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VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian.

    1. Anthony Sabato, 53, of 70 Hawthorne St., West Haven, was arrested at his home on a warrant alleging he punched a vendor in the face after throwing hot coffee on him at Redwood Flea Market on South Hartford Turnpike, according to police.

    2. If you are charged with a criminal offence, your first reaction may be to plead guilty and get it over with. If you plead guilty, you will have a criminal record and a penalty (sentence). Both these can seriously affect you.

    3. You will be asked to either “swear an oath” (on a holy book) or “affirm the truth”. The court understands that in our diverse society, many people do not wish to take an oath on the Bible. Instead of taking an oath on the Bible, witnesses can “affirm”. This means that you solemnly promise to tell the truth to the court.

    4. During questioning, if a prospective juror indicates that he or she is not legally qualified to act as a juror in the particular case, the lawyer will then say, “I challenge the juror for cause.” If the judge is satisfied that the reason given for the challenge is sufficient, the juror will be excused. After all the jurors have been questioned and there are no longer any challenges “for cause,” the lawyers on each side may exercise a certain number of “peremptory challenges.”

    5. In both civil and criminal trials the attorney for the Defendant might feel that the evidence presented is of such poor quality that no reasonable tribunal properly directed could find the Defendant guilty. At this point, the Defence will make a No Case Submission.

VIII. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.


1. compelling; 2. findings; 3. given;4. judgment; 5. majority (2); 6. plead for a light

sentence; 7. plead for leniency; 8. plead guilty; 9. plea in mitigation; 10. pre-sentence (2); 11. reaching; 12. televising trials; 13. the burden of proving; 14. unanimous; 15. vital.


    1. The Victorian Supreme Court jury deliberating in the murder trial of gangland widow Judy Moran was today having trouble ____________ a _____________ verdict.

    2. The definition of a ____________ report is contained in s. 158 Criminal Justice Act 2003. (1) In this Part "______________ report" means a report which: (a) with a view to assisting the court in determining the most suitable method of dealing with an offender, is made or submitted by an appropriate officer, and (b) contains information as to such matters, presented in such manner, as may be prescribed by rules made by the Secretary of State.

    3. Where the offence is non-capital, and the evidence is such that a not guilty verdict is highly unlikely, defendants are advised to ___________ and have an attorney make a ____________.

    4. The written ___________ of the trial court, __________ in accordance with article 5 (6) of the Order in Council, was extensive. It contained 90 paragraphs. As will be seen, many of the issues of fact which were considered in it were not in dispute at the trial, and many of the trial court’s ___________ in fact are not affected by the grounds of appeal.

    5. At the trial, as in all criminal trials in Scotland, _____________ the guilt of the accused lay on the Crown, and so remained throughout the trial. In order to secure a conviction against either accused, the Crown had to succeed in proving his guilt beyond reasonable doubt.

    6. Periodically, when a jury cannot agree on a verdict (that is, the jury is ‘hung’) or when jurors subsequently reveal that they did not truly agree with the verdict, public debate arises about whether New South Wales should adopt a _____________ verdict system in criminal trials. Presently, _____________ verdicts are permitted in criminal trials in five Australian jurisdictions - Northern Territory, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia128 - although such verdicts are subject to certain limitations.

    7. We should be cautious about ______________ as they would do little to bolster public faith in the judicial system and provide for open justice.

    8. A divided three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Friday that prosecutors may not present positive urine samples and other ____________ evidence that the government says shows that the slugger knowingly used steroids.

    9. The most recent report on atrocity crimes in South Kordofan was published on Tuesday, August 23 2011, by the Satellite Sentinel Project ("Special report: evidence of burial of human .remains in Kadugli"). It provides ___________ evidence - satellite photography and eyewitness accounts - of three additional mass gravesites in and around Kadugli, capital of South Kordofan, and scene of well-documented attacks on the Nuba ethnic group.

    10. Every defendant has his first chance to ___________ on the occasion of original sentencing; this of course includes those whose pleas succeed in persuading the judge to grant probation. For those who receive active sentences, the second chance is the Rule 35(b) motion. For a probationer, the second chance is the revocation hearing. As the Johnson court acknowledged, that hearing offers a realistic opportunity to _______________.

  1. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions from the box.


for; in; of (2); on (6); out; to; up


1. Nevertheless, certain principles are common to both systems (the adversarial system and the inquisitorial system), including the requirements that trials be public, that determinations be based ____ evidence presented in open court, and that the accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty.

2. Witnesses, and occasionally defendants, must swear _____ oath the answers they give to questions asked in court will be "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth".

3. This Memorandum of Law is submitted _____ behalf _____ the six defendants in the above captioned action _____ support _____ their defense that their refusal move out of the South Outer Roadway of the Queensboro Bridge when ordered to do so by members of the New York City Police Department was justified pursuant to § 35.05(2) of the Penal Law.

4. Sigurdsson and Gudjonsson (2001) conducted two self-report studies of prison inmates in Iceland and found that 12% claimed to have made a false confession ______ police at some time in their lives, a pattern that the authors saw a part of the criminal lifestyle.

5. The English system of law, which relies on the decision of a jury of persons untrained to weigh ______ and sift evidence, has rendered necessary the development of a large body of rules relating to evidence and designed to make the task of the jury easier; they are not, however, highly artificial rules, but are based on strict common sense. They fall into three divisions: relevancy, proof, and cogency.

6. The indictment is read ______ to the accused at the start of the trial. There are a number of differences between trial on indictment and summary trial (i.e. by magistrates).

7. Australia have lodged a plea ______ leniency with Fifa over Tim Cahill's red card against Germany, in a bid to have him back for its third group game, against Serbia.

8. A special challenge posed by the international humanitarian law (IHL) principle of equality of belligerents in the context of non-international armed conflict is the capacity of armed opposition groups to pass sentences ______ individuals for acts related to the hostilities.

9. Serving _______ a jury is one of the most important, and in many cases interesting, ways in which an American gets to serve her or his country.

10. About 4,000 men working and living in South Croydon are being asked to voluntarily give their DNA as part of the hunt for a teenage model's killer. None of those DNA samples or finger prints will be used to check out other unsolved crimes. Obviously if someone does refuse then each case will be reviewed _____ its own merits.

  1. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the active vocabulary.

1. Когда свидетель первоначально опрошен выставившей стороной, у другой стороны есть право провести перекрёстный допрос с целью установить и продемонстрировать положение свидетеля, что касается сторон и предмета судебного процесса, его/её заинтересованности, его/её мотива, его/её предпочтений, его/её предубеждений, его/её средств получения правильных и точных знаний о фактах, о которых он/она свидетельствует, манеры, в которой он/она использует эти средства, и его/её уровень понимания, памяти и описания.

2. В уголовных делах не нужно, чтобы вердикт был единогласным, если присяжных заседателей не меньше, чем 11, и 10 из них согласны с вердиктом, или, если присяжных заседателей 10, и 9 из них согласны с вердиктом. Присяжным в уголовных делах должны дать по крайней мере 2 часа, за которые они постараются вынести единогласный вердикт. Если после этого времени они выносят вердикт большинства, и этот вердикт «виновен», старшина присяжных должен констатировать на открытом судебном заседании число присяжных, которые соответственно согласились с вердиктом, и число присяжных, которые не согласны с вердиктом.

3. Запугивание свидетеля является существенной угрозой для нормы права. Оно также приводит к значительной стратегической сложности и двухсторонней неопределённости: преступник не может знать, сможет ли его угроза эффективно удержать свидетеля от дачи показаний, а свидетель не может знать, будет ли угроза действительно выполнена.

4. Существует определённое отличие между заявлением о своей невиновности и предложением в суде заявления о смягчении наказания. Если вы признаете, что совершили преступление, но пытаетесь объяснить, что на то были личные обстоятельства, рассматриваемые Судом до вынесения наказания, вам будет дана возможность подать заявление о смягчении наказания. Важно понимать, что заявление о смягчении наказания не является и не может стать возражением ответчика по иску.

5. Ведомство окружного прокурора сообщило обвинителю Доминика Стросс-Кана, что в прошлом она слишком много раз лгала. Прокуроры будут пытаться закрыть дело.

Grammar Revision


There are the following modal verbs in the English language: be to, can/could, dare, have to, may/might, must, need, ought to, shall, should, will/would.

A modal is a verb that is used with another verb to express an idea such as possibility that is not expressed by the main verb of a sentence [Cambridge Advanced English dictionary].

Modal verbs have at least 2 peculiarities: 1) they are followed by the infinitive without the particle to (with the exception of ought to, have to, be to); 2) their interrogative and negative forms are built up without the auxiliary verb do (with the exception of have to).