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________ проф. Н. В. Пашкевич

«_____» ______________ 2010г.

Тест к экзамену

По учебной дисциплине

«Английский язык»

для студентов II курса ГФ

Вариант 01. 1. 4. 10 г.

Составитель: ст. преп. Шамраева О.И.


2010 г.

  1. Блок чтения

Text 1. Read the text. Choose the best alternatives 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 to answer the questions.

Humans have had a long and very productive relationship with coal. Archeological records indicate that people burned coal over 4,000 years ago in Wales. 2,000 years ago, coal was commonly used in China and parts of the Roman Empire. Coal was also popular for heating in Europe and North America in the 1200s. In the 1700s and 1800s, coal fueled the Industrial Revolution, producing steam for the engines that powered factories, trains and ships.

Proven reserves of coal worldwide exceed one trillion tones (i.e. 1 x 1012 t). This is enough coal to last almost 220 years at current rates of consumption. In comparison, current reserves of oil are projected to run out in just over 40 years and natural gas reserves are projected to last a further 70 years. Exploration activities discover new sources of fossil fuels.

Technology advances in environmental management, mining, and drilling make previously uneconomic reserves economic to access.

Improving emissions reduction, refining, and combustion technology make low grade fuels economic to use. Unlike oil and gas reserves that tend to be concentrated in specific regions, coal is widely distributed. As a matter of fact, in some regions coal is the only realistic fuel or energy option as other fuel sources are unavailable or prohibitively expensive to use.

World coal production in 2008 was approximately 3.1 billion tones. The United States, China, Australia, India, South Africa and Russia are among the world's largest coal producers and consumers. Coal is also one of the largest commodities moved by ships and rail worldwide.

Coal is second only to oil as an energy source in the world. Approximately 70% of the world's coal production is used to generate 40% of the world's electricity, 12% is made into coke used to produce 70% of the world's steel, and the remaining 18% is used for other industrial and domestic purposes.


Варианты ответов


What do archeological records indicate?

1. People burned coal over 2,000 years ago in Wales.

2. People burned coal over 4,000 years ago in Wales.

3. People burned coal over 4,000 years ago in Russia.

4. People didn’t burn coal over 4,000 years ago in Wales.

5. No information provided.


Where was coal commonly used 2,000 years ago?

1. In China and parts of the Roman Empire.

2. Only in Chine.

3. Only in the Roman Empire.

4. In China and Wales.

5. No information provided.


When was coal popular for heating in Europe and North America?

1. In the 1700s

2. In the 1800s

3. In the 1700s and 1800s.

4. In the 1200s.

5. No information provided.


What did fuel the Industrial Revolution in the 1700s and 1800s?

1. Gas fueled the Industrial Revolution.

2. Oil fueled the Industrial Revolution.

3. Coal fueled the Industrial Revolution.

4. Oil and gas fueled the Industrial Revolution.

5. No information provided.


Proven reserves of coal worldwide

exceed …

1. One trillion tones.

2. Two trillion tones.

3. 3.1 billion tones.

4. Approximately 3 billion tones.

5. No information provided.


Current reserves of oil are projected to run out in …

1. Over 40 years.

2. 220 years

3. 70 years.

4. 50 years.

5. No information provided.


What do exploration activities discover?

1. New minefields.

2. New energy sources.

3. Maiden field.

4. New sources of fossil fuels.

5. No information provided.


Why is coal the only realistic fuel in some regions?

1. Concentrates in specific regions.

2. Coal is widely distributed.

3. Prohibitively expensive to use.

4. Unavailable to use.

5. No information provided.


What countries are among the world's largest coal producers and consumers?

1. The United States, China, Australia, India, South Africa and Russia

2. The United States, Australia, India, South Africa and Russia

3. China, Australia, India, South Africa and Russia

4. South Africa and Russia

5. No information provided.


Approximately 70% of the world's coal production is used …

1. To generate 40% of the world's electricity.

2. To produce 70% of the world's steel.

3. For other industrial purposes.

4. For domestic purposes.

5. No information provided.

Text 2. Put the parts of the text in the correct order.


In the past, coal kept our ancestors warm and helped fuel our industrial development. Today, it generates much of our electricity, helps produce most of the world's steel and is used in other industrial processes.







Coal is a valuable and plentiful natural resource found in around the world. Far more abundant than crude oil or natural gas, coal has been used by humans for over 4,000 years.







Coal started out in the form of tropical and subtropical plants, alive at the same time as the dinosaurs. When these plants died and decayed in swamps, they became layers of peat. Inland seas, formed during the melting of the Ice Age, covered the peat with sediment. As this layer of sediment built up, it put pressure upon the peat. This pressure, in combination with high temperatures, transformed the peat into coal.







Most of the steel for today's cars, bicycles, ships and buildings is produced using coal created from long dead plants. If you live where electricity is generated from coal, your computer could be powered by coal that was formed from decomposed grass once nibbled on by a Stegosaurus!







Scientists estimate that it took about eight meters of compacted vegetation to produce one meter of coal. To put that in perspective, if you filled a room in your home to the ceiling with vegetation, compacted it, added heat and waited and waited and waited you would get about 30 centimeters of coal.






Text 3.

Read the following text. Decide which answer 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 best fits each space:

Last week I… 16… walking the street when I met Peter, an old friend of …17 … He looked miserable … 18 … asked … 19… the matter …20 … and he told ... 21 he was having problems finding somewhere to live. ‘Where … 22... you looked ‘ I asked . ‘Everywhere, he replied. ‘I have been looking … 23… six months. But I saw a place this morning. It was very nice. Not as big …24… yours, but it was too expensive for me.” I told that I … 25 ... like to be able to help him, but my flat is already too small and my wife and I are thinking of moving ‘.


1. am

2. is

3. was

4. were

5. -


1. me

2. my

3. mine

4. his

5. him


1. so

2. as

3. because

4. because of

5. why


1. why

2. what

3. that

4. which

5. -


1. is

2. am

3. are

4. was

5. were


1. my

2. mine

3. me

4. him

5. his


1. had

2. has

3. have

4. did

5. were


1. at

2. up

3. after

4. In

5. for


1. as

2. like

3. unlike

4. -



1. had

2. have

3. is

4. would

5. -

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