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Prices and price policy - the main components of the marketing activity, the role of which is growing stronger. The prices are in close dependence on other variables and marketing activities of the company. The price depends largely on the achieved business results, and correct or wrong pricing policy has a long-term (positive or negative) impact on the firm's entire business. The essence of purposeful marketing policy in marketing is to install the products of a company such prices, and so vary them according to the situation on the market, to take possession of his particular interests, to maintain or even exceed the planned volume of profit, as well as with other strategic and operational objectives. In determining the total price policy of individual decisions (the relationship of the prices of the goods in the assortment, the use of special discounts and price changes, the ratio of their prices and prices of competitors, the methods of formation of prices for new goods) are linked in an integrated system. Thus the price in the modern economy is not only an indicator of the ratio of demand and supply, which should be oriented company, but first of all - the most important element of marketing of the company. The aim of the course work is the analysis of the prices of the goods offered by the company «Clock» on the market of Syzran and compare them to the prices of the main competitors. The subject of the research - price policy. The objects of research - shops « Time» (main subject), «Positronika», «Computer world», «sunrise».

2. The theoretical part of the

The pricing policy in the market.

(Pricing policy in marketing) an important component of the marketing policy. This combination of economic and organizational measures aimed at the achievement with the help of the high prices of the results of economic activities of the company, ensuring the sustainable marketing, obtaining high profit. Do not confuse the notions of «pricing» and «pricing strategy». Under the pricing policy refers to the General principles, which adheres to a firm in setting the prices. Pricing strategy is a set of methods by which these principles can be implemented. The pricing policy in marketing (the Ц.п. in m.) assumes a coherent account of the need to recover costs plus a reasonable profit, orientation on the state of demand and competition; combination of standard and changing, uniform and flexible prices for the goods. Development of Ц.п. in M. preceded by a comprehensive study of the market and its possibilities, definition of perspective set of goods (services), which clarifies the firm. Then considering the economic conditions of entering the market, on the basis of production costs and estimated profit is determined by the price of the manufacturer. The next stage of Ц.п. in m. - formation of the price of entering the market, caused by the situation on this target market (s) to the moment of sale of the goods. On the prices set by the influence of both internal factors of the company (marketing purpose, objectives and strategy of realization of separate elements of marketing complex, etc.) and external factors (type of the market; assessment of the relationship between price and value of the product by the consumer; competition; economic situation; a possible reaction of the mediators, the state regulation of prices, etc.). There are three methods of pricing: based on costs (costbased method, based on the opinion of the customer (buyer-based method) and based on the prices of the competition (competition-based method). The simplest method is based on costs, when the price is set by a simple add to the cost of production of certain margins (costplus pricing). The key point of putting a price on the basis of study of the views of buyers is the perception of the value of the product (perceived-value pricing), a is not the cost. Ultimately, the price is correct or not, the consumer decides. Pricing starts with the identification of needs and evaluations of the correlation between price and value of the product. Guided by the so-called reference prices (reference prices), the buyer by means of comparison of consumer properties and prices of various similar goods determines their choice. In the basis of application of this method have the experience, intuition, a good knowledge of the psychology of buyers, the results of testing the market. Pricing on the basis of price competition (competitive pricing) has two main varieties: the establishment of the current prices of the products of the company with account of the existing prices of competitors (going-rate prices) and setting the prices favourable to firm contracts and contracts in the competition for them, based on their own ideas about the possible prices of competitors (sealed-bid pricing). Distinguish between the prices of a single product and the set of products. In the latter case, the firm seeks to establish prices, which increase the total profits, using the following pricing strategy: (a) the setting of prices for different products of the same product line to take into account differences in their cost estimates of their properties buyers and price competition; b) the simultaneous determination of prices as the main product, and so on complementary or ancillary products (optimal product pricing), such as cheap car completed with the additional price of certain items; C) the introduction of low prices for the main product and inflated prices to the mandatory byproduct - "завлекающее pricing" (captive product pricing); d) the establishment of extremely low, not-for-profit prices low by-products (byproduct pricing), which gives the possibility to reduce the price and PA main product; d) the package pricing (productbundle pricing), when the seller brings together some of the products, offered them to the total reduced price. There is a price for the different stages of product life cycle. So, a special approach requires the determination of the price of the new product. If a new product is genuine novelty, protected by the patent, then the firm can choose between the price on the basis of "skim the cream off the market (market-skimming pricing) and the price to penetrate the market (market-penetration pricing). Under the first approach, the new product is installed a high price, yielding high profits from consumers ready to pay the price; the company is engaged not very extensive, but profitable sale. This approach can be used in the following cases: (a) the high quality of the product and its image; b) small scale of production of the product does not cause the high production costs; b) there is no possibility of an exit of competitors into the market, selling this product at lower prices. In the second approach of the new product is installed low price, necessary to attract many buyers and gain a significant market share. Such an approach is possible in the following cases: (a) the market высокочувствителен to the price, and the low price of facilitating its expansion; b) with the increase of sales production costs and the costs of the distribution system are reduced; low price unattractive for competitors. If a new product is not new, and simulates the actual price is determined taking into account the quality and price of the product market leader. Here you can select different pricing policies. The main target installation Ц.п. in m. - maximization of the profit, securing at the market, stable increase in sales and profits of mass, the improvement of the conditions of competition. Specific instruments of such a policy are the necessary flexibility of prices, careful use of price markups and discounts.