of magic and illusion movies.

For some in '15 modest village into the capital of American film industry, as it was centered about 90% of American film studios.