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Полный сборник с исправлениями.doc
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X. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. В 1853 году ссылка была заменена каторжными работами и это наказание длилось три года или больше.

2. Телесное наказание, наложенное судом включало: побои, порку, клеймение, и публичное унижение у позорного столба.

3. Продолжительность жизни в средневековой Англии составляла в среднем 30 лет, особенно если учесть, что при рождении ребенка было наиболее вероятно потерять и мать и ребенка.

4. Последним человеком высокого происхождения, приговоренным к такой жестокой казни, был Лорд Феррерс. Посмотреть на его казнь собралось столько народу, что телега доставляющая его на эшафот добиралась до него несколько часов.

5. Суд, вершимый над духовенством, редко выносил решения о смертной казни. Любой человек, который мог прочитать 51 Псалом, ассоциировался со святым, так как мало кто в то время вообще умел читать. Этот метод избежания наказания был известен как "неподсудность духовенства светскому суду".

6. Дорожный грабитель Джек Шепард стал в свое время легендой и народным героем за дерзкие побеги из тюрьмы. Ему удалось бежать 4 раза, на пятый он был казнен в присутствии 20,000 зрителей.



I. Say if the following statements are true or false. Explain why.

1. For the most history punishment has been both painful and public in order to act as an entertainment to other.

2. Violent punishments were very common but were not accepted as a normal way of life.

3. Human beings have unfortunately proved to be at their most imaginative and inventive when it has come to inflicting punishment upon their fellow men and women.

4. In ancient Greece the custom of allowing a condemned man to end his own life by poison was extended only to full citizens.

5. At various stages of our history, many people were killed for their disheveled appearance and so become martyrs for their faith.

6. It would seem that in each age, as the treatment of criminals reached a climax of harshness and brutality, society somehow reacted to it and developed a way of reliving the terrible barbarities.

7. In the eighteenth century there was quite literally a prison fleet – of prison ships known as submarines.

8. Long-term imprisonment became a common form of punishment, this was particularly so in the 17th and 18th centuries, with the domestic prison service being unable to cope with all prisoners.

II. Answer these questions about the text.

1. What were the conditions in which people live in medieval England? How did they influence the punishments?

2. How can you characterize the trial of Suffolk witches?

3. What do you know about “Gregorian Tree”?

4. Why was Jack Ketch so famous?

5. What is the essence of the defence of insanity?

6. What was a so-called “judicial murder”?

7. What is the origin of a phrase “hangers-on”?

8. Why did executions in England never lack “theatre”?

9. What is the benefit of clergy, who could use it in medieval England and how?

10. Was it possible to escape death penalty? How?

11. In what prisons were people kept and what were the conditions?

12. How did people try to reform the prisons?

13. What were the crimes for which transportation was imposed?

14. What is penal servitude? What were the stages of it in medieval time?

15. What did the corporal punishment include?