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2. Answer the following questions

1. What seasons do they have in Britain (the USA)? 2. What can you say about the weather in Moscow (London, New York)? 3. Is the winter in your city as cold as the winter in New York? 4. Has the climate of our country changed lately? 5. What can you say about weather as a topic of a conversation?

*3. Complete the text about the weather in Britain, using appropriate words

The Weather in Britain

In Britain, the …1… is very …2… ; it …3… a lot, but the sun often …4… too …5… can be …6… cold and damp, with an average …7… of 50C, in the South there is often snow. Summers can be cool or warm, but the temperature …8… not usually go above 30°C. It is …9… cloudy, and there are …10… grey …11… for days or weeks …12… . Days are …13… in summer and …14… in winter. There is sometimes fog, especially in …15… and autumn, …16… it is not so common as foreigners think. Thunderstorms (storms with thunder and …17… ) are quite common in mountainous areas. British …18… never …19… what tomorrow’s weather will be …20…


Study the vocabulary

Weather Bureau – Бюро погоды

Weather forecast – прогноз погоды


5° below (zero) – 5° ниже нуля

average temperature – средняя температура

thunderstorm – гроза

it’s foggy. – сильный туман.

shower – ливень

frost – мороз

drizzle – моросящий дождь

It's frosty – морозит

It's drizzling – моросит

clear – проясняться

It's pouring. –Идет проливной дождь.

It’s raining cats and dogs

degree (°) – градус

15 C° (Centigrade) – 15° по Цельсию

wind – ветер

It's windy. – Ветрено.

80°F (Fahrenheit) C (Centigrade) – 80° по Фаренгейту (27° по Цельсию)

сloud – облако

It's cloudy. – Облачно.

5° above (zero) – 5° выше нуля

fog – туман

the sky is overcast – небо затянуто облаками

slush – слякоть

mild – мягкий

hoar-frost – иней

the wind has dropped – ветер стих

Dialogue 1. Read and dramatize the following dialogue Talking about Weather

Mr. Jones: Good morning, Mrs. Williams. How are you this morning?

Mrs.: Williams: I'm quite all right, thank you, Mr. Jones. And how are you?

Mr. J.: Fine too, thank you. Nice day, isn't it?

Mrs. W.: Absolutely lovely. Much warmer than yesterday, I believe, though a bit misty. Have you read the weath­er forecast for today by the way?

Mr. J.: Yes, I have. It says that the early morning mist is to clear before noon and the rest of the day will be bright and sunny with the temperature between 15° and 17 °C

Mrs. W.: Good, and what is the outlook for tomorrow?

Mr. J.: It says there will be little change, so I believe we may have a few fine days after all.

Mr. W.: Splendid! A fine week-end is just what we all need, don't we?

Mr. J.: Oh, yes, quite true. Good-bye, Mrs. Williams.

Mrs. W.: Good-bye, Mr. Jones.

Dialogue 2.

Read the following dialogue. Render the contents of the dialogue in indirect speech

A. Have you heard the weather forecast, Mary?

B. No, I haven’t. But I can tell you without any forecast that the weather is beastly. A strong wind is blowing, it is cold, the sky is overcast and it looks like rain.

A. Yes, autumn is awful with its slush and drizzle. I think we are not going to see the sun for days and days.

B. They say we’ll have a mild winter.

A. I do hope so. It was terribly cold last winter.

B. But the sunny mornings with the hoar-frost on the trees were very pleasant, weren’t they?

A. Yes, indeed.

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