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Control [joints to Charter 6

  1. Factors that influence on organ or tissue response to radiation.

  2. Radiosensitivity of a cell.

  3. Differentiation.

  4. Categories of cell populations.

  5. 'Perms “VIM”, “DIM”, Multipotential Connective Tissue Cells, "RPM”, “FPM”.

  6. Tissue organization (compartments).

  7. Normal tissue damage.

  8. Categories of arrays of damaged tissue; criteria necessary to value tissue effect.

  9. Clonogenic assays. In Situ Assays.

  10. Transplantation Assays. Functional Assays.

1 1) Lethality.

12) Shapes of survival curves.

Science vocabulary

  1. assay аналіз, аналізувати

  2. rodent гризун

  3. testicle яєчко

  4. testis (pi. testes) яєчко

  5. mature cell зріла клітина

  6. repair відновлення

  7. blood vessel кровоносна судина

  8. endothelial cell ендотеліальна клітина

  9. mitotic мітотичний

  10. spinal cord спинний мозок

1 1. hepatic cell гепатоцит, клітина печінки

  1. occlusion оклюзія; закупорка; непрохідність

  2. ischemia ішемія

  3. clonogenic cell клоногенна клітина

  4. in situ в природному середовищі

  5. mammary gland молочна залоза

  6. tubule трубочка, каналець

  7. slough лущитися, сходити

  8. villus (villi) ворсинка

  9. culture dish чашка для культивування

  10. syngeneic ізогенний

  11. spleen селезінка

  12. bladder сечовий міхур, порожнина

  13. desquamation десквамація

  14. lethality смертність, летальність

  15. abdomen живіт, черевна порожнина

1. I. Differentiation

One term that may need clarification is differentiation. A differentiated cell is one that is specialized functionally and/or morphol­ogically (structurally); it can be considered a mature cell, or end cell, in a population. An undifferentiated cell has few specialized morphologic or functional characteristics; it is an immature cell whose primary function is to divide, thus providing cells to maintain its own population and to replace mature cells lost from the end cell population. Undifferentiated cells can be considered precursor, or stem, cells in a population.

An example of a tissue that contains a series of cells in various stages of differentiation is the testis. The spermatozoon is the mature, nondividing cell that is morphologically and functionally specialized. I lowevcr, since mature sperm are periodically lost, more cclls must replace them. These cells, also present in the testis, are immature type A spermatogonia; their principal function is to divide and supply the cells that will maturate into spermatozoa. The spermatozoan is a differentiated cell; it is the end cell in the population. The spermatogonium is an undifferentiated cell — the stem cell for the mature spermatozoan. The

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