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II. Change the following sentences as in the example. Choose an appropriate infinitive form and translate new sentences into Russian.

It is thought that this new form of order will benefit the community  This new form of order is thought to benefit the community.

1. It is expected that these special programmes will reduce offending 

2. It is required that people who commit sex offences register their names and addresses with their local police

3. It is hoped that new laws relating to sentencing will be less complicated

4. It is believed that the Court of Appeal will reduce the sentence passed by the Crown Court

5. It is shown by expert medical evidence that the offender is suffering a serious mental illness 

6. It is reported that the court has dismissed the appeal 

7. It is said that the probation officer applied to the court to revoke the order 

8. It is considered that her conviction for murder will be overturned 

III. Translate the following sentences into English.

1.Когда в совершении тяжкого преступления обвиняется ребёнок младше 16 лет, судья принимает решение о его содержании под стражей в течение неопределённого времени в специальном учреждении для малолетних правонарушителей.

2.Как долго преступник, приговорённый к пожизненному заключению, будет действительно находиться в заключении, зависит от вида назначенного ему наказания и его срока.

3.Большинство тюрем для женщин относится к тюрьмам открытого типа, которые не обнесены оградой, и имеют условия для социальной реабилитации заключённых.

4.В соответствии с законодательными актами парламента преступник, приговорённый к пожизненному заключению, может быть освобождён условно-досрочно после того, как он отсидел в тюрьме 12 лет.

5.Одна из целей наказания состоит в том, чтобы заставить преступника осознать тот вред, который он нанёс жертве и общёству в целом.

6.Существуют значительные доказательства того, что это преступление было совершено хладнокровно.



I. Answer these questions about the text

  1. What is meant by sentencing powers of the courts?

  2. What is the main difference between mandatory and discretionary sentences?

  3. What crimes used to be punishable with the death penalty and what punishment may be imposed for such crimes today?

  4. What types of sentences are called custodial and what does their form depend on?

  5. In what way do prisons in the UK vary?

  6. How does the term of imprisonment vary with the type and the length of the sentence?

  7. What criteria, under the Criminal Justice Act 2003, must judges apply to specify the minimum term of imprisonment?

  8. What new regime of custodial sentences may be brought into force after the introduction of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 ?

  9. What punishment(s) may the offender, who has been released from prison before completing his sentence, receive if he commits a further offence?

  10. What are the young offender institutions designed for and why are they called “Universities of Crime”?

  11. In what cases will the young offender be ordered to be detained during Her Majesty’s pleasure?

  12. What work do organisations and individuals do in the cause of prison reform?

  13. What is the prison service criticized for?

  14. What sentences are called community sentences or orders?

  15. What requirements does the list of community orders under the Criminal Justice Act 2003 include?

  16. What options are open to the offenders with jobs or those who are single parents?

  17. Which of the community sentences used to be called probation?

  18. What is the role of probation services in enforcing community sentences?

  19. Why is the work done by probation officers difficult and demanding?

  20. What special programmes are designed to rehabilitate the offender and what are they based on?

  21. What punishment may be imposed on the offender who fails to pay a fine within a certain time?

  22. What will the attendance center order require the offender to do?

  23. In what circumstances may the court make a parenting order and what is the child’s parent or guardian required to do?

  24. What is the difference between a conditional discharge and an absolute discharge?

  25. What other orders are available to the courts to meet particular situations?

  26. How long may reparation orders last and what forms may they take?

  27. What orders may the court make in the case of mentally disordered offenders?

  28. What power does Parliament vest in the courts?

  29. What is the role of the Court of Appeal in the criminal justice system?

  30. What is the Sentencing Guidelines Council designed for?

II. Make a list of arguments for and against the following controversial issues raised by the author (you may include both those mentioned in the text and any others you know about) and present it to your classmates for comparison.

    1. A victim of crime must never take the law into his own hands.

    2. Punishment alone has never been a successful deterrent.

    3. The likelihood of detection is the best way to put people off committing crime.

Ш. Use the information in the completed tables (Reading Comprehension, exercises IV and VI) and find out as much as you can about the Criminal Justice Act 2003 in the Internet to prepare a summary of the main types of sentences in the criminal justice system in England.