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Our university

Brest State University was founded in 1945. It was called the Teachers’ Training Institute then. In 1995 it became a university. Its full name is Brest State University named after Alexander Pushkin.

The University occupies several academic buildings: an old building at the crossing of Savetskaya and Mickevich Streets, the Sports Complex with gymnasiums, a swimming pool, several lecture halls and tutorial rooms, and a seven-storeyed building in Kasmanautau Boulevard with a canteen, a library, reading halls, laboratories, lecture halls and subject rooms. At the disposal of students there are four hostels, a winter garden, a garden of successive blossoming, and an agricultural and biological station. The University has three museums: of biology, of geology, and of physical culture and sport.

The University educates about … students at the day-time department and about … students acquire higher education at the correspondence department. There are 12 faculties at the University: Language and Literature, Foreign Languages, Psychology and Pedagogics, Social Pedagogics, Geography, Biology, Mathematics, Physics, Physical Education and Sports, History, Law, and Pre-University Preparation. Students are educated in … specialities.

Teaching is maintained at a high level. About 500 professors, associate professors and tutors teach students at the University.

The course of study lasts four-five years. Each year consists of two terms (autumn and spring) with examination periods at the end of each term. The term is divided between theoretical and practical work: students have a few weeks of lectures followed by seminars. When students have seminars they spend a lot of time in the reading room revising the material, fortunately the Internet helps now a lot.

Students do not only study, they are also engaged in various forms of research work. They write course papers and diploma theses, participate in scientific conferences and publish their articles. This work helps them to better understand the subjects they study and the current requirements of the national economy, to see the results of their work put into practice.

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Law in belarus

Each country in the world has its own system of law. There are two main traditions of law in the world. One is based on English Common law. The other tradition is known as Continental, or Roman law.

The origin of the legal system in Belarus dates back to the 14–15th centuries and reflects the influence of Byzantine secular and canon law and of Roman law via the civil-law tradition of Western Europe. At that time a lot of cities were given the right to self-govern, the so-called Magdeburg law which was a part of legislature of Grand Duchy of Litva. But the most important event in the development of feudal law of Grand Duchy of Litva was the adoption of Statutes in 1529, 1566 and 1588 years. The latter was a comprehensive and elaborate state code of laws that stood above the local legal norms. Written in the Belarusian language it was the only full code of laws in Europe since the Roman law and until the Napoleonic Code adopted in 1804. In 1830 the use of the Grand Duchy of Litva Statute was banned on the territory of Belarus as a result of the Russian expansion to the west.

Since 1922 the Belarusian Republic had established a legal system of civil and criminal courts that remained basically unchanged throughout the history of the country. In accordance with the results of the national referendum conducted in November 1996 the National Assembly is the supreme legislative body of Belarus. It is comprised of two chambers – the Council of the Republic and the House of Representatives.

The National Assembly acts independently in the framework of the mandate defined by the Belarusian Constitution. Its main function is legislative activity reflected in adoption of codes and laws, including those regarding main directions of domestic and foreign policy. All the legislative activities in Belarus are based on the principles of provision of citizens' rights, freedoms and responsibilities. The National Assembly approves state budget, adopts changes and amendments to the current legislative acts including provisions of the Constitution. Members of both chambers have the right of legislative initiative which allows them to introduce draft of a law.

Courts perform the judicial power in the republic. The Constitution of Belarus (Articles 151–161) provides the system of election of judges and People’s assessors and the collective order of trying criminal and civil cases in courts. The Constitutional Court fulfills the control over the constitutional compliance of normative acts in the country. The supervision of the exact and uniform execution of laws by all the bodies of state management, local councils and other legal, and also physical persons is carried out by the General Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Belarus. The Supreme Economic court has judicial power and can supervise the activity of different economic structures in the republic while the Supreme Court supervises legislative activity of general courts of the Republic of Belarus. In general the court system is divided into three stages – district (municipal) People’s courts; regional courts and Minsk city court and the highest – the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus. Criminal and civil courts can be distinguished as courts of first and second instances. Courts of first instance pronounce a verdict in criminal cases and pass judgement in civil cases after trial. Courts of second instance are courts of appeal and can control the legality and justification of verdicts or judgement pronounced by courts of first instance.

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