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Institute of stars

Institute of stars in Hollywood movies began to arise more about the 1920's, formed in 1930 and reached a peak in the 1940s and the 1950s. Stars seemed to spectators gods, future stars specially prepared courses in film studios. A huge public relations industry at large studios specifically worked to create and support the image of stars. Yellow press intently watched every step of the stars, talking about all the events in their life and the eccentric antics of most stars, so check the extent of their popularity. Only in the 1970s with the collapse of the studio system and the emergence of contemporary Hollywood cinema, interest in the stars began to acquire a different hue: stars are close, they no longer seem unattainable. On the other hand, the stars were much more independent and, ultimately, to 1980 m years completely freed from the control of film studios and we started to shape their image and even choose a repertoire of films in which they will play. A 1990 self-rating has reached such proportions that there was no exaggeration to say that in many ways they dictate the style and direction of the film, choosing certain films, the appearance of which instantly brings the film's popularity and high box office receipts. Thus the situation has changed compared to 1940 years we: Studio only offer material for stars, and stars, which reached fees ballooning peaks, choosing one or the other film to shoot, just ask this direction and development of entire genres.

Famous directors

Woody Allen

Robert Altman

David Griffith

Cecil Blount de Mill

Clint Eastwood

Stanley Kubrick

James Cameron

Peter Jackson

Orson Wells

Ford, John

John Houston

George Lucas

Steven Spielberg

Martin Scorsese

Francis Ford Coppola

Brian De Palma

Spike Lee

Billy Wilder

William Weiler

Quentin Tarantino

Famous actors

Fred Astaire

John Barrymore

Warren Beatty

Humphrey Bogart

Clara Bow

Christian Bale

Marlon Brando

Brad Pitt

Kathy Bates

Lauren Bekoll

Anne Bancroft

Kim Besinher

Denzel Washington

By By Gabor

Ava Gardner

Clark Gable

Judy Garland

Irene Dunne

Robert De Niro

Olivia De Hevillend

James Dean

Doris Day

Bette Davis

Kirk Douglas

Clint Eastwood

Joan Crawford

Diane Keaton

Gene Kelly

Sylvester Stallone

Kurt Russell

Grace Kelly

Deborah Kerr

Nicolas Cage

Tony Curtis

Bing Crosby

James Kehni

Veronica Lake

Jack Lemmon

Vivien Leigh

Measuring Loy

Lisa Minnelli

Marilyn Monroe

Paul Newman

Jack Nicholson

Tom Cruise Al Pacino

Gregory Peck

Sidney Poitiers

Ginger Rogers

Julia Roberts

Meryl Streep

Barbra Streisand

Barbara Stanwyck

Shirley Temple

Spencer Tracy

Elizabeth Taylor

Reese Witherspoon

John Wayne

Heath Ledger

Bruce Willis

Henry Fonda

Jane Fonda

Joan Fontaine

Harrison Ford

Gene Hekmen

Tom Hanks

Katherine Hepbern

Audrey Hepbern

Charlton Gaston

Dustin Hoffman

Sharon Stone

Julie Andrews


Johnny Depp

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Kristen Stewart

Robert Pattinson

Taylor Lautner

Angelina Jolie


In the United States there are over 100 film festivals on different themes and specifics:

Film Festival "10 under 10"

Film Festival "Garden State"

International Film Festival in Malibu

Film Festival in Maui

Film Festival "Sundance"

Festival of Documentary Films "Chechnya"

Chicago outdoor film festival