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Практичне заняття № 2 Тема: я – студент факультету біології, географії та екології.

План роботи

1. Робота над текстом. Розповідь про факультет, в якому навчається студент.

I am a student of the faculty of Biology, Geography and Ecology. Our faculty is one of the largest in the University. We study different subjects: Biology, Geography, Ecology, Psychology, Sociology, Physiology, Mathematics and many others. Besides these subjects we study Ukrainian, Philosophy and English. We study English to be able to read scientific books on biology, geography or ecology.

There are many departments in our faculty: of biology, geography, ecology. Besides them there are research laboratories and museums. Every student has an opportunity to work in modern, well-equipped laboratories, where different problems of biology, geography or ecology are under in­vestigation.

Students are acquainted with all branches of biology, geography or ecology. They are lectured in various subjects of this science. During the first two years we attend lectures on mathematics, political subjects and foreign languages. In the third year more narrow specialization begins. We have several specialized courses and additional practical and research work in the subject they have chosen as their future specialty. Besides attending lectures we may join some scientific circle and choose a problem to work on according to our bents. All of us know that biology, geography and ecology are the sciences of glorious past and great future. We do our best to acquire as much knowledge as possible.

Graduates of our institute are assigned to work at laboratories, schools, research institutes. Those who have a bent for research work may apply for a post-graduate course of study.

2. Робота над граматичним матеріалом: Числівники. Кількісні та порядкові числівники.

3. Виконання граматичних вправ.

Ex.1. Read and write the following cardinal numerals.

  1. 3, 10, 15, 20, 34, 87, 2, 18, 58, 67, 94, 17, 11, 31.

  2. 22, 24, 33, 41, 58, 60, 77, 81, 99.

  3. 100, 151, 234, 347, 444, 591, 638, 761, 893, 913.

  4. 1.231, 2.815, 3.211, 5.443, 7.018, 4.405.

  5. 23.001, 37.000, 85.018, 10.531, 34.001.

  6. 134.568, 213.341, 318.012, 405. 000.

Ex.2. Form, read and write ordinal numerals from the following.

  1. 1,3,10,8,12,14,5,9,7,13.

  2. 30,21,84,48,52,63,85,99.

  3. 123,100,244,315,418,610,713.

Ex.3. Read and write the following dates.

8/XII, 13/11, 7/I, 25/IV, 10/III, 1/VII, 3/V, 6/VI, 9/IX.

Ex. 4. The nine interesting facts below (A—I) include fourteen numbers. Write these numbers in figures, and then add them all together. The total will give you the number which is missing from the other interesting fact (J).

A. In the USA, twenty percent of the beer drinkers drink eighty percent of the beer.

B. An ant can move ten times its own weight.

C.A newly-born crocodile is about three times as long as its egg.

D. A flea can jump two hundred times the length of its own body.

E. Four out of five five-year-old children are afraid of dogs.

F. The average fifty-year-old man has seven hours’ sleep each night.

G. It is nine times lighter during a full than during a half moon.

H. The Earth is about twenty-seven miles thicker at the equator than at the poles.

I. If you ask fifty people to name any colour, about thirty of them will say "red".

J. A woodpecker can peck times per minute.

4. Робота над текстом за професійним спрямуванням.

One of an actual problem, facing teachers and parents, bringing up children with sight infringement, is forming skills of self-service and personal hygiene. His position in kindergarten, at school, at home, relationship with blind and able-to-see contemporaries and with adults will depend on that. Mastering the skills of self-service (the ability to dress, look after himself, toilet skill, to take food, bath and wash himself etc) directly influences child’s self-estimation, as an important step on the way to his independence training skills of self-service allows to solve efficiently the problems of expansion of representations and the knowledge of children of surrounding validity, develops his speech, thin motility and visual-motor coordination, and also the ability to fulfil action with a verbal instruction, to observe the certain sequence of actions.

The skills of a self-service allow us to eat, to drink, to dress, to observe personal hygiene ourselves. When you teach a child to be independent, the hardest thing is not to make him do what he can do himself. If a baby tries to eat, a feeding process becomes incredibly slow, all around is spoilt. It is so difficult to allow a child to put on a sock when all the family is hurrying to work, to school, etc. One day all parents come across such difficulties. However it is always necessary to remember about the future - the more children are independent, the more time the parents will have.

Training a child the actions of self-service and household work is the primary target of bringing up. It’s the first and the general step on the way to a high-grade adaptation in the society. Obviously, the better child’s skills are formed, the more adapted for life he grows. However in practice, not all parents realize it. As a result, such children grow up helpless, unprepared socially.

On the other hand, forming self-service skills has a paramount value for the development of informative child’s activity and consequently for his psychological development as a whole.

As a result of fact-finding activity the images of subjects, requirements (food kinds), and means (tools) and ways of their satisfaction (a spoon and the actions are formed this it) are formed.

First of all, a small blind child treats new subjects with distrust and even fear. Interest and desire of acquaintance can be caused only by “useful” irritations (first food, later spoon, clothes etc.).


With the time passing the amount of subjects, which cause oriental reaction on a child extends and he begins to observe and operate with subjects, although it does not serve to satisfy his natural needs.

Only through mastering practical self-service actions game activity can be developed, being the leading child’s action at preschool age. First child gets acquainted with a spoon at feeding, learns how to operate with it, only then can “feed” a doll, and then

In the special technique of training on the first grade level an adult makes actions together with a child: he carries child’s hands in his and makes all the operations needed with his hands.

An adult should gradually give up as much as possible every action and, making actions with child’s hands, to adhere to certain sequence. E.g. training a child to use a cup, and adult shows (by child’s hands), how to take a handle of a cup and to support it with another; how to bring a cup to the mouth and then, having drunk, to put on the table accurately.

Every operation should necessarily be accompanied with an explanation, e.g.:

-Let’s put-on a sweater, we’ll find a collar, here it is. Let’s bring a sweater before us. Now we’ll pass the hands into the sleeves etc.

It’s very important not to miss any attempt of a child to make this or that movement independently. The slightest aspiration for independence should be encouraged.

With the time passing it becomes useless for an adult to make all the operations by child’s hands. An adult together with a child checks, whether an action performed correctly: whether an the jacket is clasped, whether stockings are put on well, whether there is meal left on a plate, whether a spoon was put on its place and whether the mouth is washed well etc. As a result, all the actions are made by the child himself.

During the training of the actions of self-service and household work to visually impaired children it is necessary to use not ally touch, but also residual sight. So in the presence of any residual sights it’s necessary to teach children to distinguish subjects visually, along with displaying and allocating touch and other reference points. Thus, it is impossible to ignore the colour and other visual qualities helping blind having residual sight, to be guided in a situation.

First it is better to give a child a little cup, half-filled with a liquid, as his hands are still weak. He would support a cup and only then he’ll train to hold it himself. Watch that a mug isn’t hot; it may lead to refusal to hold

The training of using spoon usually is interfaced with bigger difficulties, than training to use a cup. First of all it’s needed to acquaint a child with a spoon and a plate. It’s necessary to touch a bottom of an empty plate by child’s hand, then put a meal in the plate (not hot) and to touch it, explaining every action. After that it’s possibly to give a spoon to a child, having told that it is necessary to eat with the help of the spoon, instead of hands, and to show how it’s necessary to eat with a spoon. For this purpose it’s needed to scoop a meal with a spoon and to show a baby (to touch a meal in a spoon by his hand). If to start training in time, by the age of three a child will learn to eat with the spoon and to drink from a mug independently.


The process of dressing should go through the same stages but in a slowed down rate.

It’s very important not to miss the moment of child’s activity. First, a child helps in a way, when he accepts all the necessary skills for performing each action (scratches hands, lifts legs, turns to an adult, etc.). Then, he begins to aspire to do this or that operation independently. An adult should induce the kid, to direct his hands, to carry out this or that operation by his hands. Gradually the child will start to carry out separate operations by himself. An adult should dose the help strictly to a child during dressing: to carry out for a child only those operations, which he can not execute, doing with him operations, which he trains to do and not to do for himself that he can do himself already.

It happens that a child is capricious during clothing: doesn’t wish to dress or, on the contrary, wishes to do everything himself. In each specific case it is necessary to try to understand the reasons.

If it’s difficult for a child to make an action, which he was already able to carry out, the adult reminds him the sequence of operations, directs child’s hands, helps to believe in his forces. By the age of 3 a blind child should learn to a take off a vest, a shirt, panties, stockings, slippers independently and to dress with some help.

During undressing it is necessary to teach a baby not to let the taken off clothes release, but to stretch it to an adult. Before going to bed it’s necessary to show a baby, how to hang up a dress on a chair, how to put slippers near bed’s leg.

He should also learn, where overcoats are, where footwear is. The process of an action with a subject attracts preschool child more than the result. So a child can make an action again and again, without aspiring to finish it. It shouldn’t be interfered, as repetition of separated operations promotes the formation of elementary skills of self-service.

On the third year of blind child’s life, with the development of subject actions, walking and speech, learning some new actions, connected with household work, becomes possible.

Accuracy in education of a blind child has got especially great value. All subjects to use, personal things of a child, toys should lie on proper places. It’s necessary to try baby to remember soon, where each thing lies and always get it back.

Mother can involve a baby in her adult activity. E.g. laying a table. Such activity is very valuable and useful for a child, as it promotes the enrichment of his sensual experience; by taking part in it he learns the surrounding objects and learns how to operate with them. Of course, the result of his activity is insignificant and he even often disturbs mother. However if a child would know that he “helps his mother” – it would discipline him and focus on the result of the work.

A timely formation of skills of self-service and household work at preschool age is important for successful mental development of a child at later age, it will promote the development of multination, which is necessary for living.

Ex.1. Answer the questions:

  • What is the value of hygienic and self- service skills for modern people?

  • What special techniques are used to develop them?

  • When should the parents await for the result?

  • What important stages should the process of mastering the skills go through?

  • Are the hygienic and self- service skills the same valuable for all handicapped children?

Ex.2. Say whether the following statements are true or false:

  1. By the age of 3 a blind child should learn to a take off a vest, a shirt, panties, stockings, slippers independently and to dress with some help.

  2. Only through mastering practical self-service actions game activity can be developed.

  3. Training skills of self-service allows to develop his speech, thin motility and visual-motor coordination.

  4. Mastering the skills of self-service directly influences child’s self-estimation.

  5. Forming self-service skills has a minor value for the development of informative child’s activity.

  6. Not every operation should be accompanied with an explanation.

  7. During dressing it is necessary to teach a baby to let the taken off clothes release.

  8. e) First child gets acquainted with a doll, and then oneself.

Ex.3. Continue the sentences:

a) Training skills of self-service…

b) The skills of a self-service allow us to…

c) Hygienic skills are…

d) Mastering the skills…

e) The necessary steps to go through …

f) Parents should…

Ex.4. Fill in the blanks with the words from the text:

Training …of …allows to solve efficiently the problems of expansion of representations and the knowledge of children of …validity, develops his speech, thin motility and visual-motor coordination, and also the ability to fulfil action with a verbal instruction, to observe the certain sequence of actions.

The skills of …allow us to eat, to drink, to dress, to observe personal …ourselves. When you teach a child to be independent, the hardest thing is not to make him do what he can do himself. If a baby tries to eat, a feeding process becomes incredibly slow, all around is…. It is so difficult to allow a child to put on a sock when all the family is hurrying to work, to school, etc. One day all parents …such difficulties. However it is always necessary to remember about the future – the more children are independent, the more time the parents will have.

Training a child the actions of …and household work is the primary target of …up. It’s the first and the general step on the way to a high-grade …in the society. Obviously, the better child’s skills are formed, the more adapted for life he grows. However in practice, not all parents realize it. As a result, such children grow up helpless, unprepared socially.

Ex.5. Give synonyms from the text:

-to take care of smb.,

- to destroy,

- to clutch, to hold,

- to provide for smth.,

- to put things on the table,

- an overcoat,

- international.

Ex.6. Make up one sentence with each word from ex I (2) and II (1).

Ex.7. Make up five types of questions on the text.

Список літератури:

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    3. Гужва Т. М. Англійська мова: Розмовні теми: Навч. посіб. Для студентів фак. інозем. філології, університетів, ліцеїв, гімназій та коледжів. – Харків: Фоліо, 2005. – 414с.