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Dialogue 3. Read and dramatize the following dialogue

A. Why don’t you go out, Bob? I don’t like the way you sit at home and read all day long.

B. But there’s a hard frost, Mom.

A. You haven’t been out yet, so how do you know?

B. Kate says it’s very cold and windy.

A. Kate doesn’t know. She was out early in the morning, then it was really cold. I’ve just come in, so I know. It’s not so frosty now as it was in the morning, and the wind has dropped. Go for a walk.

B. Oh, Mom, I’ve got such a wonderful book and I am so comfortable here.

A. Look how pale you are. An hour or two in the open air will do you good. Just put aside that book, get into your coat and go out like a good boy.

B. Oh, all right.

Dialogue 4. Complete the open dialogue using the vocabulary of the unit

Mr. B: Good afternoon. How are you today?

Mr. C: ______________

Mr. B: I am more or less all right, thanks. Lovely day, isn't it? Did you hear the weather forecast for today?

Mr. C: _____________

Mr. B: Good. And what about the outlook for tomorrow?

Mr. C: ______________

Mr. B: It doesn't sound promising. We'll have to carry our umbrellas and raincoats.


1. A) Fill the gaps in sentences 1-5 with the correct-form of one of these verbs

blow fall pour shine strike

1.When I looked out of the window this morning snow ____.

2.It ____ with rain all day, so the match was cancelled.

3.Can you hear the wind ____ outside?

4.During the storm last night our school was ____ by lightning.

5.The sun didn't ____ once during our two-week holiday.

b) Fill the gaps in the sentences below with an adjective meaning the opposite of the adjective in italics. The first letter is given

Yesterday was fine, but today it's been w_ _ all day.

1.It was bright in the morning, but it became quite d _ _ _ later on.

2.The day started c_ _ _ _but became cloudy by midday.

3.The atmosphere in the west is quite damp, unlike the east, which has a reputation for staying d_ _.

2. Match these adjectives with suitable weather nouns

gentle heavy high light loud strong thick

Example: a light wind

  1. a wind 4 snow 7 thunder 10 a breeze

  2. rain 5 drizzle 8 clouds

  3. fog 6 a shower 9 a downpour

3. Guess the meanings of the weather idioms in italics in these sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian

1.Ever since Laura's party, I've felt under the weather.

2.Did you see that dog chase those two cats? It went like the wind.

3.I'm going to get up early tomorrow morning come rain or shine.

4. I'm certainly not going to spend all my money in one go. I'm going to save some for a rainy day.

5. I don't know what all the fuss is about, As far as I'm concerned it's a storm in a teacup.

6.Our teacher has tried to explain it to me several times, but I'm still in a complete fog.

7.I've enjoyed living here, but now there's a cloud on the horizon. They're planning to build a new office block right opposite our house.

4. Translate into English

1. – Прекрасный день сегодня, не правда ли?

– Да, чудесная погода. Я как раз собираюсь погулять.

– После всех дождей, которые у нас были, это очень приятная перемена.

2. – Здравствуйте! Какая ужасная погода!

– Да. Проливной дождь.

– Вы знаете прогноз погоды на завтра?

– Да. Прогноз погоды на завтра – тоже дождь, дождь весь день.

– Как жаль.

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