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The Gerund (Герундий)

Indefinite Active (простая форма)



Не gave up smoking.

Her acting was wonderful.

Он бросил курить.

Ее игра была замечательной.

Notes: 1. Герундий – неличная форма глагола, которая объединяет в себе свойства существительного и глагола. В этом отношении герундий сходен с инфинитивом, но, в отличие от него, передает значение процесса действия. 2. Герундий образуется так же, как отглагольное существительное и причастие I (Participle I). 3. Учитывая, что в английском языке существуют три части речи, имеющие окончание -ing, следует знать их отличия для правильного перевода в предложении.

Specific Features of the Gerund and the Verbal Noun


Отглагольное существительное

1. Не имеет формы множественного числа.

1. Может быть использовано во множественном числе.

2. Имеет разные временные и залоговые формы.

2. Не имеет временных и залоговых форм.

3. Перед герундием не может стоять артикль.

3. Перед отглагольным существительным может стоять артикль (неопределенный и определенный).

4. Определяется наречием.

4. Определяется прилагательным.

5. Герундий переходного глагола принимает прямое дополнение.

5. Отглагольное существительное, образованное от переходного глагола, принимает дополнение (обычно с предлогом of).

The Functions of the Gerund and Ways of its Translation



Способы перевода


Increasing price is not the best thing under such circumstances.


Увеличение цены – не caмое лучшее при таких обстоятельствах.

It's no use arguing.

Неопределенная форма глагола

Бесполезно спорить.

Часть сказуемого

All she thought of was reading books.

Существительное, неопр.ф.гл.

Она думала только о чтении книг.

She can't help loving him.

Она не может не любить его.


They paid a special attention to forming the scientific society at the institute.


Они уделили особое внимание созданию научного общества в институте.

She enjoyed investigating the most difficult cases.

Неопределенная форма глагола

Ей доставляло удовольствие расследовать самые трудные дела.

You will discuss this problem after my leaving.

Глагол в личной форме в составе придаточного предложения или существительное

Вы обсудите эту проблему после того, как я уйду (после моего ухода).


I don't like his methods of doing work.

Существительное в Р.п.

Мне не нравятся его методы выполнения работы.

There was no way of settling this problem.

Неопределенная форма глагола

Не было возможности урегулировать эту проблему.


They expanded the curriculum by involving some new subjects.

Глагол в личной форме в составе придаточного предложения

Они расширили учебный план тем, что включили несколько новых предметов.

After discussing subjects of common interest they examined some special matters.


Обсудив вопросы, представляющие общий интерес, они исследовали некоторые специальные вопросы.

For training good specialists the Inns of Court put legal education on a proper footing.

Неопределенная форма глагола

Для того, чтобы готовить хороших специалистов, школы подготовки барристеров поставили правовое обучение на должный уровень.

Subordinate Clauses

Тип придаточного предложения




Who can do it is not known.

Кто это может сделать, неизвестно.

It wasn't unusual that the teacher was appointed from among practicing members of the profession.

Назначение преподавателя из числа практиков было обычным явлением.


This is what we were speaking about. Our opinion is that facts are facts.

Это то, о чем мы говорили. Наше мнение таково: факты есть факты.

Emphatic Construction

It is (was) ... that (who) ...

It was the Inns of Court that developed an elaborate system of professional training. It was he who did it.

Именно судебные инны тщательно разработали систему профессиональной подготовки. Именно он сделал это.

Note: Формально усилительную конструкцию можно отнести к придаточным подлежащим, хотя по значению она равна простому предложению.


1. Translate the sentences into Russian:

a) 1. He told me of his writing a report. 2. She is fond of reading detective stories. 3. Reading is very useful. 4. They spoke of organizing a new students' club. 5. It's no good arguing with her. 6. She continued reading. 7. They thanked her for coming.

b) 1. These meetings are held annually. 2. The writing of the letter took him about half an hour. 3. Quick thinking is very important.

c) 1. The problem to be settled now is whether they can meet annually or not. 2. It was a curious thing who his teacher was. 3. The question was where the bargain had been signed. 4. That the problem is difficult is clear. 5. The problem is how he does it. 6. What I want to do is to speak to him today.

d) 1. It was Doctor Smith who told us about the history of British Universities. 2. It was my friend who spoke first 3. It was there that they had their meeting yesterday. 4. It was her brother who made such an interesting report on legal profession.

2. Read the sentences and point out the Gerund:

1. They were discussing subjects of common interest 2. After adopting this law some remarkable changes in economy took place. 3. A good beginning is half the battle. 4. Our likings are regulated by our circumstances. 5. They settled the problem by signing the document. 6. In 1992 there was taken a decision for reorganizing colleges into universities.

3. Define the functions of the Gerund:

1. Undergraduate programs in Scotland afford students more flexibility in choosing courses. 2. English lawyers made a great effort of creating the organized system of teaching. 3. The universities provided a definite teaching in English law by including mandatory work experience. 4. Creating new higher educational establishments was the main aim of many governments in the XX century. 5. They were surprised at his speaking English so well. 6. The new American textbooks on law began reshaping the traditional materials of the 17th-century English law. 7. Upon entering the room she told me that I was wanted on the telephone. 8. Getting several points of view is very important. 9. Socioeconomic changes couldn't help influencing the methods and content of university teaching. 6. She began laughing at him. 10. Higher education is the process of acquiring and maintaining professional skills.

4. State the types of subordinate clauses:

1. How it has been done is not very important. 2. This season is what I love best of all. 3. The question is whether he is right or wrong. 4. This is why he is absent. 5. That he will do it is certain.

5. Point out emphatic constructions and translate them into Russian:

1. It was dark when he came home. 2. It is professor N. who always explains the most difficult items in detail. 3. It was Blackstone who began teaching law in Oxford. 4. It was a fine day. 5. It is necessary to speak to him. 6. It is important to know foreign languages. 7. It was in the XII century that Oxford and Cambridge were founded.

6. Translate the sentences:

1. Именно профессора университета читали лекции на факультете английского права. 2. Он не любил говорить об этом. 3. Нет необходимости говорить с ним на эту тему. 4. Они уделили особое внимание созданию этого комитета. 5. Ей доставляло удовольствие читать лекции по американской культуре этим студентам. 6. Ответив на вопросы экзаменатора, он занял свое место. 7. Вопрос состоял в том, как разрешить эту проблему. 8. Именно профессор Н. применяет этот метод в исследовательской работе. 9. Когда они подписали этот документ, неизвестно. 10. Проблема состоит в том, где получить необходимые факты.



Производящая основа

Производная основа

Словообразовательное значение





  1. 1. Страна, на которую распространяется власть лица, указанного мотивирующей основой

king –


  1. 2. Состояние, сан, звание лица, указанного мотивирующей основой

sheriff –


  1. 3. Общность определенного класса или группы людей

professor –





Опредмеченное действие, результат действия

to mix –





Присущий, относящийся к тому, на что указывает мотивирующая основа

Finn – Finnish

en- /




Действие, относящееся к тому, что указано мотивирующей основой

act – to enact

power –

to empower



Действие, характеризуемое тем, что указано в мотивирующей основе

large –

to enlarge




Заместитель того, что указано мотивирующей основой

president –



1. Analyse the structure of the following words and translate them into Russian:

Danish, Polish, Finnish, Spanish, Swedish, Irish, English, Scottish; kingdom, tzardom, officialdom, princedom, artistdom, teacherdom; mixture, fixture; to enact, to enclose, to ensure, to enlarge; vice-chairman, vice-president.


A – 1

1. Read the following words. Mind their pronunciation:

pattern [ptn], qualification [kwlfken], impartial [mpa:l], unbiased [nbast], representation [rprzenten], pupilage [pju:pld], supervision [supvn], satisfy [stsfa].

2. Read and translate the text; explain your variants of translation of word-combinations in black type:

Grey’s Inn


The structure of the legal system in Great Britain is not uniform. England and Wales follow a little bit different pattern than Scotland.

The legal profession in England and Wales is made up of barristers and solicitors. Historically there has been a strict division between the two branches of the profession. It was the barrister who had higher qualification and dealt with more serious cases. With few exceptions, access to the courts was in the hands of the barrister. Besides that in the 19th century the barrister was not allowed to deal directly with the client for the sake of impartial assessment and unbiased representation. He could get the case only through the solicitor. The solicitor, in turn, had virtually exclusive access to the lay client. The solicitor selected and instructed the barrister. The instructions provided the barrister with necessary information and documents, and outlined the tasks which the solicitor wished the barrister to perform. Following tradition, the instructions and related papers were tied with a coloured ribbon, referred to as a “brief” which, in turn, was derived to the barrister. After review of the instructions, conferences with the instructing solicitor and his or her client, and any required legal research, the barrister argued the matter at issue in court.

Nowadays the barrister is a lawyer who has been admitted to “plead at the bar.” That means that after graduation from University School of Law he or she attended the Inns of Court School of Law or other Bar Vocational Course for one year and has been called to the bar by the “benchers” of one of the four Inns of Court to pass the “bar final” exams. The call is followed by a one-year pupilage in chambers, where the young unexperienced barristers have a chance to work with experienced ones.

A solicitor is a lawyer who had graduated from the University School of Law, served under the supervision of a practicing solicitor for two years, satisfied all the demands of the Law Society and was admitted to practice by the Master of the Rolls.

Considerable change has been made in recent years with respect to the traditional rights of access. The Court and Legal Services Act abolished the exclusive rights of barrister access to the high courts. On the other hand, in 2004 some changes were introduced to the Bar Council Code of conduct, concerning the barrister’s right, but not requirement to accept instruction directly from the public. Thus, the strict division between the two branches of the legal profession in England and Wales has been wiped off.

3. Give the Russian for:

uniform, pattern, access to the courts, to deal directly with the client, impartial assessment, barrister, solicitor, to outline the tasks, brief, to be derived, to argue the matter at issue in court, a one-year pupilage in chambers, experienced, high courts, to accept instruction directly from the public, to be wiped off.

4. Give the English for:

в руках барристера, ради чего-либо, представлять дело в суде непредвзято, связывать красной лентой, после ознакомления с материалами дела, представлять заявление по существу иска, выпускной экзамен на звание барристера, неопытный, «хозяин свитков», право доступа, отменить исключительное право.

5. Match the words:

young, inexperienced


















