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Билет № 10

1. Заполните регистрационный формуляр в гостинице. Прочитайте его



Registration Card

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Date of birth ………………………………………………………………………



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Company account

Credit Card


Home address …………………………………………………………………………


Passport number ……………………………………………………………………..

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Signature ……………………………………………………………………………..

Special requirements ………………………………………………………………….

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Date of arrival

Date of departure

(Checkout time 12 noon)

2. Изложите материал об экспозиции и деятельности Дома-музея Первого съезда

РСДРП в Минске

3. Приведите примеры стран-лидеров (по 5 примеров) по:

  1. международным туристским прибытиям;

  2. расходам на международный туризм;

  3. доходам от международного туризма

Билет № 9

1. Перечислите основные достопримечательности г. Полоцка и расскажите об одной

из них

2. Составьте карту памятников Великой Отечественной войны 1941 – 1945 гг. на

территории области ( или района , города), где вы проживаете

3. Дайте определения:





Билет № 8

1. Соотнесите всемирно известные памятники с местами их расположения и

расскажите, какой из этих памятников Вы бы хотели посетить и почему




Description of well-known world memorials


A. The Colosseum is the premier landmark of ancient Rome. This

huge amphitheatre was the site of mock naval battles, combat

between gladiators, battles between men and wild animals, and other

public entertainment. The four-storey building seated about 50,000

spectators. It was in use primarily from AD, 80 until the early 400’s.

However, some events continued there until the 500’s.

The Colosseum was a huge amphitheatre.

2. USA

B. Eight miles north of Salisbury there’s a large circle of stones,

which is called the Stonehenge. It’s one of the oldest and most

mysterious monuments in the world. Nobody knows why it was built

and what it was used for. There are many theories about the purpose

of the stones. Was it an ancient cemetery (кладбище)? There are

many graves around the monument. Was it a kind of observatory,

where astronomers studied the stars and planets? We shall never

know the real answer. Work started on the Stonehenge around 1800

BC, but the monument, whose ruins you can see today, was built four

hundred years later, around 1400 BC. The ruins stand in the centre of

a huge circle, 98 meters in diameter. The ruins consist of two circles

and two stone horseshoes (подковы). The stones have been

arranged in a particular way to mark sunrise and sunset at certain

times during the year.

One interesting theory suggests that the stones were some kind of

computer which was used to predict eclipses (затмения (солнца) of the sun and the moon.


C. The best-known achievements of the ancient Egyptians, however,

are pyramids, they were built as tombs for their rulers. The most

famous pyramids stay in Giza. These gigantic stone structures –

marvels of architectural and engineering skills – have been

preserved by the dry climate for about 4,500 years. They serve as

spectacular reminders of the glory of ancient Egypt.

The Egyptian pyramids are among the Seven Wonders of the

Ancient World. The ruins of 35 major pyramids still stand near the

Nile River in Egypt. Each was built to house the body of an

Egyptian king.


D. One of the most famous symbols of one country is the Statue of

Liberty. France gave the statue to this country in 1884 as a symbol of

friendship and freedom. It is a New York Harbour and it was the first

sight many immigrants saw when they arrive in the country by sea.

2. Проведите заочную экскурсию по Мемориальному комплексу «Хатынь».

3. Составьте схему, отражающую процесс формирования тура

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