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X. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the active vocabulary.

1. В мировых судах и в судах специальной юрисдикции барристеры, как и солиситоры, могут быть одеты в повседневные рабочие костюмы. Во всех других судах они должны носить парики и мантии.

2. Каждый судебный округ избирает «лидера», главного королевского адвоката, который надзирает за соблюдением профессиональных норм «на выезде».

3. Искусство защиты – это искусство убеждения. Подобно искусству хорошего музыканта, оно включает врождённый талант, большую и серьёзную работу (по обработке и изучению фактов) и тщательное обдумывание манеры их представления.

4. Уголовное преследование за определённые виды преступлений, включая терроризм и коррупцию, не может быть возбуждено без согласия Генерального атторнея и Генерального солиситора.

5. В течение первых шести месяцев стажировки молодому адвокату не разрешается самостоятельно присутствовать в суде. В течение следующих шести месяцев он или она может присутствовать при разбирательстве «подходящих» (имеется в виду «не слишком серьёзных») дел.

Grammar Revision


I. Find the following sentence in the text:

These days fewer and fewer bags are slung over shoulders, barristers preferring the anonymity of their holdalls.

II. Analyse and translate the sentence. What kind of grammatical construction is “barristers preferring the anonymity of their holdalls”?

III. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1.The negotiations being over, the parties signed the contract.

2.The evidence being insufficient, the defendant was acquitted.

3.The judge having passed the sentence, the convict was taken to prison.



I. Say whether each of these statements is true or false. Correct the wrong statements if any.

1. Good advocates must be good talkers.

2. Barristers usually negotiate their fees with their clients themselves.

3. Meetings between clients, solicitors and barristers are known as ‘conferences’.

4. Advocacy is one of the types of work done by solicitors.

5. The Law Officers are now appointed by the Queen.

6. The Attorney-General is the ‘Leader of the Bar’.

7. The Bar Vocational Course is also known as ‘pupilage’.

II. Answer these questions.

1. What is the origin of the name ‘barrister’?

2. What are the main differences between solicitors and barristers?

3. What is the origin of the name ‘Inns of Court’?

4. Who are the benchers?

5. What are the functions of the Inns?

6. What kind of ceremony is ’Call to the Bar’?

7. What is the difference between a junior counsel and a leading counsel?

8. What are legal circuits in Great Britain?

9. What is the Bar Council?

10. Is advocacy an art or a trade? Give your reasons.

11. Why is it necessary for a barrister to be fearless?

12. How is the legal profession related to politics?

13. Who are the main law officers appointed by?

14. What are the responsibilities of the Attorney-General and the Solicitor-General?

15. Describe the Bar Vocational Course.

16. Why is the period of pupilage necessary for a beginning barrister?

17. Do barrister pupils have to pay for their training? Are they paid any scholarship?

18. Who is a tenant in a set of chambers?