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Vocabulary Notes:

The Crown Королевская/верховная власть/Корона

The Clergy Духовенство

The Legislation Законодательный орган, законодательная власть

Secretary of state Министр, входящий в кабинет

Junior Minister Младший министр

Civil Service Чиновничий аппарат министров

Home Secretary Министр внутренних дел

Home Office Министерство внутренних дел

Crown Office Уголовное отделение суда королевской скамьи

Minister in charge Министр во главе министерства

Defence regulations Правила обороны

government ministers Министры правительства

warrant of appointment приказ о назначении

R v Smith case дело по обвинению Смита

Lord President Лорд-председатель

Three Estates of the Realm Три сословия королевства

The Legislature Законодательная власть

The Executive Исполнительная власть

The Judiciary Судебная власть

Chancellor of the Exchequer Канцлер казначейства, министр финансов

Councillor Член совета

The Administrative Court Административный суд.

Her Majesty’s Constabulary Полицейские силы Ее Величества, полиция Ее Величества

Chief Justice of the Common Pleas Главный (старший, председательствующий) судья по

гражданским делам

Magna Carta (The Great Charter of 1215) – Магна карта, Великая хартия вольностей

The Petition of Rights Петиция о правах

Reading Comprehension


I. Scanning

1. Find in the text the information about the differences between the unwritten British Constitution and that of the U.S.

2. Find in the text the information which explains why the power will never become dangerously concentrated in the hands of one person.

3. Find out the differences between the legislature, the executive and the judiciary.

4. Find out about the Queen’s position in the Constitution.

5. Find out what documents are considered to be the Constitutional milestones.

II. Skimming

1. Look through the first part of the text and decide which of the statements gives the main idea of the part:

a. The main purpose of the United Kingdom is to have a written Constitution.

b. The present constitutional theory is that power must be divided into some parts to ensure that it never becomes concentrated in one’s hands.

c. Customs and conventions have become the accepted rules of law.

2. Look through the second part and mark the statement which represents the main idea of the part:

a. The executive is the power which can take the initiative for change.

b. The British Law may be complicated but it is so convincing and well established by convention, practice and traditions that it has become an accepted fact, which must be guarded and protected.

c. The Queen is the part of the legislature; she signs her assent to laws.

3. Look through the third part and mark the statement which represents the main idea of it.

a. The Queen is very important, but she is not very powerful.

b. The Queen’s position in the Constitution is largely ceremonial, its great importance is that she is uniquely placed to bind together the most powerful bodies in the Country under a vow of loyalty to her.

c. The position of the Crown helps to divide up the powers and keep them separate.