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II. Referring to the cv/letter of application

I'd like to go into more details about your CV (if I may).

Could you tell us more about...?

I see in your CV/letter that...

Could you tell us a little more?

I gather from your CV that...

What is widely known in Europe as a CV (curriculum vitae) is better known in the USA as a resume.

III. Knowledge of the firm

Could you tell us why you want to come here work for us?

What do you know about our company?

How do you feel you can help our company?

What does our company offer for you?

IV. More testing/difficult questions

What would you do if...?

Let us suppose that you are the ... Manager of our firm. What would you do if...?

Let's pretend you're the Personnel Manager. I'd like you to interview me!

What makes you think you can be of use to us?

What special talents can you offer us?

What made you leave your last company?

Don't you think you are too old/young to work for us?

What, in your opinion, are your strong and weak points?

What sort of work do you see yourself doing for us?

Don't you feel this job is more suited to a woman/a man?

What sort of salary are you thinking of/do you have in mind?

What career do you have in mind?

What career prospects do you have?

Do you intend to make your career with us?

Do you have some questions which you'd like to ask us?

Do you like travelling? Are you prepared to travel?

V. Rounding off the interview

I think we've covered just about everything. Thank you very much.

If you have no other questions, I think we'll close things here.

We'll be getting in touch with you in the next two weeks/shortly.

We'll inform you of our decision by letter/phone in the next ten days.

We'll be contacting you ... as soon as/once a decision has been taken.

10. Translate: Резюме

Це документ, в якому викладаються (to lay out) особисті та професійні відомості про людину. Резюме повинно бути чітким, точним, акуратним. Цей документ надсилається до установи. Після цього претендента (an applicant) запрошують на співбесіду. Резюме містить таку інформацію: домашня адреса, телефон, прізвище, ім'я, по батькові, мета написання, особисті дані, дата народження, сімейний стан, національність (якщо потрібно), відомості про освіту, відомості про професійний досвід, відомості про публікації (якщо потрібно), відомості про володіння іноземними мовами (якщо потрібно), інша інформація.


Це документ, в якому особа повідомляє факти своєї біографії. Кожне повідомлення пишеться з абзацу.

Рекомендаційний лист

Це документ, в якому висловлено особисту думку про особу.

Характеристика (reference)

Це документ, в якому в офіційній формі висловлено думку про особу як члена колективу.

11. Interview another student. Write his (her) answers:

  1. What kind of job are you looking for?

  2. Are you working now?

  3. What do you do?

  4. How long have you been working there?

  5. What jobs have you had? And exactly what did you do?

  6. Tell me about education and any special training you have had.

  7. What other skills do you have?

  8. What hours can you work?

  9. Why do you want to change your job?

  10. Do you have any questions about the job?

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