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Stories by S. Maugham.doc
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I. Note the pronunciation of the. Following words:

Somerset Maugham ('s/\mƏsit 'mo:m)

San Francisco ( ,sǽn fran' siskou)

Yokohama (,joukƏ'ha:mƏ)

Monsieur (mƏ'sj3:)

exuberant (ig'zju:bƏrƏnt)

prohibition (proui'bi∫n)

Alexandria ( ,ǽlig'za :ndriƏ )

exasperating (ig'za:spƏreitiή)

quoit (koit)

argumentative (,a:gju'mentƏtiv)

overweening ( , ouvƏ'wi :ni:ή)

interminable (in't3:minƏbl)

demeanour (di'mi:nƏ)

Japanese ( ,dзǽpƏ'ni :z)

Levantine ( 'levƏ ntain)

vehement ( ' vi:imƏnt)

loquacious (lou 'kwei∫Əs)

loquacity (lou'kwisiti)

chaff (t∫a:f)

II. Copy and learn the following words and word combinations:

accommodation, n intolerable, a

rigid, a jovial, a

dismay, n, v vanity, n

scrub, n, v resume, v

sturdy, a inevitable, a

patience, n diminish, v

subject, n vehement, a

prohibition, n sting, v, n

flash, v, n desperate, a

total, a chaff, n, v

exasperating, a retire, v

snub, v, n entirely, adv

to put up with - терпеть, мириться с чем-либо

to choose to do smth ― захотеть, пожелать сделать что-либо

my heart sank - у меня сердце замерло

to be all for - быть всецело за

to all appearance ― по всей видимости

to set one at one's ease ― успокоить, приободрить

to dawn upon (on) - прийти в голову

to (in) one's face - /сказать/ прямо в лицо, в глаза

to get up a game (performance)- устроить, организовать игру

to have someone at one's mercy - держать к-л в своей власти

to be at one's mercy - быть в ч-л власти

to drop a subject - прекратить разговор на данную тему, переменить тему разговора

to bring someone round to one's way of thinking - убедить кого-либо делать всё по-своему

to have it (things, something) one's own way - добиваться своего

except for - если не считать

to look into a matter - заняться вопросом

to go on an errand - отправиться по поручению .

to take one's word for it - поверить на слово

to bet someone smth - держать пари с к-л на ч-л

III, Paraphrase the following sentences. Reproduce the situation in which they occur in the text.

1) The war had just finished and the passenger traffic in the oceangoing liners was heavy.

2) I felt pretty sure that a closer inspection of that British passport would have betrayed the fact that Mr Kelada was born under a bluer sky than is generally seen in England.

3) In your own house you might have kicked him downstairs and slammed the door in his face without the suspicion dawning on him that he was not a welcome visitor.

4) He was a good mixer.

  1. He would not drop a subject, however unimportant, till he had brought you round to his way of thinking.

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