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14. Lobbying. Dealing with Local Governments.

All org-s have a common problem: dealing with the gov, federal bureaucracy.

Let’s look at the GR from the viewpoint of businesses and non-profit org-s. GR people: improve comm-s with government personnel, monitor legislation affecting companies, influence legislation, to advance awareness among lawmakers of the organisation’s activities.

Lobbyist is an individual who is paid by a 3rd party to make more than one lobbying contact. Lobbying contact is anoral or wtitten communication to range of specific individuals in the executive & legislative branches of the federal gov. Lobbyists are profound, informed in their fields. Their function is rooted in the 1st amendment right of all citizens to petition gov.

Influencing legislators – lobbying. Org-s often employ an official represent-ve as a lobbyist (many – lawyers with a strong Washington background). The essence of a L’s job is to inform and persuade. Activities: fact finding, interpret-n of G actions, interpr of company’s actions, advocacy of a position, support of company sales (G as a purchaser).

Grass-roots lobbying. Indirect, mobilize general public to write, telephone or fax members of Congress. Massive GRL coalition can solve huge problems.

Dealing with Local government differs considerably from dealing with the federal gov. Local officials also want to describe their progs in an effective manner. Opinion leaders in comm-s include labor unions, teachers, civil service workers.

In LG offices themselves, the need for pr assistance is equally important.

There are 8 points, which have to be a rule for anyone wishing to get through to legislators. BE independent, informed, bipartisan, published, broad-minded, persistent, practical, honest.

12. Consumers

In the 21 century the consumer is the king. He demands quality service, he won’t tolerate misleading advertising, quality and safety failures or inadequate guarantees. On the other hand, the companies cannot simply sell their products to succeed in the market any more. They must win the consumers’ loyalty.That’s why the importance of consumer relations has increased,pr has become consumer oriented.

Since 1960s the consumer movement has developed greatly. Consumers now have a so called Consumers Bill of rights. It contains 4 basic principles: 1) the right to safety – to be protected against the marketing of goods hazardous to one’s health, 2) the right to be informed (be protected ag misleading info), 3) the right to choose – be assured access to a variety of prods and services at competitive prices, 4) the right to be heard – the consumers interests must be considered when formulating government policies.

Today a massive government bureaucracy attemps to protect consumers against abuses^ justice dep-t, federal trade commission, food and drug adm-n, consumer product safety commission, office of consumer affairs.

There are also private testing orgs, which evaluate prods and inform ab potential dangers (Consumers Union).

Smart companies understand the importance of effective consumer relations. They establish consumer relations divisions.

The investment in cons service pays off. Customer criticism can be mollified with a prompt, personal reply. On the other hand, failing to solve a problem can result in disastrous negative advert-g. Everybody dislike criticism, but the reaction should be based on the main elements: source of cr, reason for cr, validity of cr. This strategy should be tailored to each situation.

Main thing to remember: shouldn’t take a defensive posture and handle complaints only, should be activists and make certain that consumers understand the benefits and realities of using their product.

Enlightened approach to consumer relations: right to quality, to long-term protection, to friendly treatment and honest service, right to address grievances, right to satisfaction.

Consumerist objectives: building sales (a satisf cust may return, an unhappy will not). Typical goals: 1) keeping old customers (most sales are made to est-t cust), 2) attracting new customers, 3) marketing new items or services, 4) quick complaint handling, 5) informing c and thus reducing costs (uninformed’ll cost time and money – prods are returned, instrs misunderstood).

Complaint handling is still 1 of the major functions of CR depart-s. Vast maj of dissatisf cons-rs won’t repurchase. Anticipate problems. Ombuds officers monitor diffic-s cons are having with products. Their function is to inspire c confidence and to influence the organ-n’s behaviour tow-s better service. Courteous, knowledgable, cheerful, positive, frankly concerned with solving a c’s problem. This can keep clients happy and loyal for many years.

Modern consumers are smart! It’s combination of education & street smart – because of necessity to penetrate the clutter of info. So that cons-s have strong sense of value, they know what they want & what is good. In such situation only savvy, enlightened companies which com-t with consumer movement will succeed.

There is a key to successful CR – FlexibleResponsiveImmediateEducationalNeed-drivenDedicated.

In terms of pr, it’ll be pivotal com-s tool in consumer products companies. It’s the best com-n vehicle to give info in a meaningful & understandable way.