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Англійська мова Presentations 3 курс .doc
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II Describing changes

Look at the graph.

1. Write down sentences using these descriptions.

  1. a dramatic increase

  2. a steady rise

  3. a peak

  4. a trough

  5. a sharp drop

  6. a slight decline

2. Mark the places where sales

a remained stable

b fluctuated

c decreased substantially

d levelled off

e fell by 1,000 units

f fell to 1,000 units.

3. Work with a partner. Take it in turns to describe the graph. E.g. There was a steady rise in sales in January and the first half of February, then they fell to 1,000 units in mid March.

Think of different ways to describe the changes. E.g. Sales rose for the first six weeks of the year, then decreased substantially, and there was a trough in mid March.

4. These adjectives can all be used to describe changes.

slight steady sharp dramatic

substantial rapid gradual negligible

Some describe the size of an increase or decrease, some describe the rate or speed and some describe both.

A slight increase is a very small increase.

A steady increase is a regular increase. It isn't sudden.

A sharp increase is a large and sudden increase.

Look at the other adjectives and say what sort of changes they describe.

5. An adjective describes a noun and an adverb describes a verb.

There was a sharp increase in profits. Profits increased sharply.

adjective noun verb adverb

Make adverbs from the list of adjectives in 3. Add -ly and make any other necessary changes in spelling. For example, sharply, steadily.

6. Try using some of the adjectives and adverbs to describe changing trends in your country. Work with a partner. Write sentences describing increases and decreases in these things.

  1. The rate of inflation

  2. Interest rates

  3. The number of people unemployed

  4. Property prices

  5. Rates of direct and indirect taxation

The rate of inflation rose steadily for the first few months of the year but there's been a slight fall recently. I think it will remain steady for the next few months.

III Causes and results

1. These trends are visible in many countries in the world today. Are they happening in your country? If so, why do you think they are happening? What do you think caused them?

  • People are living longer than they used to.

  • Jobless totals are increasing.

  • The cost of imports is rising.

  • Public concern about road accidents is growing.

  • Governments are reducing expenditure on defence.

  • People are becoming more aware of green issues.

  • More students are taking higher education courses.

Where do you think these trends will lead? What will be the results?

2. Now match each trend to one of the causes and one of the results in these lists.


  1. The shortage of jobs available for young people

  2. Improved health care and medical advances

  3. Rises in accident statistics

  4. Political changes in the former Soviet Union

  5. Currency devaluations

  6. The publicity given to the effects of pollution

  7. The economic recession


a Stricter laws on drink-driving

b An increase in demand for environmentally-friendly goods

c Inflation

d A better qualified workforce

e Increasing numbers of pensioners

f Substantial increases in the costs of unemployment benefits

g A decline in the aerospace industry

Make sentences about each trend, describing how it came about and saying what the results will be. The phrases in the boxes will help you.

People are living longer now than they used to. This is largely due to improved health care and medical advances. As a result, we will have increasing numbers of pensioners in the population.

Explaining causes

This is a result of.. (e.g. This is a result of bad management.)

This is because of... (e.g. This is because of bad management.)

This is largely due to ... (e.g. This is largely due to bad management.)

... contributed to this. (e.g. Bad management contributed to this. )

Describing results

As a result, we will have ... (e.g. As a result, we will have a drop in sales.)

It could lead to ... (e.g. It could lead to a drop in sales.)

It may result in ... (e.g. It may result in a drop in sales.)

... will be a direct result. (e.g. A drop in sales will be a direct result.)

3. Draw a graph or table that shows a trend or changes in your industry. (Or bring one that you have at work into class.) For example, it could show

  • increases/decreases in sales

  • changes in staffing levels

  • changing patterns of demand

  • rising or falling costs or prices

  • changing volumes of output.

Tell a colleague what it represents. Explain the changes, saying what the causes are and what the results will be.